Machiko almost cried out of anger.

"Don't even talk about it." Hua Ye was also in a cold sweat, and said speechlessly, "That's the end of this topic."

"Okay..." Thor was quite easy to talk, and didn't take the dispute just now to heart.

She raised her hand to support her chest, and there was also a faint "puyo puyo" shaking sound from her chest, and then she pouted and said, "If you want me to say, human beings don't need big breasts at all, like Kobayashi. The big one is the most suitable size."

Although I haven't really visually inspected it, Kobayashi's cup is A, so it's obviously a flat chest, okay?

Thor continued:

"When I was watching a movie at home yesterday, I happened to see that the Amazon female warrior has the custom of 'breast cutting'. life?"

Your sister, don't guess if you don't understand! "Homer's Epic" clearly records that when every Amazon female warrior grows up, she will burn or cut off her right breast in order to throw a javelin or draw a bow and shoot an arrow, not because it will block the view!

Hua Ye suddenly felt that if it was Alice's short bean diced, or Igarashi's love to become an Amazon warrior, they obviously didn't need to go through the circumcision process... because they both have the same chest and back, and they can't be cut off if they want to be cut. I can't find a place!

(Alice and Igarashi have similar milk volume, if the standard milk volume unit is 1.0 Alice, then Gabriel is 1.5 Alice, Vinay is 2.5 Alice, Satania is 4.0 Alice, Raphael It’s Alice 5.0...additions and revisions are welcome.)

"By the way!" Thor suddenly clenched his fist with his right hand, smashed it on the palm of his left hand, and suggested with sparkling eyes, "I've been listening to a song called Song of Scallions recently, and it seems to be very popular on the Internet... "

"Since the girl with forgiving hair can become popular by dancing and dancing, then if I write a 'breast shaking song', it will definitely become even more popular?"


Hua Ye wanted to hit someone after hearing this.

It's true that Hatsune-sama's onion throwing song is cute, but the chest throwing song is too bad!

The scene of Thor and Ilkoya shaking their breasts with two scallions in their hands couldn't be restrained in my mind... Heart disease patients must be unbearable, okay?

Seven feet big breasts, breasts are so scary!

(PS: There is still the last day left, this month is about to pass, I finally added [-] handsome and charming book lovers, if you have a blade, please vote for me, no I will not have a baby if I vote, I love you~~(*^▽^*))

Chapter 602

"Swing, chest swing song or something..."

Machiko's pretty face turned red, even redder than the red lanterns on the tree not far away. She didn't know how Thor said such words in a serious tone.

"That kind of thing is too embarrassing!"

"And how could it be possible to shake it up in that kind of place!"

Just thinking of the dragon lady Erkeya just now, Machiko found it speechless, it seems... Maybe he can really shake it off?

Hua Ye felt that this topic could not continue any longer.

He coughed lightly and said:

"Just you? Where's Kobayashi?"

"Oh, I was just talking to you, and I forgot about Xiaolin!" Thor slapped his forehead, "Xiaolin is taking Kangna to eat, let's go there quickly?"

"Okay." Hua Ye replied.

It's fine if you haven't met Thor, but now that you've met him, it's really unreasonable not to go and say hello.

Hua Ye looked at Machiko: "Come with me, or go find Wei Nai and the others?"

Machiko hesitated for a moment, then whispered:

"There are so many people now, I'm afraid I won't be able to find Wei Nai-chan and the others... Or, why don't we go there with classmate Hua Ye?"

Hua Ye nodded: "Then let's go."


Led by Thor, they walked through the noisy crowd, and soon saw Xiaolin sitting at a small paid table drinking a cold drink.

"Oh~~Xiao Ye is here." Xiao Lin waved his hand in greeting.

The red-haired lady with flat glasses was sitting there with a round fan feebly fanning the wind, fine beads of sweat dripping from her forehead.

Today the weather is fine, cloudless and the sun is scorching hot, so even now the temperature in the air is still very high.

Occasionally, there is a cool breeze blowing, but it is not enough, and it does not help.

Cousin Xiaolin is usually the one who likes to be quiet and not to move. During the holidays, she would rather stay at home and do nothing for a day than go out for a walk. Now, after visiting the crowded summer festival for a while, I suddenly feel that Tired, thirsty and hot, and then stuck here and refused to get up.

After talking to Hua Ye for a few words, Kobayashi pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, looked at Machiko behind Hua Ye, and asked with a smile, "This is...?"

"Hi, Cousin!" Machiko let go of Hua Ye's clothes, and saluted somewhat cautiously, "I'm Hua Ye's classmate, please give me your advice!"

Xiao Lin waved his hand and said, "Don't be nervous... Would you like a glass of iced soda?"

"No, no, no!" Machiko shook her head hastily.

"Then let Xiaoye buy water for you later..."

While talking, Xiao Lin gave Hua Ye a playful look of "I'm so good at my cousin".

But after saying a few words, Kobayashi found that Machiko was a little restrained and nervous, and she felt the same way. After all, she was also a slightly introverted person, so she didn't say any more jokes, letting Machiko quietly breathe a sigh of relief. , I was a little tangled in my heart.

(Student Hua Ye only met his parents just now, and now I am here to see his cousin again, does this count as...meeting the parents?)

Beside Xiao Lin, Kang Na was holding an apple candy in her hand, and was eating in small bites. Her small body was sitting on a chair, her two short legs couldn't reach the ground, and she was swinging gently, apparently in a good mood.

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