"Satania's pineapple bun was robbed again?"

"That's right." Raphael clasped his hands together, smiling sweetly, "It was indeed a wise choice to spend the night at Satania's apartment last night. I saw a delightful and exciting match in the morning..."

While Wei Nai was comforting Satania every day, the black-bellied girl quietly floated to Hua Ye's side, then leaned close to Hua Ye's ear, and said softly with a smile: "In the new semester, please invite Hua Ye's classmates Advice~"

After finishing speaking, the black-bellied girl blew lightly at Hua Ye, and before Hua Ye had an attack, she quietly drifted away like a fluttering butterfly.

The warm and sweet breath passed over the ears, slightly itchy.

It's probably like biting your ears.

"...Itchy skin +1."

Hua Ye silently made another note in the small notebook in his heart.

The black-bellied girl Lafei is still happy to evade taxes.

Ding Dong: Two players join the team.

The team continued to move forward, and when they reached the vicinity of the school, Alice, the little bean, immediately swooped over, her golden twin tails fluttering behind her, flashing a dazzling arc in the air.

"Master White Feather!"

Alice ran to Rafael, opened her small mouth and took a few breaths, then a bright smile spread on her face, her little canine teeth gleaming in the sun: "Good morning, everyone."

Ding Dong: The team members are happy to add one.

Finally, when walking into the school, the back of a girl with long black and straight came into view.

"Machiko-chan, here, here."


Looking at the girls walking in front, Hua Ye suddenly realized that seven of them had gathered before he knew it.

If it is Sun Wukong, he can already summon Shenlong at this time.

But maybe two more people?

In that case, maybe they can form a campus idol group and participate in the lovelive competition.

If one more person is added, it can be upgraded to the legendary protagonist team to find the great treasure hidden at the end of the world.

In short, the new semester has just started leisurely and peacefully.

Chapter 624

When Hua Ye walked into the classroom through the back door, most of the classmates had already arrived.

I haven't seen each other in a summer vacation. These girls seem to be full of sex, chatting like sparrows on a telephone pole.

"I went camping with my friends at the famous campsite at the foot of Mt. Fuji during the summer vacation. I was so happy."

"I signed up for the sidecar competition. Although I lost the competition in the end, I made a lot of friends and was very happy."

"It's all right, my parents and I traveled to Paris, France, and ended up suffering from Paris Syndrome, feeling terrible..."

The protagonist in "When Cicadas Cry" will suffer from endemic diseases once they go to certain places. When Japanese go to Paris, France, there is a certain possibility of suffering from Paris Syndrome, and only Japanese people will get it this disease.

This thing is similar to depression, anyway, I just don't accept it all over the body, and the reason can be summed up in one sentence-distance creates beauty.

The gap between the ideal Paris and the Paris in reality is too great. Some Japanese people can't accept it, and they will naturally get sick.

"It seems that everyone's summer vacation is very colorful..."

Hua Ye sat in his seat and turned his head to look at the playground outside the window.

Think about it carefully, if you are alone, this summer vacation will definitely be quite monotonous and boring, right?

At this time, the familiar puncture sensation suddenly came from behind.

One, two, three.

"Poke poke-"

Hua Ye turned his head to look, and saw that after such a short time, the useless angel behind him had already put his face on the table, exuding a smell of salted fish that was incompatible with the classroom and was visible to the naked eye.

The useless angel looked up with both eyes, and said weakly: "It's all your fault for torturing me so early in the morning, I'm so sleepy now..."

"Who tormented you?" Hua Ye complained, "It's because you stayed up until four o'clock to sleep, it has nothing to do with me waking you up in the morning!"

"It's all your fault anyway..."

"It's my fault again?" Hua Ye raised his eyebrows and said expressionlessly, "Do you want to ask for maternity leave for you?"

"Go away." The useless angel yawned, "I'll sleep for a while, help me block the teacher..."

Stop your sister!

Why do you think the podium in the classroom is so high?

Because standing on the podium, whether the students are eating snacks, playing handheld games, reading comics or even masturbating, the teacher can see everything clearly.

You think you can't see your little movements, but in fact, you just don't bother to pay attention to you.

After a while.

A soft and weak voice, like a deer's Yoyo, rang in Hua Ye's ear.

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