The face of the devil has been completely lost by you. If you become a person in power in hell, then hell will eat jujube pills!




A desperate cry came from behind the big tree, and Hua Ye finally slowed down by a step.

"The most, most precious thing was taken away..."

Hua Ye walked around the big tree and took a panoramic view of the scene expressionlessly.

Here is a small valley, a gurgling stream flows through the valley.

Under the cold moonlight, the little red-haired devil squatted on the ground with tears in his eyes, looking like a defeated dog, but in front of her was a white stray dog.

That's right, it was the stray dog ​​who used to be stuck on the way to school every day and had the skill of "[-]% snatching pineapple buns".

This stray dog ​​had a bag of pineapple buns in its mouth, apparently just snatched it from Satania. It seemed that even though it hadn't appeared for a long time, the trigger success rate of the skill was still [-]%.

Seeing Hua Ye approaching now, the angel's lackey was not only not afraid, but even wagged his tail happily.


Seeing Hua Ye's appearance, Satania's eyes lit up, as if a drowning person grasped at the last straw, "You're finally here...I knew you wouldn't leave me alone!"

The idiot who regards the pineapple bun as the most precious thing, who cares about you, if Wei Nai didn't ask me to come to you, I wouldn't come here at all, okay!

As a result, this idiot's next sentence made Hua Ye want to hit someone even more.

"Get the pineapple bun out of its mouth, that is the limited-edition rainbow pineapple bun I just bought..." Satania raised her hand and wiped her eyes. After a moment of hesitation, she offered her a distressed price, "To I'll give you half!"

Shut up!

Take out the pineapple bun that was bitten by the dog, you don't want face, I want face!

And when it was said that it would be divided in half, I actually hesitated for a moment. Since I feel so sorry for the limited edition rainbow pineapple bun, then you should protect it and don't let that stray dog ​​take it away!

On weekdays, you still say that you want to spread evil, rule the world, and be crowned king... You can't even beat a stray dog, you are still a dick, take off your skirt!


With black lines all over Hua Ye's face, he couldn't help complaining:

"Are you still going to grab the pineapple buns and eat them? You're going to get sick!"

"It won't get sick, it just snatched it away, and it can be eaten after taking it back..."

Eat your uncle!

The three-second rule says that 'food can be eaten within three seconds after it falls on the ground', but science has proven that, let alone three seconds, even if it falls on the ground for one second, you can't eat it, okay?

As a result, when it comes to you, the definition has actually been expanded to the point of "being bitten by a dog, and you can eat it as long as you take it back"!

If those news editors heard your words, you would definitely make the headlines with all kinds of bad headlines, such as

"Shock!The stray dog ​​actually did such cruel things to the girl in the wild, and the scene made people silent." "The truth about a sixteen-year-old young girl who wants to snatch food from the dog's mouth is heartbreaking." "Is it the distortion of human nature or the loss of morality?Please pay attention to the story that the girl and the dog have to tell" Seeing that the firework festival is coming to an end, in order to avoid becoming a part of the bad news, Hua Ye said with a dark face: "Hurry up, I will buy you some A new pineapple bun!"

Satania blinked her eyes, sniffed her little nose, stretched out two fingers, and said expectantly, "I want two rainbow pineapple buns."


How dare you haggle over the price?

His skin is so thick that he can't even shoot a bow and arrow through it!

Hua Ye said with a stern face: "Can't you get up? That pineapple bun is gone."

"Get up, get up! Don't skimp on my pineapple bun!"

Satania stood up from the ground aggrievedly, looked at the stray dog ​​swaggering away with a pineapple bun in its mouth, pouted, and shouted angrily: "Why, why does it always grab my pineapple buns? ah!"


Of course it's because your status is still under that angel's lackey!

The IQ of dogs varies from high to low. The smartest Border Collie has an IQ equivalent to that of a ten-year-old human child, while the stupid Tibetan Mastiff will only recognize one owner in its life, not because it is loyal enough, but because its brain is only Can remember a master.

As for the husky, it is said that the IQ can only be unlocked at minus [-] degrees, so it will not be evaluated.

Unlike ordinary cats, most canines have the habit of living in groups, and they will subconsciously judge their class and status in a new environment.

For example, if you buy a pet dog and go home, and then bow your knees all day long, serving tea and water, then the dog will think that your status is lower than it, and it will naturally put itself in the position of the owner.

In the eyes of that dog, you are simply of low status and allow yourself to be bullied!

Hua Ye took out his mobile phone and called Wei Nai.

"Student Hua Ye, have you found Satania?" The call was connected quickly, and Wei Nai's voice came over.

"I found it." Hua Ye replied.

"That's good." Wei Nai breathed a sigh of relief, "I searched here and found no one, and I was about to call you...By the way, nothing happened to Satania, right?"

"Does it count if a stray dog ​​snatches a pineapple bun?"


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