
Gabriel on the bed didn't know what she had experienced last night, she was so sleepy that she didn't want to open her eyes, and said vaguely: "No, just sleep for a while..."

This useless angel sleeps sideways on the bed, with only a thin blanket on her stomach, completely ignoring the unexpected spring light, she curls her body into a ball, looking more and more petite and cute, her blond hair is spread out under her body, far away It looks like a big cat, or a small tiger.

Hua Ye walked to her side, his tone was slightly condensed, and he said in a deep voice:

"Get up, school starts today."

"If you don't get up, don't get up." Gabriel frowned, still refusing to open her eyes, "Going to school, it's so annoying... Sure enough, blow up the school with a horn."

Hua Ye raised his eyebrows, and suddenly remembered a sentence: You can never wake up a person who pretends to be asleep.

In fact, this sentence can be extended, "You can't afford a bedridden person" is also feasible!

So Hua Ye stopped talking, but reached out and unbuttoned his chest.

Hearing the rustling sound of undressing, Gabriel, who was still lying on the bed, subconsciously felt that something was wrong. She opened her eyes in a daze, and turned around to see Hua Ye was undressing.

After blinking blankly, Gabriel immediately became more than half awake:

"You, what are you doing?!"

Hua Ye replied solemnly:

"Didn't you say you don't want to go to school? I can help."

"What help?" Gabriel was still a little dazed, unable to understand Hua Ye's meaning.

"The school is not so easy to bomb." Hua Ye said slowly, "But when you get pregnant, you can naturally apply to the school for maternity leave."


After a brief silence.

A pillow slammed into Hua Ye with a whistling roar, followed by a shout of embarrassment: "Hentai! Nasty! It's disgusting!"

Only female teachers take maternity leave when they are pregnant, right?

Female students who become pregnant will only be expelled from school, okay?Don't try to trick me into doing that kind of thing!

Hua Ye reached out to catch the pillow, stretched out a finger, and said calmly, "This is the first time."

Gabriel was startled, "You, you hentai!"

Unmoved, Hua Ye stretched out his second finger: "This is the second time."


Gabriel suddenly recalled why Hua Ye stretched out his finger, and then quickly covered his mouth.

Although I really don't want to go to school, but today is the first day of school, so I must go.

So last night, Gabriel gave Hua Ye the key to the door, and asked Hua Ye to come and wake her up in the morning.

There is no doubt that it is very difficult to wake up a bedridden girl, and she might be very angry.

In order to prevent Hua Ye from throwing himself on the bed and doing bad things in a fit of anger, Gabriel and Hua Ye made an agreement of "no more than three things"

If you play your temper more than three times, you will be punished with hugs and hugs.

Of course, cheating is also possible, but the consequences will only get worse.

"Get out of the way, I'm going to the bathroom!"

The useless angel who accidentally used up the quota twice could only puff up his cheeks, get up angrily, and go to the bathroom to wash up.


Twenty minutes later, Hua Ye and Gabriel walked out of the apartment.

The sky is bright and clear, and there are no clouds in the sky.

The blue sky is like a flawless blue crystal, only decorated with a few white clouds like cotton candy.

Walking to the door of the apartment, a crisp shout came:

"Brave, Xiaojia, good morning!"

Liuhua stood under the shade of a tree, the fur on top of her head swaying in the wind, obviously in a good mood.

"Well, good morning."

After meeting Liuhua, the team of two expanded to three.When we got near the small bridge, we could see Wei Nai was already standing on the bridge waiting, the skirt of the school uniform fluttered gently in the wind, occasionally showing a touch of absolute domain, dazzlingly white.

"Xiaojia, today is the first day of school, you should cheer up." Wei Nai felt a headache.After taking a summer vacation, she should be very energetic on the first day of school, but Gabriel's current appearance perfectly interprets what a salted fish is.

"Hmm~~" Gabriel yawned big, with tears streaming from the corners of her eyes, and then asked weakly, "Have you seen the city sky at four o'clock in the morning?"

Wei Nai: "..."

Add one more person to the team.

Moving on, there were pitiful whimpers coming from the alley ahead.

Hua Ye walked into it, and saw Satania tearing up, squatting on the ground with her arms around her knees, and beside her was the black-bellied girl Rafael.

Wei Nai has long been accustomed to such scenes, and asked casually:

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