"Will you wash the other foot too?" Hua Ye asked.

Gabriel didn't speak, just stretched out the other foot.

The feeling of soaking your feet in the creek is indeed quite comfortable, and it is hard to refuse, but this time, after paying attention, Gabriel did not let out a seductive moan that made Gabriel herself blush.

The cool stream flows over the feet and flows gently. There are pebbles in the stream, which are very comfortable to step on. The burning pain caused by the shoes grinding the feet began to dissipate quickly under the soothing effect of the stream.

Gabriel was obviously in a good mood, she propped her hands on the big bluestone, her feet swung gently in the water, and hummed an unknown tune.

The gentle moonlight fell down and fell on the two of them, a frosty white.

Hua Ye didn't speak, only the ethereal tune and the sound of gurgling water floated away gently.

After an unknown amount of time, a clear and clear mobile phone rang suddenly, breaking the silence of the moonlight.

Gabriel took out her mobile phone and looked, it was Wei Nai calling.

The useless angel glanced at Hua Ye, and answered the phone with a guilty conscience.

"Xiao Jia? Why did you suddenly disappear while walking?" Wei Nai's concerned voice came over, "Is there nothing wrong?"

"No." Gabriel explained, "Because the shoes were a bit worn out, I rested on the side of the road for a while..."

"Is that so? It's really hard if your shoes wear down your feet." Wei Nai responded, "Do you want me to pick you up?"

"No, no, no, we'll be there soon!"


Chapter 611 Fireworks Festival

(Oops, oops! Accidentally used us...)

(It's all because this Hundan just pissed me off, otherwise I wouldn't have made such a low-level mistake!)

After a brief silence, Wei Nai said in a subtle tone:

"The Fireworks Festival is about to start, so come here quickly. The viewing location we are looking for is on the hillside on the left. You should be able to see it when you come..."

"Understood..." Gabriel obviously felt a little guilty, "I'll be there right away."

After hanging up the phone, the useless angel immediately became ferocious. She lifted her feet out of the stream, bumped them together in the air, causing ripples, and then snorted softly, "What are you looking at? Hurry up!" click away!"

"Don't be so anxious." Hua Ye stretched out his hand to grab the right foot of the crippled angel, and gently massaged the red toe from the shoe.

Probably a little shy, Gabriel subconsciously wanted to pull her foot back.

"Don't move." Hua Ye ordered.

"Tch." The useless angel bulged its cheeks, and finally did not move, "Move faster, or I will kick you to death."

Hua Ye was expressionless and unmoved, with your current physical strength, if you stand still and let you kick, you won't be able to break the defense at all, okay?


After healing their bruised toes, the two set off again.

This time the speed was much faster, and after a while, he followed the crowd to the viewing place.

This is a gentle slope with green grass. Because I came late, I can see that the grass has been covered with pieces of colorful tablecloths.

Because it is a civilian viewing spot, it naturally seems a bit crowded and noisy.There is a paid viewing spot not far away. Not only are there comfortable tables and chairs, but there are also snacks such as snacks, black tea, cakes, etc., but usually only people with status go there, such as Alice's mother.

Before coming here, Alice invited everyone to go to the paid viewing platform to watch the firework festival. Although she was rejected, this short bean was more happy.

"Gabriel, here, here!"

Satania, who couldn't stop, spotted Hua Ye and Gabriel first, and ran over.

"Because the shoes were a bit worn, I took a rest on the road..." The useless angel explained the reason without waiting for everyone to ask. Of course, the process of asking Hua Ye to help wash the feet was naturally skipped. .

"By the way, where's Vinay?" Gabriel changed the subject, "Why didn't you see Vinay?"

Machiko pointed to the right, and replied, "Nishimiya-san seems to be over there, and Wei Nai went to talk."

"Like This……"

While everyone was talking, Raphael quietly walked up to Hua Ye, puffed up her cheeks, with an expression of 'I'm not happy': "Student Hua Ye is too much!"

Hua Ye raised his eyebrows, "Where did I go too far?"

"Obviously you have bullied me before, and now you are bullying Xiaojia again, how many bullies do you have to bully tonight before you will give up!"

Shut up, whoever bullied her, she is clearly ordering me, okay?

And where did you bully you?

It's clear that you are trying to die on purpose, that's why you are being punished!

Hua Ye put on a straight face: "Stand up obediently."

"I don't want it, pervert!"


"Glass, good evening."

Wei Nai sat beside Glass and greeted with sign language.

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