It's like a rich old thief who is obsessed with mahjong and crazily procrastinating. Drawing manga is only a part-time job, and his main job is mahjong brave.

Satania continued:

"What if, what if those mushrooms are poisonous, and everyone will foam at the mouth after eating them?"

The idiot didn't notice Wei Nai's face, he was still patting his chest and said, "So why don't you let me try the poison first?"

With disgust in her eyes, Wei Nai took out her trump card against Moyu students: "Have you finished your homework yet?"


Igarashi, who was helping Gabriel with her homework, heard "Have you finished your homework" coming from the kitchen, subconsciously felt a little guilty, and then quickly bit her lip in embarrassment.

(What, why did you feel guilty just now, you are the teacher, okay! You should ask yourself this sentence!)

Turning his head and looking at Gabriel, the useless angel who was sitting on the sofa, watching TV and drinking a drink, Igarashi became even more unbalanced.


(Why is she playing there, but as a teacher, I am here to help with summer homework.)

(Sure enough, you shouldn’t be here today, right?)


ten minutes later.

Ai Igarashi suddenly felt that it was really... great to come to visit at noon today!

The lunch was ready, Hua Ye moved over the large foldable dining table in the corner, and then the girls came out together to bring the dishes and the rice cooker to the living room.

Everyone sat down around the table.

"I'm gonna start now!"

With the customary pre-meal announcement, lunch officially began.

Looking at the girls full of expectations, Ai Igarashi was quite puzzled.

"Although it smells really good and looks good too... But your expressions are too exaggerated, right?"

"It's just cooking, why are my eyes starting to glow!"

That's right, the one with gleaming eyes is Alice, the little bean.

This arrogant girl looked at the sweet and sour pork ribs in front of her with bright eyes. If it wasn't for the last bit of arrogance, she would have already been impatient to move her chopsticks.

Because of the large number of people, the meal sharing system was not used, but a pair of serving chopsticks or spoons were placed in each dish. Ai Igarashi has almost no experience of eating at the same table with other people, because it is inevitable that it is a bit awkward. In addition, she didn't want to get the chopsticks first, as if she would lose her identity if she took the initiative. After everyone had picked up the dishes, she picked up the chopsticks and put a piece of eel into the bowl under Wei Nai's question.

The rice bowl was a little too big, so that Igarashi had to hold the bowl in front of his chest with both hands, as if he felt that this posture would damage his majesty. After the loli puffed out her mouth and glanced at Hua Ye, her eyes were critical. Take a small bite of an eel and...

"Referee! Someone fouled here!"

"It's just an ordinary eel... how, how can it be so delicious?!"

"It feels like the top fugu dish I've ever eaten... Unagi is as delicious as fugu. Those who died eating fugu will regret it so much that they will jump out of their coffins!"

Puffer fish is the second most poisonous vertebrate in the world. The meat is very delicious and unforgettable, but if it is not handled properly, the toxin can be fatal. But even so, it is difficult to stop the enthusiasm of diners. For example, not long ago There was a group of Southeast Asian fishermen who ate puffer fish despite dissuasion, and then lived up to expectations and were wiped out. This proves once again that puffer fish are not only cute, but deadly when they are angry.

"Hey, what does Ai-chan think of Hua Ye's taste?" Raphael tilted his head slightly and asked with a smile.

When Igarashi heard the words, he wanted to say something so-so, but when the words came to his lips, they turned into: "Good, delicious!"

"If it tastes good, eat more." Wei Nai pursed her lips and smiled, "What do you want to eat? If you can't reach it, remember to tell me."

Yes, damn it!

What's going on with this big sister's tone of caring for the children!

I am your teacher, okay?

Give me enough time!

Chapter 620 The Egg Problem

"Ah meow~~"

A lovely cry suddenly sounded.

"Liuhua, what's the matter?" Wei Nai followed the prestige and asked puzzledly.

Liuhua raised her hand to cover her mouth, tears were streaming down her face, the hair on the top of her head was wilted, and she said in an indistinct voice: "Eat, eat something terrible! The magic power is about to leak out!"

"Scary thing? Did it bite the sand?" Wei Nai blinked her eyes, a little confused, "No way? I cleaned it carefully before cooking, so it should be clean."

"It's not sand." Liuhua sniffed, "It's this..."

The hairless girl picked up a half-bitten piece of 'meat' from the bowl, with the same expression on her face as the hamster who ate the empty melon seeds. She obviously doubted life, and said tearfully: "I just took a bite full of expectations. Bite it turns out, it turned out to be ginger!?"


Wei Nai couldn't help laughing, and said: "Ginger is used for seasoning, just pay attention to it next time."

"Hmm..." Rafael stretched out a slender finger and tapped his chin, "Speaking of which, ginger is really good at disguising, for example, it is meat when it is put in braised pork, and it is potato when it is put in it. The chicken looks like a piece of chicken... I have been tricked several times too, hey, so angry!"

Hey, don't look down on ginger. Onion, ginger and garlic are known as the king of all flavors. Although it looks inconspicuous, without them, many dishes will become eclipsed.

Gabriel picked up a shrimp ball with chopsticks, glanced at Hua Ye, and said slowly, "That's right, the guy who puts ginger in the potatoes is the worst, it's hard to tell the difference... Once I ate shredded potatoes and it turned into shredded ginger, so now I don’t even like potatoes.”

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