Even if it really works, it must be because you are so angry that you can't eat snacks.

Hua Ye reached out to grab her fist and held it in the palm of his hand. The little hand of this crippled angel was delicate and smooth, weak and boneless, making it hard to let go.

"Don't make trouble."

"Who messed with you." Jiabai's face turned frosty, his killing intent determined, "One more time and I'll blow your head off!"

Hua Ye has heard this sentence many times, and its effect is basically the same as "I invite you to dinner next time", so don't take it to heart at all.

Hua Ye said, "Then should you continue walking now, or should I take a look for you?"

"Hey, you still know how to heal?" The crippled angel quickly recalled, half-closed his eyes, "That's right, you seem to have healed the squad leader's feet... foot fetish hentai."

Hua Ye's face was full of black lines, and he asked, "Do you want to treat it?"

"No." Gabriel snorted softly, knelt down and rubbed her ankle, "Anyway, it should be better if you rub it... I'll take a few steps later and see, if your foot still hurts, I'll let you see it again." ..."


After walking a few more steps, the pitiful voice of grievance sounded again: "Stop, stop!"

"What?" Hua Ye stopped, "Your feet still hurt?"

"Nonsense, of course it hurts! Tell you to slow down, why are you so fast?"

"It's already very slow, okay! If it slows down, it will become an old man pushing a cart!"

"I can't... I can't... I thought it would be better after the pain, but now, now it hurts even more..."

Nonsense, Cinderella’s two sisters cut off the heels and toes in order to wear crystal shoes. If you just rub them casually, you can solve the problem of running-in between your feet and shoes. Then Cinderella’s two sisters, Maybe I will be so jealous that I will jump up and look for you desperately!

Ten fingers to heart, not only refers to the fingers, but also includes the toes.

Anyone who has experienced shoe grinding knows that the pain that gets hotter with each step can definitely make you deformed.

It seemed that the feet really hurt, so that the corners of the crippled angel's eyes glistened with tears. She subconsciously grasped Hua Ye's hand: "No, let's talk after a while..."

It happened that there was a shallow stream not far away, Hua Ye took Gabriel to the side of the stream, and let the useless angel sit on a big bluestone by the stream.

Then he squatted in front of her and asked, "Is it the right foot?"


Hua Ye grabbed the slender calf of the useless angel, untied the shoelace, took off the shoe, and then took off the white socks little by little, revealing the white and delicate skin inside like suet jade.

People who have not seen the sun for a long time will have pale skin, but it is usually unhealthy pale. Fortunately, Gabriel, as an angel, has no worries about this.

The crippled angel was propped on the stone with both hands, and its right leg was stretched straight under the guidance of Hua Ye. It was obviously not long, but because of the angle, it revealed a somewhat graceful and slender beauty.

The skin is slender and smooth, almost no pores are visible, and it seems a little shy. The cardamom-like toes are unconsciously moving lightly in the air.

The beautiful and delicate jade feet, Hua Ye tried it out, and he was able to hold it with one hand, and there were light blue blood vessels on the insteps as white as jade, so it would be no problem to be a foot model.

Suddenly, I realized that even if this useless angel stays at home all day and does nothing, and earns money every day, she doesn't actually have to worry about starving to death, because she is completely capable of self-reliance!

For example - selling leg photos.

Nowadays, there are more and more lolicons. As long as Gabriel puts on white stockings and takes a few photos of her legs casually, those lolicons will definitely snap up them, right?

Hua Ye also saw a piece of news not long ago, saying that a young man used the collected photos of beautiful girls to deceive people, and he was able to earn [-] yuan a month, so selling leg photos is definitely the only way to get rich .

"Don't look, hentai." The useless angel kicked Hua Ye lightly, half-closed his eyes, and said with disgust in his eyes, "Don't even think about it, I will let you lick it!"


Your sister, who would be interested in licking this kind of part used for walking, don't think that being white and tender can be compared with ice cream, even if you lick it, you won't have any pleasure at all!

Gabriel stretched out her jade feet in front of Hua Ye, and urged, "Don't waste time, hurry up and take a look for me."

Hua Ye said with a dark face:

"Wash it first, there are sweaty feet on it."

Because of the hot weather, this useless angel has walked such a long way, it is inevitable that there will be some sweat on the feet, but there is no slightest athlete's foot. Of course, there is no fragrance or anything. "Rose socks make fragrance" does not exist in reality. of.

If someone else heard Hua Ye's words, they would definitely be extremely embarrassed, and even if they didn't turn around and leave immediately, they would definitely be quite embarrassed.

It's a pity that this useless angel is not someone else, and after cultivating immortality, his face has become thicker and thicker. Hearing this, he just let out a 'tss', instead of taking his foot back out of embarrassment, he directly stretched it into Hua Ye's hand, saying it outrightly and as a matter of course. : "After walking such a long distance, is it normal to have sweaty feet?"

"Now my legs are so sore, my whole body seems to be falling apart, and I don't have any strength at all, so..."

"Today, you are especially allowed to wash my feet!"

Chapter 610 Super Wronged

As the saying goes, "Thick-skinned, eat enough".

This useless angel seems to be not far from the realm of "thick face and black heart" advocated by "Thick Black Studies". Hua Ye helped take off his shoes, let alone stretched his feet into Hua Ye's hands confidently, asking him to help wash them.

"Slow to death, move faster."

Gabriel propped her hands on the big bluestone, her pearly toes lightly tapped in the air, and urged with disgust in her eyes: "You were allowed to touch my feet because you said it was effective. If you lie to me, you I'm going to die..."

The big bluestone has been exposed to the sun for a day, and the heat absorbed during the day still remains on it. It is very comfortable to sit on it.

Although the useless angel's tone was distasteful, it was obviously quite satisfied, and the evidence was the slightly squinted eyes.

However, the next moment, she saw Hua Ye raised his eyebrows, then suddenly raised his other hand and waved it directly at her face.

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