Chapter 607 Why Are You So Skilled!

Kiss as you say.

In the spirit of being responsible for scientific research, Hua Ye began to verify whether the black-bellied girl in his arms was a poisonous tongue.

Rafael couldn't resist, she could only close her eyes aggrievedly, being bullied wantonly by Hua Ye.

It's obviously just a very common eating organ, but the touch of lips has an indescribable and wonderful chemical reaction, which makes people want to stop.

It's just that after eating a big meal, it's hard to eat instant noodles. After unlocking a deeper kissing position, the simple rubbing of lips against lips is no longer enough to satisfy Hua Ye's desire.

So Hua Ye quickly began to attack the city and invade the territory mercilessly.

Rafael obviously didn't have any relevant experience, and was caught off guard by Hua Ye, who crossed the river border and invaded the hinterland.

The slender eyelashes trembled violently, and the overwhelmed black-bellied girl suddenly opened her eyes. The shocked eyes happened to meet Hua Ye's, and then hurriedly closed them again.


On weekdays, I always look like a dirty old driver, so I have no experience at all!Neither daring to bite nor to fight back, blindly dodging is doomed to fail!

Hua Ye continued to invade without hesitation, quickly found the target of the trip, and started scientific toxicity testing and analysis.

The first feeling is very sweet.

It should be because of the apple candy I just ate, it was so sweet that it almost melted.

The second feeling is that it is so soft, softer than jelly fudge.

After careful testing, Hua Ye finally came to a conclusion:

Completely non-toxic.

It can be eaten with confidence.


Raphael, who successfully proved that 'one cannot die if one does not commit suicide', could only snort a bit of depressing moan from his nose, tasting the bitter fruit he planted helplessly.

I don't know how long it took, until the black-bellied girl in his arms almost suffocated, Hua Ye finally ended this scientific investigation.

Probably because the kiss was too deep, the moment the two lips parted, there was a "pop" sound, like the sound of a wine cork being pulled out, echoing gently in this quiet alley, as if they were about to close their mouths. The cold moonlight was dyed pink.


La Fei, who finally breathed in the fresh air, gasped heavily, her eyes filled with confusion and distress, her two hands were weakly propped up on Hua Ye's chest, her beautiful and clean neck like a swan was thrown back, it was just that The fair and smooth skin has already been stained with a layer of pink crimson at this moment.

After taking a few breaths, the black-bellied girl immediately questioned:

"Why, why are you so proficient! How many people have you kissed!"

and many more!

How many times should I say kissed?

Why come to you, it becomes how many people I have kissed.

And when you ask this sentence, it should be accompanied by tears, grievances, pain and disappointment, right? You are a wicked angel, you didn't show your feelings at all!

"Wipe your saliva before talking."


Rafael was extremely wronged.

I originally just wanted to cash in the reward once, why did it become like this!

In the past, it was obviously a herbivore, super indifferent, but now it has completely evolved into a carnivore, right?

"You know how to bully me..." Rafael opened his mouth in aggrieved manner, the annoying guy knows how to bully others, how could he be so scary the first time?

If the first experience leaves a shadow, you will be afraid in the future!

The dark-bellied girl turned her body sideways, slid her fingers over the hair on her temples, and glared at Hua Ye with puffed cheeks, but there was clearly a gentle and gentle smile flowing in her bright eyes.

I have to admit that there are always some people who can surprise the time and tender years in a casual glance.

Hua Ye felt his heart jumping suddenly, and couldn't help recalling the beautiful touch left between his lips and teeth. His mind was slightly fluttering, and he couldn't help but want to kiss again.

"No, no more!" Rafael shook her head hastily, with her arms in front of her, "If you don't go back, Xiaojia and the others will be suspicious!"

Hua Ye nodded: "Then go back."


Rafael suddenly puffed up her cheeks angrily. Although she didn't think of taking advantage of this to take the routine of "I'll take the first step, the palace is stable", but she just bullied herself, and now she turns around and refuses to recognize anyone, which is too irritating !


Hua Ye raised his eyebrows, "Say more?"

Rafael ran to the entrance of the alley, and snorted softly: "You have been rewarded, but you still do such excessive things... You really are a big pervert, right? From now on, I won't call you classmate Hua Ye, just call you Mr. Pervert !"


The two were walking back, Rafael rolled his eyes, and asked casually: "If Wei Nai and Xiao Jia ask me what I did with you later, how should I answer?"

Hua Ye said casually, "Just tell the truth."

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