It seems that these girls have made up their minds to eat here at noon today...

That’s all for a meal, you can do whatever you want, and you all order food, this is too much!


"Okay." Wei Nai reached out and pulled Huaye's sleeve, "Now that we know what to do, let's go to the supermarket to buy something? I just sent a message to Machiko, and Machiko said she would come over later... "

Chapter 615

Changing into a white shirt, Hua Ye and Wei Nai left the apartment together and walked to the nearby supermarket that they frequented.

That black-bellied girl of Raphael also wanted to help (tax evasion), but as soon as she came, Alice clenched her small fist and said that she would never leave Lord Baiyu for half a step, and then Satania and Liuhua also raised their hands to express their willingness to come Join in the fun, in this way, apart from sitting on the sofa playing Monster Hunter's useless angel, it can almost be said that the whole family is out... No, it's just a demonstration.

So in the end they were all locked in the house by Hua Ye.

Walking into the supermarket, Wei Nai pulled a shopping cart, Hua Ye reached out to take it, everything was tacit and natural as usual.

Because the goal was to buy ingredients, Wei Nai didn't spend too much time shopping in the supermarket, and the two went directly to the ingredients area.

"Liuhua doesn't like tomatoes, so I won't buy tomatoes, but if you want green peppers, why don't you buy some?"

Liuhua dislikes tomatoes the most. It has nothing to do with the taste. It’s just a resistance after the onset of the second disease. He doesn’t like to eat green peppers because the traditional boiled green peppers are too unpalatable, but many dishes need green peppers, and they are made into shredded pork with green peppers. If so, the taste is actually quite good.

"You can buy whatever you want," Hua Ye replied.

He is only responsible for pushing the shopping cart, and it is Wei Nai's job to choose the ingredients. The two work together and cooperate quite tacitly.

"Eh?" When walking to the seafood area, Wei Nai suddenly stopped and said in surprise, "There are still frogs here?"

"It's not a frog." Hua Ye glanced at it, shook his head and said, "It's a bullfrog."

Bullfrogs are different from frogs. Frogs are the kind of guys with green backs and white bellies that jump around in the water fields in the countryside. They are not big and generally cannot be eaten, otherwise they are easy to get parasites.The bullfrog is a kind of edible frog artificially bred. It is very big and delicious. It gets its name because its cry is as loud as a cow.

As for why there are bullfrogs in the supermarket... because there is a famous dish in the island country called "live bullfrog sashimi"!

The method of eating is super simple, open the intestines of the live bullfrog on the spot, and then eat it directly with soy sauce like sashimi!

Although she knew that these bullfrogs were not protected animals, but were specially bred to eat meat, Wei Nai still couldn't bear to be looked at by those eyes. People who live in this place shouldn’t like to eat this kind of food, right?”

You think too much, liking raising croaks is not in conflict with liking to eat bullfrogs.

When human beings were born, the situation was quite difficult. In order to survive, everything was served on the dinner table.

Do you think cats and dogs are born pets?

It's a big mistake, their original position is actually to reserve food!

Not to mention cats and dogs, even human beings are often served on the dinner table, okay? For example, the famous female body Sheng... Bah, this is not it.

For example, in the west, Hannibal studied "Cannibal Cuisine" and "Notes on Human Mushroom Planting" with an elegant attitude. In the East, there are also green forest heroes who drink with other people's heart and liver, let alone the Amazon rainforest. Here, there are still cannibals isolated from the world.

Some guys even got greedy and even ate themselves!When you can’t find a barbecue stand, roasting your own kidney is also a delicious dish!

Wei Nai walked forward and said:

"Speaking of which, Guagua hasn't been home for three days, and he hasn't sent me a postcard either..."

What, are you still raising croaks?

The black-bellied angel who brought you into the pit has already abandoned the pit.

Hua Ye said:

"Maybe your son is at the dining table."

Wei Nai gave Hua Ye a blank look, and said angrily, "It's not my son, the production team has already said it, but it's actually my husband..."

"It's not a son, but a husband?" Hua Ye couldn't help complaining, "You actually raised another husband behind my back?!"


Two flashes of redness suddenly appeared on Wei Nai's pretty face. She raised her hand and slapped Hua Ye on the shoulder, bit her lower lip, half-closed her eyes, and said contemptuously, "What nonsense are you talking about... hurry up La!"


I bought the ingredients quickly, and bought some ice cream and snacks to replenish the stock in the refrigerator.

If there is no stock in the refrigerator, that useless angel might be like a hamster, grabbing whatever it takes.

The two pushed the shopping cart and walked to the cash register to prepare to check out.

The cashier is a girl with a ponytail and a red uniform. She is not very old, and she seems to be a part-time student.Probably because Wei Nai often came to this supermarket to buy things, she was already familiar with her face. While scanning the ingredients, the girl greeted with a smile, "Good morning, both of you."

When others greeted them proactively, it was impossible for Wei Nai not to respond, and she nodded with a smile, "Well, good morning."

It is not yet ten in the morning, and there are not many people in the supermarket. Behind Hua Ye and Wei Nai, there are no customers waiting in line, so the cashier girl slowed down the scanning speed and chatted with Wei Nai. sky.

"It's amazing. My sister bought so many ingredients, she must be very skilled, right? Unlike me, I can only cook some simple dishes like omelet rice..."

Probably because she thinks that Wei Nai looks more mature, and because she has already started the "cohabitation era" with boys, the cashier girl calls Wei Nai sister... Although she should be older than Wei Nai.

"No." Wei Nai shook her head, stretched out a slender finger, and pointed at Hua Ye, "He cooks at noon, I just help out."

"Huh?" The cashier girl blinked her eyes and subconsciously spit out, "House husband?"


A black line appeared on Hua Ye's face.

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