"That...Hua Ye, can you give me your summer homework?"

Hua Ye put away his phone and looked at the other party.

The speaker was a petite girl with short bob hair and a pair of black-rimmed glasses. She was the study committee member of the class.

Hua Ye remembered that the other party's name seemed to be Kitano Haruka, but he didn't talk to the other party much, that is, when sending and receiving homework, there was only a little intersection...

Well, the intersection is actually a little bit more.

When Hua Ye was "showing off" in front of all the female students in the swimming class for the first time, the girl who fainted from fright was the girl in front of him.

Hua Ye was quite puzzled.

Now the island country has started to popularize physical health education from elementary school. It is not a random book and let you read it yourself, but the teacher carefully explained it!

So the kind of situation where one day wakes up, suddenly finds blood under the body, and then worries about whether one is going to die, will never happen in the island country.

Even though he has already known so many male and female poses, why is he still fainted by fright?

Could this be the so-called fainting needle... Bah, is it a fainting stick!

Under Hua Ye's gaze, the study committee member Kitano Haruka's face quickly turned red, and she seemed a little at a loss. She wanted to leave, but because of her duties, she could only bite the bullet, and said in a low voice: "Hua, Hua Ye Classmate... can, can you give me the summer homework?"


Hua Ye withdrew his gaze, not intending to bully the other party, opened his schoolbag, and handed in his homework.

"Thank you, classmate Hua Ye!"

Kitano Haruka breathed a sigh of relief, hurriedly thanked her, and hurriedly went to accept someone's summer homework... that is, Gabriel who was behind Hua Ye.

Looking at Gabriel, who was lying there in a very sweet sleeping position, Haruka Kitano showed a look of embarrassment on her face, and called softly: "Student naive? Can you give me your summer homework before going to bed?"

Unfortunately it didn't work.

This crippled angel who has achieved success in cultivating immortals has reached the state of 'keep his ears off the window'.

Haruka Kitano yelled again, seeing that it still had no effect, she could only look at Wei Nai's seat for help. After all, Wei Nai has always been a helpful little angel in the class, but at this moment, Wei Nai just happened to go Helped Machiko with things, not in the classroom.

Haruka Kitano hesitated for a while, and could only look at Hua Ye pitifully, and said in a low voice, "Student Hua Ye, can you help wake up classmate Naive?"

Hua Ye put down the phone: "Why do you want me to call?"

"Because, because you and your innocent classmate live together..."

Living with your sister!

There is only one word difference between neighbor and cohabitation, but the meaning is very different!

"Yes, I'm sorry!" Seeing Hua Ye's half-closed eyes, the bob-haired girl quickly took a half step back, looking like she was about to cry, "It's a neighbor, I accidentally said the wrong thing..."

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth, reached out to pat Gabriel awake, and said, "Get up, hand in your summer homework."

When she was disturbed while she was sleeping comfortably, this useless angel was full of displeasure. She half-closed her eyes and looked at Haruka Kitano standing in front of her: "It's so long before class, why are you in such a hurry to collect your homework? Do you understand the rules?"

During the time before class, the default rule is to copy homework.

"Eh?" Kitano Haruka hugged her homework to her chest and was about to cry, "Hey, what are the rules for innocent students?"

"You still come to bother me if you know?" Gabriel curled her lips. Although she was very upset, she had already picked up her schoolbag with one hand and was about to take out her summer homework.

Seeing Gabriel's social posture carrying her schoolbag, Kitano Haruka shuddered, and hurriedly took out a [-]-yen bill from her pocket, bent down and handed it to Gabriel, crying, "Yes, I'm sorry! I will follow the rules!"


Hey, what kind of rules are these!When will summer homework be collected and students who do not hand in their homework paid?

Could it be that in your eyes, this useless angel is actually a campus social sister?

Open your eyes and see clearly, how can she be a social sister!Social sisters must be able to fight, have tattoos, dress up in a foreign style, and wear heavy makeup. Don’t think that bad girls are easy to be, because their posture is not enough, and they can’t even be bad, okay?

The one in front of your eyes is clearly a useless cat, with the breath of salted fish that can be seen from afar. Its combat power is only 0.1, and it has no tattoos or makeup.

"It's my fault for disturbing my innocent classmate's rest!" With tears in the corners of her eyes, the bob-headed girl trembled like a rabbit under the sharp teeth of a big bad wolf. "Please don't hit me with your schoolbag. I have anemia. Fainting will cause trouble for innocent classmates..."


There was a brief silence in the air.

One after another looked at this corner, and then the little hamster whispered like eating melon seeds.

"Student Tianzhen is... collecting protection money?"

"Yao-chan just collects summer homework, but she still has to pay protection fees. It's too pitiful."

"I remember classmate Tianzhen seemed very cute at first..."

"Wrong, that's just a class illusion."

"Student innocent, look over here! The eyes, the eyes are so fierce... No, is it laziness?"


Gabriel's face was covered with black lines, and she hummed speechlessly:

"Take the money back."

"Yes, I'm sorry!" Haruka Kitano bowed again, "All the money from working yesterday was used to buy medicine for my mother. I only have so much money on me. Please don't think it's too little..."

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