Tears rolled down the cheeks, looking at the sister who was in a hurry to find a tissue and the mother who looked puzzled, obviously still crying, but suddenly a smile more beautiful than fireworks appeared on his face.


Because there was not a large enough tablecloth to spread on the floor, the girls stood shoulder to shoulder. Hua Ye stood at the farthest edge. Turning his head to look, every face flickering under the fireworks is enough to make people remember in my heart.

"Is this the Fireworks Festival? It's so beautiful..." Wei Nai looked up at the sky and muttered to herself.

Although a firework will only bloom in the sky for a few seconds, its beauty is astonishing, not to mention ten or a hundred fireworks blooming together, no wonder it can become the most grand part of the summer festival celebration .

"It's really beautiful." Raphael replied softly.

Although Gabriel did not speak, the blue eyes reflected the flickering fireworks in the sky, which was a little less lazy than usual, which was very beautiful.

As for Machiko, Alice, and Liuhua, although they also felt that the firework was very grand, it was not the first time they watched it, so they didn't have such a big feeling.

On the contrary, it was the idiot Miao who is usually very silly, but unexpectedly said: "Then we have made an agreement, let's see it together next year? Everyone can't miss it!"

Chapter 612 Lost Satania

"No one can lose anything..." Rafael stretched out a slender finger, and tapped his lips, "I always think this sentence is very subtle."

"That's right." Alice firmly stood on her shoulders, unwavering for a hundred years, "It feels like those flags in anime, such as 'go back to my hometown to get married after this battle', come here for whatever you're afraid of."

"What?" Satania puffed her mouth and said dissatisfiedly, "It's not a flag!"


Never expected that Satania's flag responded so quickly.

Satania, who was just saying that she would watch fireworks together next year, actually... let's go!leave!up!

The firework festival lasted for a long time from the beginning to the end, and it was too stupid to keep looking up at the sky stupidly. After watching it together for a while, everyone began to chat.

Near the river bank, there were many vendors pushing small carts and selling snacks. As a gust of wind blew, Satania smelled the aroma of pineapple buns, so she told Wei Nai, then turned around and ran to buy pineapple buns up.

At the beginning, Wei Nai didn't take it seriously, but when the firework festival came to an end, when it was almost over, Satania hadn't come back yet.

"Student Huaye..." Wei Nai pulled Huaye's sleeve and whispered worriedly, "Satania hasn't come back for so long, I'm worried that something happened?"

Hua Ye thought for a while and said, "Lost?"

When I went to the cinema for the first time to watch a movie, that idiot was so happy eating pineapple buns that his IQ dropped sharply, and he couldn't even find the way to the theater!

"I don't know." Wei Nai shook her head, because the fireworks were still going on, she had to stand on tiptoe and approach Hua Ye to make her voice clearer, "I just called Satani Ya, the phone has been ringing for a long time but I can't get through..."

This is normal, right?

Now the fireworks have not stopped, the sky is filled with the sound of 'bang bang bang', it is completely understandable not to hear the ringtone of the mobile phone.

"It's been so long since I haven't come back, I'm always a little worried..." Wei Nai pursed her lips, and said with a slight look of expectation in her eyes, "If you are free, come and look for it with me?"

Hua Ye said decisively, "I'm free."


A faint blush flew across Wei Nai's face, and she gave Hua Ye an annoyed look, then turned and walked towards the embankment.

As a result, when we arrived at the place selling snacks, Wei Nai said:

"I didn't notice where Satania went to buy pineapple buns just now, so let's find a direction alone? If you find it, use your mobile phone to contact."

Hua Ye said speechlessly, "Can't we look for it together?"

"No." Wei Nai's mouth slightly turned up, and she said solemnly, "The firework festival is coming to an end, it's faster for one person to find a direction... Hurry up and go."


The river embankment is relatively remote, and there are not many pedestrians on weekdays. Because today is the summer festival, it is much more lively than usual.

Hua Ye walked alone on this noisy road, and began to look for the lost Satania.

As a result, they walked all the way to the end of the path, but they did not find Satania.

So, does that mean that Satania is actually on Vinay's side?

Hua Ye took out his mobile phone and was about to call Wei Nai, but suddenly he heard a faint voice floating along the wind.

"Don't, don't come here!"

The normally energetic voice was full of panic and fear at the moment, "That kind of thing is too much!"


Hey, what are you talking about!

Could it be that he met an idiot who bullied ignorant girls at the summer festival?

Although there are indeed many idiots in the island country, from government officials to cleaners, all of them may be listed in the newspapers as idiots, but this is the wild, right?

Besides, there are a huge number of people watching the firework show not far away, and if they are not careful, they will be caught straight. How dare they have the guts to fight against the ignorant girl overlord in this environment? !

As Hua Ye stepped closer, Satania's mournful cry suddenly became clear, like a wounded little animal, which made the listener sad, and the listener shed tears: "Please...don't, don't take away my last... Precious things!"

Your sister, what is the most precious thing? !

It sounds like the situation is getting dire!

And since you don't want to be taken away, then you should resist!He shouted and fought Gabriel all day long, but now at such a critical moment, all he has left is the strength to scream?

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