Heartbeat suddenly stopped.

As if being grabbed by something.

Gabriel opened her eyes wide subconsciously, her ruddy face paled immediately: "He, he actually wants to hit me?!"


I didn't feel any pain, just felt the breeze when the palm swung past my face.

However, Gabriel still felt that her heart was instantly overwhelmed by a huge grievance, as if it was about to overflow, and even her eyes instantly became sour.

(I just asked you to help wash my feet... You actually, actually wanted to hit me?!)

(Obviously you have done so many excessive things to me, yet you are so impatient that you want to hit me?!)

(Are you willing to hit me?!)

Noticing the instant pale face of the crippled angel, Hua Ye asked puzzledly, "What's wrong?"


Gabriel didn't speak, but there was a clear mist in her eyes, turning into teardrops that were about to fall, and she was only one step away from rolling down. She bit her lip and tried her best to hold back the tears.

Hua Ye was relieved immediately.

Hey, what's wrong with your super aggrieved expression!It was fine just now, why tears are about to fall in an instant!

Gabriel bit her lip hard, but just withdrew her foot from Hua Ye's hand, reaching out to get the shoes.

Hua Ye grabbed her wrist and frowned slightly: "What's wrong with you?"

"Do not touch me!"

However, even Hua Ye could hear the grievance in the voice, which was almost overflowing.


Why do you feel so wronged all of a sudden?

It's obvious that I've been being ordered around, okay?

Hua Ye thought about it carefully, then suddenly understood, and said speechlessly:

"You misunderstood, I was only catching mosquitoes just now."


The crippled angel stopped struggling and glanced out of the corner of its eye: "Mosquito? What mosquito?"

"This." Hua Ye spread out his palm, and in his hand was a big mosquito, "This mosquito was just about to bite you."

There are already many mosquitoes in summer, and besides the water, mosquitoes are even more indispensable.Research has proved that mosquitoes rely on "smell" to choose their bite targets. In the eyes of mosquitoes, this crippled angel is a delicious meal, so this mosquito swooped down to suck blood as soon as it circled, but Gabriel didn't pay attention Then, when he was bitten by a big bite, he might blame himself again, so Hua Ye stretched out his hand and slapped the mosquito to death.

It's just that the result seems to be more serious...

"You..." Gabriel blinked, "Are you planning to hit this mosquito just now?"

"Otherwise, what do you think?" Hua Ye couldn't help complaining, "If I wanted to hit you, I would have hit you when you poked my waist every day!"

"you dare!"

When she found out that Hua Ye wanted to hit herself not out of impatience, but the mosquitoes, most of the grievances in her heart dissipated immediately. Gabriel sat back on the big blue stone again, stretched out her feet and kicked Hua Ye lightly: " Come on, wash my feet."

Hua Ye glanced at her, "Aren't you wronged?"

Gabriel turned her head away and hummed softly, "Who was wronged?"

"Obviously tears were about to fall just now."

"It's just that I was accidentally blinded by the sand... Shut up! If you say anything else, I'll kick you to death!"

The creek was right next to it, Hua Ye grabbed Gabriel's ankle and lowered it into the water.

The river water is very shallow and clear. Under the moonlight, a round of bright moon gently ripples in the water, and when a stone is thrown down, thousands of ripples are set off.

The moment the cold stream soaked the feet, I felt really comfortable. In addition, although the misunderstanding was solved, I was still much more sensitive than usual under the ups and downs of emotions, so...


A seductive croon sounded, drifting away gently in the evening wind, making the moonlight even more seductive.

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth and looked up at Gabriel.

The crippled angel quickly picked up the round fan to cover its mouth, but the maple forest was already covered in frost on its small face, and it was extremely crimson.

(Are you kidding me?)

(It’s true that soaking your feet is very comfortable, but you shouldn’t make such a bad sound!)

(What if this guy suddenly becomes animalistic and plans to do nasty things while no one is around?)

"What are you looking at?!" Gabriel was well versed in the way to strike first, so she preempted the attack.

Of course it depends on you!Suddenly making such a seductive voice, those who didn't know thought I was doing something terrible to you!

"Hurry up, it's getting late!"

You don't need to remind me, who do you think the time is spent on.

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