Hua Ye nodded in response, and didn't dislike the other party's cuteness, after all, he and Hoshino Xia didn't have any unpleasant experiences.

"Is classmate Hua Ye here to buy a drink?" Hoshino Xia saw Hua Ye walking to the vending machine, walked to Hua Ye's side in small steps, then put his hands behind his back, and leaned forward slightly, "It's the first official meeting, teacher please Would you like a drink?"

Hua Ye shook his head and refused: "No, I will do it myself."

Now that there are so many melon-eating people in the corridor, if you invite me to treat you, there will definitely be messy rumors again.

"Okay then." Hoshino Xia didn't insist, but said, "I'll treat you to a cold drink tomorrow? I found out that there is an eight-treasure ice cream that tastes really good. There are eight flavors, and it's very popular... "


Seeing Hua Ye and Hoshino Xia "talking happily" from the corner of her eye, Ai Igarashi puffed out her mouth subconsciously.

Isn't it just a sweet mouth, what's the big deal!

I can't tell that the monster with big breasts is deliberately flattering you!And she's so disgustingly cute, why are you still talking to her!

In contrast, you are the one who has a closer relationship with you, right?

After all, I ate at the same table, did you see that I didn't even say hello?

Do you still want me to take the initiative!

Well, Hua Ye really didn't say hello to her. After buying the drinks, he just turned around and went upstairs.

"Damn it! You really have to ignore me!"

Igarashi clenched her pink fists tightly, and looked at Hoshino Xia who was looking at her proudly, and suddenly felt a deep sense of crisis: "Is it difficult, do you really want to... feed a tiger with your body?"

Chapter 627 My Senior Sister Can't Be a Bad Girl

In a blink of an eye, it was a few days after school started.

After class this afternoon, Hua Ye was about to go to the club activity room when he suddenly noticed something shining outside the window.

Looking back, I was shocked

A special creature wearing a bulky spacesuit and waddling like a duck appeared on the playground!

Although it is already autumn, the bright sun above the head is still scorching the earth. Even wearing a cool summer dress with a short-sleeved shirt will often cause you to sweat... So what kind of look does this pair of astronauts have? right!

"and many more."

Hua Ye suddenly realized something was wrong.

Because the "astronaut" on the playground has a white halo that ordinary people can't see...

"The identification is is a stupid angel."


"My name is Chisaki Taplis Shogbell, a third-year student at Angel Academy. I am fifteen years old. You can call me Tap-chan (finally debuted!)."

"That's right, my true identity is actually an angel. Although I'm still a student of the Angel Academy, I'm still an angel, so please don't always tease me!"

"As for why you dress like this..."

"Because I heard from seniors who have practiced in the human world that the human world is a terrible place. Only when the assets reach 2.9 million can I achieve financial freedom... But after I bought the protective clothing and the encyclopedia watch, I only had thirty pocket money left. Yen is gone!"

"I heard that if a person is penniless and has no identity, he is likely to be caught by a black-hearted contractor to do coolie mining..."

"What? Are you asking me if I'm hot?"

"Of course it's hot!"


Taplis, who was so hot that he couldn't stand it, took off his protective clothing, took out a gas mask and put it on his face: "There is no other way, although the world is full of dangerous creatures, if you keep covering them, maybe I will faint from heatstroke, and then I will never see Gabriel-senpai again..."

"I heard that Gabriel-senpai is studying in this school, so she must be the head of the school just like when she was in Heaven?"

"Senior Gabriel, Tapu-chan is here!"


That's right, the purpose of my coming to the world this time is to meet my favorite Gabriel-senpai.

I forgot when I worshiped Gabriel-senpai, probably that summer afternoon, when she smiled softly at herself in front of the garden, right?

That day, I didn't have time to bring a bento, so I had to go hungry alone, but it turned out that Gabriel-senpai gave half of the bento to me... Even though I was just a very ordinary junior, I was able to get a super gentle smile and super good academic performance , She is so lucky to be taken care of by the super kind-hearted Gabriel-senpai!

"As expected, I like Gabriel-senpai the most!"

I still remember the day before we parted, Senior Sister Gabriel said softly with a gentle smile, "If Tap-chan misses me, you can come and play with me anytime." I came by myself.

Although I have never traveled far alone, and the world is full of dangerous creatures, but in order to meet my favorite Gabriel-senpai again, these are not important!

Walking into the school, he found the teaching building by asking for directions. The shade in the building made Taplis let out a soft sigh of comfort.

"Senior Gabriel is a first-year student, so he must be very famous. If you just ask someone, it should be easy to find Senior Gabriel, right?"

Thinking of this, Taplis decided to ask someone for directions.

But now that school is over, the members of the Guijia club have already gone home, and most of those who don't go home have gone to the club, and the teaching building seems sparsely populated.

After walking along the corridor for a while, Taplis finally saw a petite girl with messy hair beating the vending machine beside the vending machine at the corner... It should be that the vending machine swallowed coins but did not dispense drinks Bar?

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