Do you even despise potatoes for feelings?

Potatoes are the uncrowned king in historical time travel novels. Along with sweet potatoes, they are food that can make the world worry-free. Even if astronauts go to the sky, potatoes are also one of the must-haves. It may save lives at critical moments.

For example, in an outer space version of Survival on Mars, a certain scientist who was trapped on Mars survived for two or three years by eating potatoes, and waited until the rescue team arrived.

Hua Ye ate the food in a leisurely manner, and did not join in the girls' denunciation of ginger, but suddenly felt his right foot was touched.

At first, Hua Ye thought that someone accidentally touched him, but instead of retracting the foot, it gently rubbed against his calf.


Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth, lowered his head and glanced, and saw a perfect jade foot wearing white stockings, with a beautiful curve, enough to make any foot controller excited, rubbing against his calf, super naughty.

It wasn't the black-bellied girl, the unscrupulous angel, the tax evader... who else could it be!

"Are you up to something?"

Hua Ye looked up at the black-bellied girl sitting across from him with disgust in his eyes.

"No, it's just itchy feet." Rafael's face remained unchanged, and he ate a shrimp ball slowly, but there was a pleasant smile in his eyes, and he replied with his eyes, "Now I can't scratch when I eat, So I can only rub classmate Hua Ye to relieve the itching."


Let me tell you, you're trying to die!

A few days have passed since the summer festival, now that the scar is healed and the pain is forgotten, have you become more courageous?

It seems that only if you slap you, you will be honest.

Hua Ye snorted softly and said:

"Take your feet off."

"No~~" Raphael blinked her eyes, expressing her refusal.

The corners of this dark-bellied girl's thin lips are slightly upturned, outlining a graceful arc, her lips as pink as cherry blossoms are biting her chopsticks, her bright and clean eyes are full of triumphant smiles, like a squirrel who has successfully evaded taxes, Then put one hand on his cheek, and while pretending to cut his hair, he gently opened and closed his lips, and silently conveyed Gabriel's words: "The foot is stuck with glue, so it can't be removed."

Hua Ye's face darkened slightly: "Just give me a beating."

Rafael smiled cheerfully: "If student Hua Ye doesn't feel bad, then it's done~~"


Although it was decided to let this black-bellied girl undergo transformation again, but now is not the time.

There are so many people at the table, everyone will notice the slightest movement. Although it is nothing to be discovered, Hua Ye still did not move in the end under some indescribable subtle emotions...but he has already recorded it in his small notebook. a sum.

A certain day in a certain month of a certain year: The black-bellied girl makes trouble again.

Etiology: skin itching.

Diagnosis and treatment methods: cry her.

Well, the slap here refers to spanking, it's not a bad thing, anyone who wants to be crooked should face the wall.

Alice, the little follower, was sitting next to Rafael. Although she couldn't see the situation under the table, she could see the eye contact between Hua Ye and Rafael.

The little bean immediately showed two white canine teeth, and glared fiercely at Hua Ye: "Don't bully Master Bai Yu!"

Who bullied her, she was clearly rubbing against me, okay?

If you don't ask innocuous things like this and start making troubles, you are simply helping the evildoers!

"Anyway, Master Bai Yu can't do anything wrong anyway, so it must be your fault!"

Hua Ye half-closed his eyes: "This is the first time."

Alice: "...idiot! Pervert! The most annoying thing!"


At this time, the discussion between Satania and Liuhua had shifted from ginger to eggs.

"Why are the quail eggs so small, but the eggs are so big?" Liuhua questioned while scooping up a quail egg.

There is also a quail egg soup on the table.Islanders love eggs. In daily life, omelet rice, raw egg bibimbap, parent-child rice bowl, hot spring egg and so on can be seen everywhere (parent-child rice bowl is a rice bowl with chicken 'pro' and egg 'child', not some strange Things), Hua Ye didn't think there was anything particularly delicious about eggs, that's all, so when Wei Nai bought eggs in the morning, he suggested changing the taste to quail eggs.

Satania raised her hand and replied, "Because the quail is smaller and the hen is bigger, if the quail lays the hen's eggs, [beep——] it will crack!"

Damn it, what the hell did you say just now? It's all turned into silence words!

(╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻i!


Machiko almost spit out the egg soup in her mouth, and quickly picked up a napkin to wipe her mouth, her pretty face flushed, and she looked at Silly Meow speechlessly.

"Satania!" Wei Nai's face was full of black lines, "Eat well, if you talk nonsense, you will lose your share!"

"But that's where the eggs really came from." Satania was a little aggrieved, she obviously said something right, that's what was written in the biology textbook.

"To shut up!"

Ai Igarashi happened to scoop up a quail egg with a spoon, and the corner of her mouth twitched slightly when she heard this, her hand was hanging in mid-air, neither putting it away nor putting it away.

(Is this Satania an idiot? It must be!)

(I'm obviously eating now, why would I say such a bad thing!)

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