What the hell is a house husband?

It sounds like the existence of a groom, a coachman, etc., the status is extremely low no matter how you look at it!

But having said that, on the night of the summer festival, it was true that Gabriel, that crippled angel, had been used as a horse...

"Yes, I'm sorry!" Seeing that Hua Ye's face was slightly dark, the girl quickly stuck out the tip of her tongue, and said with a blushing face, "I suddenly said the wrong thing!"

"It's okay." Wei Nai pursed her lips, and couldn't help but laugh, "You describe it very vividly."

Where is the image!

Cooking is just a hobby, not a profession, and I don't want to be given the title of "house husband", which sounds very low-status!


Hua Ye said with black lines all over his face, "Hurry up and pay the bill, and go back."

"OK, just a second!"

While speeding up the scan code, the girl at the cashier glanced at Hua Ye, and suddenly said enviously, "You two have such a good relationship."

"Eh?!" Wei Nai's pretty face suddenly flushed, and she hurriedly denied, "You, you misunderstood... We just went to the supermarket to buy things in a very ordinary way! And he doesn't often cook!"

The cashier girl looked at Wei Nai and smiled without saying a word, until Wei Nai's pretty face became more and more red, and when she was about to pass the alarm line, she complained: "This is already good, like when my father is at home, just I never cook, just sit at the table with a newspaper, waiting for my mother to bring the food to the table, let alone accompany my mother to the supermarket to buy ingredients..."

Chapter 616 Gabriel worked hard

While scanning the QR code, the cashier girl said shyly:

"Anyway, I've already made up my mind. When looking for a boyfriend in the future, I must find someone who can go to the supermarket and cook with me. I don't want to find a male chauvinist like my father."

Most of the men in the island countries subconsciously think of themselves as the head of the family because they want to support their families alone as their only source of income, which is a very common male chauvinism.

When working outside, he will be quite humble and polite, but when he returns home after work, he often loses his temper with his wife, and when his wife is at home, he never cooks for himself, but only waits for the food to be ready and served to him.

Hua Ye just handed over a premium membership card from the supermarket, which can only be obtained if the cumulative consumption is high enough. He must be very rich, plus he looks handsome. Such a man usually has a big temper, and will turn his face if he is unhappy with a word There are many people in the situation.

It is precisely because of the comparison that the cashier girl is a little envious.

Hearing this, Wei Nai subconsciously turned to look at Hua Ye.

(It seems that when everyone comes over as a guest, he is in charge of cooking. He never sits there just waiting to eat, and the dishes he cooks are super delicious...)

(When you go to the supermarket with yourself, you won't be impatient...)

(Looking at it this way, it seems to be very popular...a boyfriend candidate?)

(However, it would be weird for a demon to fall in love with an ordinary person, right?)

Seeing that Wei Nai's eyes were subtle at first, and then slightly sad, Hua Ye couldn't help asking: "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing." Wei Nai withdrew her gaze, blushing slightly, "Go back quickly, or the ice cream will melt..."


After paying the bill, Hua Ye and Wei Nai went back to the apartment together.

After changing slippers at the entrance, and walking into the living room, you can see that Satania and Liuhua are already sitting at the table doing their homework. Although it is a question whether the answer is correct or not, at least they are hard-working people who are willing to do it.

As for the crippled angel who came here first...

"Xiaojia!" Wei Nai said speechlessly, "Didn't you say you could do your homework before I went out? Why are you still sitting there playing games?"

Gabriel was leaning on the sofa, still fighting in the world of Monster Hunter, without raising her head, she said, "I don't know, maybe it's because there is glue on the handheld? It won't come loose when your fingers touch it." It's open."

Wei Nai said expressionlessly:

"It will naturally loosen after a beating."

Gabriel puffed up her cheeks: "Actually, I also worked hard, okay?"

Wei Nai complained, "Are you trying to play the game?"

"That's not it." The useless angel said plausibly, "I just sent a scheduled email to me an hour later, telling her to do her homework."


Hey, you are simply deceiving yourself!And why send an email to you in an hour, why not email your grandson and ask him to mail you a blue home smart robot!

Gabriel rested her chin on the back of the sofa: "Do you know how hard I work? In order not to cheat my teammates, I once had a fever of [-] degrees and still insisted on being a nurse. My fingers were worn out and I worked hard. , I have to see the city at three o'clock in the morning every day to fall asleep..."

"The highest thermometer is only 42 degrees, how did you measure 50 degrees!" Wei Nai couldn't help complaining.

Alice also said:

"Well, hard work is used to describe hard work in writing, not playing games?"

Rafael took the last shot with a smile: "The sanitation worker saw the city at five o'clock in the morning."

Gabriel squinted her eyes: "The man who rolled the tree said that if you complain too much, you will be beaten to death. You should be more serious."

Now even Hua Ye couldn't help complaining: "That's Zhou Shuren, not Shuren, okay?"

Could it be that Mr. Lu Xun changed his job to become a tree worker in "My World"!In the previous life, I kept working hard, so I don't know how many pens I used up, how many books I read, and how many papers I wrote off. So after turning around and going to another world, it is also inseparable from the tree and the paper.

Moreover, Mr. Lu Xun is not a serious person. He actually suffers from severe dental caries. Eating sweets will make him doubt his life. But every time after seeing his teeth, he can’t help but buy a pack of sweet biscuits. Obviously Like Yinshi, it's the late stage of sweet tooth control!When he and his wife lived apart, he once lay on the grass and missed his wife, but was disturbed by a pig looking for food (not a pet pig), and rolled up his sleeves and had a fight with the pig!

The canyon battle between the Tree Man and the Wild Boar Girl, even today, is still a peak match that people talk about, and it is often brought up for comment by later generations.

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