
After half an hour.

Looking at the newly cleaned room, Taplis breathed a sigh of satisfaction, but when he saw Gabriel lying there playing games without changing his posture, his little face immediately collapsed again.

(Did Gabriel-senpai really fall into this state because she was tempted by that demon?)

(Why does it look like... having fun?)

Taplis rubbed his stomach, and said pitifully, "Senior Gabriel, I'm hungry... when are you going to have dinner?"


Gabriel stopped the mouse in her hand, hesitated for a moment, and murmured to herself, "In the past few days, I bought bento from a convenience store on the way back, and now there are only a few bags of snacks left at home... no , I still have to save the snacks for dinner."

Hearing this, Taplis was about to cry.

Senior Gabriel, actually, couldn't even bear to feed me snacks!

It wasn't like this before!

"It's so troublesome." Gabriel dropped the mouse, scratched some messy hair, sat up and said, "... Shall I take you to Cengfan?"

Chapter 629 Two Angels Waiting to Feed

"Eh? Cengfan?" Taplis blinked his eyes, his expression was a little dazed, "Are you going to Senior Sister Baiyu?"

"It's too far, the weather is hot, don't go."

Without hesitation, Gabriel played three consecutive rejections.

"Where are you going then?" Taplis was a little puzzled, "Could it be... the place where Senior Sister Wei Nai met in the evening?"

Although we already know that Sister Wei Nai's true identity is a demon, but such a gentle and gentle Sister Wei Nai, people can't be scared at all!

"Vina's cooking is not bad, but she has to work in a coffee shop at night, so she doesn't have time to cook for us." Gabriel rubbed her stomach and found herself a little hungry. After all, playing games is also a very exhausting task. Physical matters.

The useless angel picked up the handheld and said lazily:

"Don't ask so many questions, just follow me closely."

Taplis subconsciously stood at attention and saluted: "Ming, I understand!"


(Where is Gabriel-senpai taking me for dinner?)

(Although the senior sister has fallen, she still cares about me as much as before, because as soon as I said I was hungry, the senior sister put down the game and took me out...)

(The heavens have only gradually merged with the human world in recent years. What they ate in the past were very traditional dishes... I heard from those seniors who came to the human world for further studies that the food in the human world is the best. There are no heavy samples every year, Tapu sauce is so looking forward to it...)

It's a pity that the expectation was dashed in the next second.

Taplis had just walked out the door, and before he had time to appreciate the golden sunset in the distance, Gabriel raised his hand and knocked on the door next door.

"Open the door, open the door, it's hot outside!"

After a few seconds, the door opened.

The person who appeared behind the door was actually the senior I knew before.

"What's the matter?" Hua Ye asked.

"This is Taplis, a junior who is a year younger than me. She came to see me from afar today." Gabriel let Taplis behind her.

"Hello, Senior Hua Ye!"

Taplis had already known Hua Ye's name when he was at school, but he hadn't spoken to him, so he bowed a little restrainedly at this moment.


Hua Ye glanced at the other party, and then said, "And then?"

"Then Tapu is hungry and hasn't had dinner yet, so you go and cook."

If you are hungry, take her to a restaurant outside for dinner, what kind of trouble did you bring me here!

While the useless angel was speaking, he walked into the house with ease and greeted Taplis, "Tappu sauce, come in."

"Eh? Okay, okay..."

Taplis nodded obediently, and hurriedly followed Gabriel into the room.

(What, what should I do?)

(This is the first time I entered a boy's room... What if I see something scary? I heard from those seniors that in the rooms of male high school students, there will be some scary posters, scary games, and scary things. comics, horrible CDs, and even a horrible smell...)

(Why... Gabriel-senpai looks very familiar with each other?)

(And it’s a bit strange to come to Cengfan for the first time when we meet, right?)

Like a cat just adopted by a new owner, Taplis looked around carefully, and found that the room was super clean and tidy (compared to Gabriel's room next door), and the air was fresh. There were no scary posters on the walls, and the air was clean. There is also no unpleasant taste.

"It seems to be different from what the seniors said..." Taplis muttered to himself.

"What did you say?" Gabriel turned her head to look, but didn't hear clearly.

"No, nothing!" Taplis hurriedly shook his head, and then bowed to Hua Ye again, "If you take the liberty to visit the senior, please excuse me!"

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