"Little Jia, what are you going to do?"

"Why?" The crippled angel was murderous, "Of course it's to settle accounts with that guy!"

Asking Igarashi to help her with the summer homework, and then giving her the biscuits herself, is obviously a fair deal of paying for it and delivering the goods, but scribbling is too much!

What normal student would go to Antarctica to day penguins!

And that "Oh, man" that appears every two sentences... It's super embarrassing, okay!

"Everyone is watching you." Wei Nai covered her forehead and said, just resorting to a delaying strategy, anyway, this useless angel only takes three minutes to do things, "I'm still in class, I have to go at noon..."

Gabriel sat down humbly, wanting to catch up on sleep for a while, but because of being the "first sister in the class", she was looked at curiously from time to time and couldn't fall asleep, so she poked Hua Ye with her finger.

One, two, three, four...

Hua Ye didn't want to talk to her at first, but in the end he couldn't help but said:

"what are you doing?"

Just poke it once, are you still addicted to playing?

Gabriel was lying on the table with a book under her chin, so that her face was flattened, and she muttered, "It's all your fault."

Hua Ye's face darkened: "Is this also my fault?"

You were the one who traded PY with the teacher, it was Shizuka Hiratsuka who asked you to answer questions by name, and it was Igarashi who wrote "Penguin Notes on Antarctic Day". Which matter has something to do with me!

This crippled angel speaks eloquently and forcefully:

"It was originally. If Igarashi hadn't come to you, I definitely wouldn't have let her help with the summer homework..."

Hua Ye stretched out three fingers expressionlessly: "This is the first..."

Before he finished speaking, Gabriel grabbed his hand.

"Okay, okay! I don't want to say anything!" The useless angel hurriedly said, and pressed Hua Ye's hand down.

Based on her understanding of Hua Ye's thick skin, if she really pissed him off, it is entirely possible for her to punish herself with kisses, hugs, and high praises in front of the whole class, and her face will be completely humiliated. Yes.

Hua Ye snorted softly, got up and walked out of the classroom, ready to buy a bottle of drink.

When he walked near the vending machine, he suddenly saw two familiar figures in the corridor.

One was Ai Igarashi who made Gabriel famous in the class with her "Oh, man".

At this moment, this legal loli was looking at the other woman in front of her with vigilant eyes, full of hostility, and asked through gritted teeth, "Big boobs! What are you doing here?!"

Opposite Igarashi Ai is a woman wearing a teacher's uniform with a cute loli face. She is slightly taller than Igarashi but has much larger breasts.

It was also someone Hua Ye knew.

Hoshino Xia.

During the outdoor sketching training last semester, Hoshino Xia almost completed the "Igarashi Capture Project", and later had an intersection with Hua Ye.

"Didn't you see this dress on me?"

Hoshino Xia intentionally put her arms around her chest, making her big breasts more prominent, and Igarashi gritted her teeth in anger.

"Of course I saw it!" Igarashi clenched his fists, a bad premonition welled up in his heart, "That's why I want to ask you why you wear this dress!"

The corners of Hoshino Xia's mouth slightly turned up, and she replied unhurriedly, "Of course it's because I'm a home economics teacher now."

"You, you nasty big-breasted monster!"

The last thing she wanted to see happened. When she thought of being a colleague with this natural enemy in the future, Ai Igarashi was so angry that she couldn't bear it.

"Shameless! Go out to a duel with me!"

"No." Hoshino Xia had the upper hand, and naturally she would not engage in a boring duel. She raised her hand and rolled up a lock of hair beside her ear, and said in a tone of looking down on the defeated dog, "You can be a teacher, why should I cannot?"

"You are copying my routine!" Igarashi said angrily.

"However, ninety-nine percent of the human beings in the world are repeating the same meaningless things every day." Hoshino Xia was not angry, and said slowly, "And I also need biscuits very much."

"If, indeed, this is the reason!"

Igarashi glared at the other party, but there was nothing he could do.

The interests of the two organizations do not completely overlap, so they have always been friends and enemies. When the relationship is good, the members of the two organizations can even sit together, drink a little wine and chat about Xiaotian or something. In other words, he and the big-breasted monster in front of him are deadly enemies.


No reason needed!

People with poor breasts and stars with big breasts have always been sworn enemies!


When Hua Ye saw the two of them, Igarashi and Hoshino Xia also happened to see Hua Ye.

Igarashi subconsciously snorted, and turned to look at the scenery outside the corridor, like a queen patrolling her territory, unwilling to take the initiative to greet the civilians on the side of the road.

Hoshino Xia's eyes lit up, she waved to Hua Ye, then stuck out her pink tongue, tilted her head and said, "Student Hua Ye, good morning. I am now a home economics teacher, please give me more advice in the future." Oh."

I have to admit that although Hoshino Xia is trying to show off her cuteness maliciously, under the backdrop of her cute appearance, even if she shows her cuteness on purpose, it is pleasing to the eye. Anyway, many melon-eating people in the corridor have already clamored to switch to Xia Jiang's support team.


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