Raphael successfully brushed his face again.

"Eh?" Rafael hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said, "Let's forget it."

"Don't worry, these hamsters were sterilized before I brought them out, they are very hygienic." The middle-aged stall owner was still trying to recommend, "Otherwise, you can leave an address, I have some chinchillas at home, and I can give them to you one..."

"No more." Raphael stretched out a slender finger, and pointed to Hua Ye beside him with a smile, "He will be jealous~~"

Immediately, all around cast eyes full of envy and hatred, as if they wished to replace Hua Ye.

Only Hua Ye was playing with his mobile phone, unmoved at all.

Daily black, already used to it.

Raphael stood up and pulled Hua Ye away from the pet booth.

Walking on the road, Hua Ye asked:

"You seem to like hamsters very much, why didn't you just stop?"

The black-bellied girl replied with a smile: "Because I'm afraid that classmate Hua Ye will ignore me if she gets jealous, and I'm going to coax you when the time comes. I'm so tired."

A black line fell on Hua Ye's face: "Stand up obediently."

Raphael subconsciously raised her hand to block behind her, her pretty face blushing: "No!"

In order to divert Hua Ye's attention, the black-bellied girl hurriedly said: "It's true that hamsters are cute, but hitting my hamster with a melon seed shell is not cute at all! And the boss's eyes are disgusting, just like a chef. Yu trash, I don’t know what’s going on in my mind... I don’t even want his hamster for nothing!”

Hua Ye said speechlessly:

"I didn't realize that apart from your black belly, you're also a poisonous tongue."

"Hey, Hua Ye hasn't tasted it, so how do you know it's poisonous?" The dark-bellied girl stretched out her pink tongue, licked her lips lightly, and pointed delicately on her pink lips like cherry blossoms, slightly Tilting his head, "At least you have to taste it to know if it's poisonous, right?"


Hey, you are no longer skinny, you are trying to die!

People won't die if they don't die, it seems necessary to let you know what terror is today!

Hua Ye snorted and was about to speak, but the black-bellied girl supported him on the chest first, her voice was soft, like the evening wind blowing through the bamboo forest, and it was pleasant to listen to: "Student Hua Ye, close your eyes, Don't open it..."

Offer rewards for more!

Time flies so fast, it feels like March has arrived in the blink of an eye, and everyone has started to go to work and school, right?

In the new year, I wish you all good health, getting out of singles as soon as possible, and a prosperous year of the dog (anyway, an ugly, stupid single dog like me is already desperate).

Cough... Closer to home.

There were only [-] days last month (probably many friends didn’t notice it), which caused me to frantically make updates in the last few days, and the result is that I sit in front of the computer now and don’t want to code a word.

Just want to googooo.

There is no way, I can only offer a reward to add more... The rules remain the same, the reward is still for blades, 200 blades plus a change, there is no cap, if you can't do it, let the boss (I give it to myself) women's clothing to pay off the debt! (*^▽^*)

So, if you have blades, please vote for me, I love you.

Chapter 606

"Hurry up, Hua Ye, close your eyes and don't open them."

The pleasant sound like the evening wind blowing the bamboo forest came to the ears.

Rafael put his hands behind his back, leaned forward slightly, half of his pretty face, which was as white as jade, was obviously flushed with a delicate and charming blush.

Close your eyes?

Why close your eyes?

What's wrong with those shy eyes and blushing cheeks, do you want to kiss yourself? !

Don't think you can fool me by blushing!

This kind of routine has already appeared too many times in TV dramas, and it has been used badly. You, a guy who often doesn't play cards according to the routine, surely won't use it, right?

It's just lip service every time, and the promise of warming the bed has never been fulfilled. Instead of believing that you will take the initiative to offer a kiss, it is better to believe that the useless angel will take the initiative!

That's right, you must be trying to evade taxes. If you close your eyes, you might say in a joking tone: "Hey, let me close my eyes and close my eyes. What is Hua Ye expecting? What about the matter?"

Another example is when I close my eyes, I suddenly liberate my real body, first use Lushan Shenglongba to blow me into the air, then use six reincarnation punches to make me stiff and floating, and finally take the sacred arrow of the goddess beast End it.

As for kissing after you close your eyes, the probability is actually the lowest!

Hua Ye considered for a second, and said decisively:

"Not closed."

"Look at—" the black-bellied girl puffed up her pink cheeks, her bright eyes gleaming softly and shimmering at Hua Ye, "It took me a long time to muster up the courage to plan to reward classmate Hua Ye, you will lose me like this Oh!"

Hua Ye squinted: "It's not rare."

"Woo~~ You know how to bully me." Raphael raised her hand and rolled up a strand of black hair beside her ear, puffed up her cheeks and said angrily, but there was no sense of life in her voice, on the contrary, her voice was full of twists and turns. The answer made Hua Ye's heart jump slightly, and a throbbing came out.

"It's fine if you don't close your eyes, the reward will be halved..."

Although he didn't expect the so-called reward from this black-bellied girl, Hua Ye was still a little curious and couldn't help asking, "What reward?"

Rafael didn't speak, but carefully looked around a few times, like a little squirrel who was about to hide chestnuts, lest people would find out.

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