Fortunately, when she and Igarashi had a "teacher-student transaction" yesterday afternoon, the legal loli even wrote the summer research homework in order to get two more aura biscuits. It can be said to be very considerate, otherwise Jiabai Li really can't come up with a nonsense in front of the room.

"Ahem." Gabriel cleared her throat and began to read, "Antarctic Day Penguins..."

Seeing everyone looking over in surprise, the useless angel sweated slightly on his head, and smiled awkwardly: "N-I read it wrong..."

However, when Hua Ye turned his head and looked, he could see clearly that it was clearly written on the manuscript that it was Antarctic Day Penguin.

Hua Ye suddenly wanted to ask that legal loli how boring she was in Antarctica, so she went to Japan Penguin!And you don't have any crime tools at all, okay?

Gabriel didn't read it at all at the time, but now that she read it, she realized that it was quite unreliable. Unfortunately, she had no choice but to stutter and continue reading.

"...Actually, I refused at first, because you can't let me go to the South Pole, so I will go to the South Pole. Wouldn't that be very embarrassing? But the summer is so hot, it's not bad to go to the South Pole to escape the heat..."

Just after reading the first sentence, there were whispers in the class.

"Really? Gabriel actually went to Antarctica during the summer vacation? And just to avoid the heat?"

"I thought Gabriel-san wasn't someone who likes to travel."

"It's scary, is this the world of the rich?"

How is she rich!Often poor enough to eat instant noodles, okay?

"Hey, Gabriel actually went to play in Antarctica?" Satania turned her head and looked, her eyes widened, with a dissatisfied expression of "you guys didn't take me when you went out to play". If it wasn't for class, she might have come over questioned.

As for Vinai, who was sitting not far behind Satania, she had already raised her hand to cover her face, and let out a deep sigh.

Gabriel stammered and continued to read.

"When the cruise ship was approaching the Antarctic, on the way, I encountered a group of sperm whales sleeping in the sea with their heads up, looking stupid..."

"Hey, do sperm whales sleep too?"

"Of course, all vertebrates need to sleep to eliminate the fatigue of the central nervous system and limbs, but fish have no eyelids, and they only open their eyes when they sleep."

"I heard that Zhang Fei sleeps with his eyes open, but unfortunately his head was cut off and he became a headless horseman..."

"Quiet." Jing Keai knocked on the podium.

The whispering in the classroom weakened, and Gabriel continued to read with a sad face: "But although the sperm whale looks stupid when sleeping, it tastes surprisingly good..."

Don't pick and choose when you eat it, you're going to be slapped like this!

"Later, I found a piece of ambergris in my stomach, and the guy who was traveling with me wanted to give it to me..." Gabriel paused, and let out a dry laugh, "Oh, man."


Although it was only three short words, Hua Ye felt that the intensity of the ridicule broke through the sky in an instant, and all the melon-eating girls in the class looked at Hua Ye in unison.

Hua Ye slightly pulled the corner of his mouth.

What are you all looking at me for?

I never gave her ambergris at all... Wait, what if someone else sent ambergris to this crippled angel, which means I was greened?

"It looks like Gabriel has a lot of personality." Jing Keai folded her arms and her voice was full of magnetism and charm.

Gabriel smiled dryly, already wishing to teach Igarashi down on the sofa.

This useless angel could only bite the bullet and continue to read: "Give me such a disgusting thing, and still want to lick my feet? Go dream..."

"You don't want us to!"

A girl who was very active on weekdays uttered an exaggerated cry of heartache, as if she wanted to replace her body.

The sperm whale is one of the behemoths in the sea, but its head occupies a quarter to a third of its body. It is jokingly called a draft of the creator.

Sperm whales like to eat king squid very much. After eating, the indigestible mouth shell of king squid will stay in the intestinal tract, and it will be difficult to excrete after a long time. Together with other things, it will form ambergris, which is a priceless and precious thing... Okay , although the name of ambergris is nice, but in fact, like luminous sand, it is in the nature of excrement.

Moreover, the literal translation of the English name of the sperm whale is Qingzijing, because the head of the sperm whale contains more than one thousand liters of whale brain oil, which is milky white. The sailor who performed the first craniotomy on the sperm whale was shocked and believed Sperm whales are "true green worms with upper brains", so they are named Qingzi whales.

Jing Keai nodded and said, "Student Gabriel, please continue your research report."

"I know..." Gabriel laughed dryly, "When I arrived in Antarctica, I naturally wanted to see the penguins. There happened to be a group of chinstrap penguins not far from the cruise ship, but after seeing the penguins, I actually fell in love with the seals... ..."

"Those penguins walk, waddling like ducks, so stupid, pull a rope in front of them, and none of them can jump over, they all trip over the ground, so stupid. And they defecate everywhere ,gross……"

Don't look down on the hygiene of penguins. Now in some rural areas of India, the hygiene level is similar to that of penguins!

Gabriel's face became more and more red, and she wanted to open the window and jump out: "It's also a bird. Although crows are ugly, they will not betray their mates, but those male penguins actually gather together and open and open on the glacier without cover. General Assembly……"

After a pause, the useless angel said again: "Oh, man..."


A burst of uncontrollable laughter came out, and the air was filled with joy...except Hua Ye and Gabriel who were the parties involved.

So when you are giggling, don't always look at me!


"Okay, let's call it a day." Jing Keai finally couldn't listen anymore, she couldn't help waving her hands and said, "Student Gabriel's research report... well, it's very distinctive, but get out of class will be over soon, we still have the rest Let's finish the next part first..."

Chapter 626 New semester, new teacher

After finally getting out of class, after Jing Keai walked out of the classroom, Gabriel immediately got up angrily.

Wei Nai had expected it a long time ago, so she hurriedly stopped her and said:

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