"But then Wei Nai and Xiao Jia will definitely be angry, right?"

Hua Ye glanced at her: "Anyway, you kissed me first."



Bidong madman, a carnivore, knows how to bully people... Now he is getting more and more shameless!

When she found Wei Nai and Gabriel, the black-bellied girl did not wait for others to ask, she preemptively said with a smile, "Hi! I was just so angry!"

"What's wrong?" Wei Nai asked subconsciously.

The black-bellied girl stretched out a finger and said without showing any strangeness: "Just now I was buying apple candy with classmate Hua Ye, and I saw someone selling hamsters. Hamsters are so cute, so I just squatted there and watched." After a while, a cute little girl gave me melon seeds to feed the hamsters, but one of the melon seeds turned out to be empty!!"

Wei Nai asked curiously: "Empty melon seeds? Then?"

"Then that hamster actually threw the saliva-stained empty melon seed husk on my face! It made me find a coffee shop to wash my face. Thinking about it now, I'm so angry!"

"That hamster dared to bully Master Baiyu, I'll call the bodyguards to buy it back!" Alice was filled with righteous indignation, "Then let it run a kilometer every day and do fifty squats. Don't let it eat melon seeds!"

"The hamster will be exhausted!" Wei Nai complained dumbfounded, obviously distracted.

Machiko also whispered: "And hamsters can't do squats, but running is fine..."

And just like that, the Judgment Conference, which was very likely to happen, disappeared under Rafael's mouth.

The black-bellied girl who had successfully bluffed her way through the check even when no one was paying attention, she quietly blinked at Huaye, looking proud of her success in tax evasion.

"Then buy a cat, and then put the hamster cage next to the cattery all day long!" Alice proposed torture again, "How dare you bully Master Baiyu, you must let him live in fear all day long."

A drop of cold sweat fell down Wei Nai's head. She coughed lightly and changed the subject: "Well, the firework festival is about to start, let's go there now? If we go late, there might not be any seats."

After visiting the summer festival for so long, I have already played everything that should be played, and eaten everything that should be eaten. Looking at the time, it is true that the fireworks festival is almost here.

"Let's go! Fireworks festival!"

The girls who were a little tired due to the hot weather were shocked, put the hamster incident behind them, and started to set off for the river.

Chapter 608 Riding Master Gabriel

The Fireworks Festival is the grandest moment of the summer festival. As in previous years, it is held beside the river that passes through the city. A total of [-] fireworks will be launched at that time. It can be said that it only happens once a year. If you miss it, you can only wait. Next year's grand event, so many people will choose a good viewing location in advance.

The girls walked together on the road, led by Satania.

This idiot meow in a red bathrobe is a typical sports girl who is always at the bottom of all her homework in school, except for her excellent grades in physical education.

"Gabriel, Gabriel! Let's compete?" Satania ran to Gabriel's side, a bead of sweat rolled down her cheek, and a wet mark was drawn on her wheat-colored skin. But he didn't care, as if he didn't know what it meant to be tired, "Let's see who runs to the place to watch the fireworks first?"

Gabriel glanced at her, and while fanning the wind with the round fan in her hand, she replied feebly, "Ugly."

Ever since he became obsessed with games and set foot on the path of cultivating immortality, this useless angel's physical strength has been deteriorating day by day. In physical education class, he hides whenever he can, and fishes in troubled waters if he can't hide.

Hua Ye estimated that with the physical strength of this useless angel, it probably wouldn't be able to run [-] meters.

"Then I'll run over first." Satania put her hands on her hips, "When the time comes, all of you will be defeated by me!"

"Satania, don't run around on the road, what if you bump into someone?" Wei Nai said speechlessly.

If you make a character attribute card, then Satania's athletic ability is A, and Vinai is A-, but Vinai obviously won't race against Satania in this environment.

Even though it is night now, the temperature is still above [-] degrees. If you do a little exercise, you will sweat all over your body. If you run around in this situation, it is just Satania... Wait!

Besides Satania, there are other people running around like a whirlwind.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a girl from the class next door, a girl who often got zero marks in exams, didn't know how to write her own name, and liked to eat bananas.

And Satania just wants to race Gabriel, this idiot girl is actually racing a dog!

Arms open, body leaning forward, learning the special running posture of those ninjas in "Naruto", chasing a dog on the street, exaggerated laughter spread far away along the wind, obviously wearing it is not convenient The moving bathrobe is even faster than that dog, and the arms even show traces of airflow... The athletic ability of this guy is actually higher than that of Satania, breaking through the limit of human beings!

Looking at the girl who was blowing past her like a gust of wind, Wei Nai slightly pulled the corner of her mouth, and said, "That's... Jiazi from the next class, right?"

Rafael replied with a smile: "That's right, like Hua Ye, he is a 'Top Ten Celebrities on Campus'."

The top ten celebrities are actually the top ten weirdos!

At the beginning of school, Hua Ye was very famous in the school because he was blocking the door of the women's bathroom looking for a compensatory date, as well as the incident of showing off his might in the swimming pool. Jiazi's rank is still above Huaye.

Everyone searched carefully, and sure enough, they saw many impressive faces, such as the one next to the activity room of the coffee department, several members of the service department, and the blonde girl who was the ace of the art club in the second grade when they participated in the art class training. , It's a pity that she is flat-chested like Alice.

Everyone was talking in twos and threes, and the distance naturally widened.

At this time, Hua Ye suddenly felt that someone was pulling the corner of his clothes.

Turning his head to look, he saw Gabriel's crippled angel appearing behind him at some point.

Hua Ye asked, "What are you doing?"

The crippled angel glanced at Hua Ye and didn't answer, but just uttered a word: "Drive."


Drive your sister!Feelings, are you treating me like a horse?Is holding the clothes the same as holding the reins?In some remote rural areas of India, there are "human mules". When the landlord Lao Cai goes out, he doesn't have to walk, but rides directly on other people's necks, using people as mules for transportation... Do you want to ride too? On my neck!

"I can't walk anymore." The crippled angel said confidently, "I have walked more tonight than I have walked in a week..."

Nonsense, since you came back from the island vacation, you have hardly been out, okay!

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