What's so pitiful?

On the contrary, being surrounded by you every day gives me a headache!

Hua Ye was about to refuse, but Raphael had already grabbed the corner of his clothes: "Come on, come on~~"

A silver moon was shining brightly in the sky, and it was approaching the climax without knowing it.

The celebration of the summer festival is still very lively.

After making sure that she would not be seen by Wei Nai and the others, the black-bellied girl immediately hugged Hua Ye's arm.

"Let go." Hua Ye looked disgusted, "It's very hot."

"No." Raphael shook her head, like a little girl who got a toy, "It's because the weather is so hot that I want to hug classmate Hua Ye."

Think I'm a mobile air conditioner again!You use the air conditioner every day, but remember to pay the electricity bill!

"Hmm... what would student Hua Ye want to eat?" Rafael pointed his lips with his hand, and glanced around, "How about apple candy?"

"Not hungry."

"Then I'll buy candy apples."

The black-bellied girl completely ignored Hua Ye's answer, bought an apple candy from a nearby stall, then held up the red apple candy and handed it to Hua Ye: "Student Hua Ye, take a bite?"

Hello, are you feeding?

If you tell me to eat, I will eat it, wouldn't it be very embarrassing!

"No." After understanding Hua Ye's complaints, the black-bellied girl said with a smile, "When you're away from home, if you have a bite to eat, you must let the head of the family eat it first."

Your sister, what kind of feudal thinking is this? Are you an ancient lady who traveled through time!

"Hurry up, your hands are so sore." Rafael urged, "It will be bad if the syrup drips on the bathrobe."

Hua Ye snorted softly, opened his mouth and took a big bite out of the candy apple.

This is freshly made apple candy. The surface is brushed with sweet syrup and the inside is sweet and sour apple. When you bite it down, the feeling of cutting the pulp with your teeth is quite wonderful. The mixture of sweet and sour is also praised. No wonder it is very popular Children welcome.

After Hua Ye took a bite, the black-bellied girl withdrew her hand, took a bite at the place where Hua Ye bit without hesitation, and said with a smile: "Well~~ the place where classmate Hua Ye bit, it feels sweeter .”

This point has been verified by Gabriel.

After that useless angel ate the Grim Reaper spicy sticks, he was so spicy that he doubted his life. How do you think he got over it?It's the exchange of saliva, okay?

Rafael's eyes lit up, and he pointed to a pet stall in front of him: "Let's go and have a look? Last time in the pet shop, classmate Hua Ye actually scared me with a frog, it's too much!"

Who is going too far? There is a psychological therapy called stress therapy. If you are afraid of frogs, if you get in touch with them more, you may not be afraid anymore!

And you have raised your son for so many days, you should not be afraid now, right?

"Where's your family?" Hua Ye asked casually.

"I don't know." Raphael raised a hand and pulled a lock of hair around her ear, and replied without shame, "I haven't logged in for several days."

He promised to never leave his son, why did he forget about his son so quickly!

"Because when I was celebrating Alice's birthday that night, the snake crawled into the skirt because the frog scared me." Speaking of this, Raphael's pretty face turned red, obviously thinking of that night again In the scene where Hua Ye helped catch the snake, he couldn't help pursing his lips, showing the expression of a little girl who was angry and wanted to bite.

"Later, I thought about it carefully. If Guagua really came to reality, I probably wouldn't dare to adopt it...Since I don't really like it, then don't force it."

While talking, the two had already walked to the pet stall. The pet seller was an uncle. There were five hamster cages in front of him. There were seven or eight hamsters in total. There was also a sign next to it, which said: "Only two hundred Yen, hamster to take home."

Rafael's eyes sparkled: "It's so cheap."

Where is it cheap? These hamsters are obviously cubs born from hamsters raised at home. Anyone who has raised hamsters knows that the speed of this thing's cubs is super fast!It only takes one month to conceive a baby, and then one to ten hamsters can be born. If the restrictions of food and natural enemies and other factors are not considered, and the calculation is purely based on mathematical models, then it will only take a few years, and every corner of the earth will be covered. The hamster is occupied!

These hamsters are obviously half sold and half given away, and their chubby bodies are really cute, attracting many children to surround them.One of the five or six-year-old girls probably had raised hamsters, so she begged some melon seeds from her parents, and passed in the melon seeds after asking the boss's permission.

Rafael squatted beside her, watching with great interest. The little girl blinked and gave her a few melon seeds: "Sister, too? The hamster is super cute."

Rafael was startled, and a smile appeared on his face: "Thank you."

After speaking, he picked up a melon seed and handed it to the hamster cage near him.

Naturally, the hamster who is a big foodie would not refuse. Immediately, a little yellow hamster took a step forward, snatched the melon seeds from Raphael, hugged them with both paws, and gnawed them.

After biting open the shell of the melon seed, I found that there is no benevolence in this melon seed, it is an empty melon seed!

After the hamster was stunned for a moment, he suddenly became furious, imitating its close relative, the groundhog, and sent a deafening question to Raphael: "Why did you give me empty melon seeds?!"


After shouting, the little hamster still seemed to be puzzled, so he raised the empty melon seed shell in his hand and threw it out across the cage.

Rafael was hit in the face by the melon seed shell unexpectedly, and subconsciously raised his hand to cover his cheek.

After a brief silence in the air, there was an uncontrollable laugh immediately.

Even Hua Ye rarely showed a smile on his face.

What about your animal-friendly aura?

Now being slapped in the face by a hamster is a stain that will never be washed away in a lifetime!

The middle-aged uncle smiled and said:

"This lady seems to have a good relationship with that hamster. If you like it, can I give it to you for free?"

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