But you can also be regarded as Wei Nai's best friend, right?

According to what you say, even you will be stewed?

Do you think you are stewing Kunpeng?

Hua Ye said with a dark face, "Do you want to go find Wei Nai together?"

"Hey, is this an invitation?" Xiao Qian showed a shyness on his face.

Hua Ye said expressionlessly: "You think too much."

"Tch." The shyness on Xiaoqian's face disappeared immediately, she waved her hand, "It's not like my sister and I don't have friends, why do we want to go to the summer festival with you? Let's go!"

Anyway, you have successfully caught the rape again, so when will you not leave!


Before Hua Ye and Machiko could find Wei Nai and the others, there was another cry of surprise.

"Brave, brave! Have you come to save me?"

Following the prestige, under the colored lights not far away, Liuhua was waving happily.

The hairy body on the top of the middle school girl's head swayed from side to side in the evening wind, her right eye was still wearing a blindfold, which made her small face even smaller. She was wearing a blue bathrobe with patterns, panting ran over.

"Hey, Liuhua?" Machiko asked curiously, "Isn't Liuhua with everyone?"


Liuhua ran to Huaye's side, put one hand on her knee, took a few breaths, and then said, "Because today is a night full of magic power, if the holy conditioner is left alone, she might be like this one." It exploded with a bang like a water polo!"

Machiko lowered her head curiously, only to see that Liuhua held a blue water polo in the other hand, which was obviously a spoil from the water polo game.

Hey, your sister is Gao Lengyu, okay? It's not a water polo at all!Even if it is a snowball, it is still a deadly snowball with stones wrapped in it!

and many more.

Suddenly, it seems that there is nothing wrong with describing Shihua as water polo... because the two balls on Shihua's body are about the same size as water polo.

"Liuhua?" A voice with ice rhyme and snow came over, and the cold light of the spoon was faintly flickering.

"Holy, Holy Healer!" Shihua's dumb hair trembled, and she subconsciously hid behind Hua Ye, with tears streaming from the corners of her eyes, "Brave man, save me, if my sister catches me, I will die !"

"What?" Hua Ye raised his eyebrows.

Machiko also asked curiously, "Is Miss Shihua so scary?"

"Of course there is!" Liuhua said with vigilant eyes, filled with righteous indignation, "Just now my sister bought candied haws for me to eat, I thought it was hawthorn, but it turned out to be small tomatoes!

"Because the outside was covered with red syrup, I couldn't discover its devilish essence. After biting into it, I found out that it was a tomato. The holy conditioner didn't allow me to spit it out, so I had to swallow it all..."

Liuhua sniffled and complained pitifully: "After swallowing it, I have to open my mouth for her to examine... Fortunately, the brave came to save me, otherwise I would never see me again!"

Machiko couldn't laugh or cry: "It's fine if you don't like green peppers, why are you afraid of tomatoes?"

"Because tomatoes are devil's fruits, the green ones inside are scary, right? After eating, the magic power of the whole body will be corroded." Liuhua said nonsense seriously, "And tomatoes are poisonous! There are Tomatine, if you eat too much, people will die..."

"Ehhh?" Machiko obviously hadn't heard of this stalk, and was surprised, "Tomatoes are poisonous? Are they fake?"

"It's true." Hua Ye retorted casually, "But you need to eat four tons of tomatoes a day, and the accumulated tomato element is enough to cause death."


Machiko suddenly became confused in the wind, could it be that he complained: "Don't say it is four tons, even if it is four catties, it will be broken!"

In fact, Connor and Thor could eat four tons of tomatoes, but the dragons are born with very strong physiques, and the poison of that little tomato element is really insignificant.

While talking, Shihua had already walked over, Gao Leng Yujie was also wearing a white bathrobe, and there seemed to be a halo of ice and snow around her body, making people only dare to look at it from a distance, but not to play near it.Compared with the petite and cute Liuhua, she looks much more mature, with a tall figure and graceful curves, she is two floors ahead of her own sister.

"Sister Shihua, good evening." Machiko said.

"Good evening." Shihua nodded slightly, probably because today is the summer festival celebration, she didn't force Liuhua to eat the tomato version of candied haws, she folded her arms, "Since I met you here, I will leave it to you I'm going to meet up with my friends for a while, but I have to let Liuhua go home before ten o'clock in the evening..."

Speaking of biting a tomato version of candied haws, he half-closed his eyes and looked at Hua Ye: "Otherwise, you will understand the consequences."


I understand your sister!And why do they always go home before ten o'clock in the evening? Is ten o'clock the dividing line between children and adults?

Those who go to bed before ten o'clock are good children, and those who go to bed after ten o'clock are all wicked adults!


Unexpectedly, Hua Ye just went to buy a cup of mung bean smoothie, and unexpectedly picked up Liuhua and Machiko, so the team was full again.

After finding Wei Nai and Gabriel who were still shopping, Hua Ye was planning to rest for a while, when suddenly silver hair floated past his eyes.

"Student Hua Ye... I'm ready."

Chapter 605 How do you know if you haven't tasted it?

"Student Hua Ye, I'm ready~~"

A voice full of joy entered the ears, and there seemed to be some deep meaning in it.

Hua Ye raised his eyebrows: "What are you ready for?"

"You'll find out later." The dark-bellied girl put her hands behind her back and said with a smile, "Xiao Jia and Wei Nai are both accompanied, Hua Ye is so pitiful alone, why don't I invite you to eat? "

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