Although she looks like an idiot junior on the same level as Satania, she is surprisingly polite.

Hua Ye glanced at the other party and said casually:

"It's ok."

Taplis crossed his fingers and nodded lightly on his chest. His lovely face was a little reddish, and he whispered, "I can also cook. Senior, if you need help, please feel free to say..."

If you do nothing, always feel a little embarrassed.

"Don't be so polite with him." Gabriel glanced at Hua Ye, and for some reason there was a hint of warning in her eyes.

"Meow meow meow?"

Three question marks appeared above Hua Ye's head.

What's with that warning look, what do you want to say, just say it!

The useless angel looked away, turned around and sat on the sofa, then squinted his eyes and said lazily: "I have a lot of dungeons to play every day, and cooking and so on is super troublesome, so I paid him for the food." , come here for a while... It's reasonable to have a meal, so don't feel embarrassed at all!"

Hua Ye's face was expressionless.

Where is it reasonable?

The food expenses you gave are not as much as the snacks you ate!

I don't feel embarrassed, it's because your skin is getting thicker now! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!

Gabriel explained something to Taplis, and then shamelessly concluded, " we just have to wait and eat."


Taplis looked a little dazed.

I always feel that "just wait and eat" sounds so strange, it's like, like a pet being fed by the other party...

"Understood, Sister Gabriel..." Taplis crossed his hands and placed them on his lower abdomen, but looked at Hua Ye curiously, "Sister said before that his cooking is delicious, I don't know What will I eat? I am so looking forward to it..."

Gabriel looked at Hua Ye, and asked lazily:

"what's for dinner?"

Hua Ye thought for a while: "I'll give you something to eat..."


The crippled angel immediately looked over ferociously, and warned with his eyes: "Tap sauce is right next to you, if you dare to talk nonsense, I will really kill you!"


Hey, who is talking nonsense!

The ingredients are fresh, who would buy a bunch of vegetables and put them in the refrigerator!

Now there is only a bag of dried noodles in the refrigerator, okay, it is reasonable for you to eat it next!If it doesn't work, I can only invite you to drink milk!

"Go and buy some seafood." The useless angel ordered, "It's the first time that Tapu Jiang came to play with me, at least treat her to a delicious meal."

Shut up!

Obviously you want to eat seafood, right?

You are not an idiot school girl, how do you know the taste of an idiot school girl?Maybe she, like Satania, only loves pineapple buns!

"Go quickly." Gabriel urged, waving her hands.

"Um...Senior Gabriel, isn't this a little bad?" Taplis asked cautiously.

It's the first time to visit someone at home, and it's nothing more than a meal, and I'm picky eater...the picky eater is more than that, and I let the other party go out to buy food alone... Isn't it rude to talk to your neighbors in this way?

I always feel like something is wrong...

"Well, it's really not good..."

Gabriel pressed her chin with the handset, and nodded thoughtfully.

(Huh~~ Sure enough, Senior Sister Gabriel also thinks this is not good, it is wrong to get something for nothing...)

As a result, at the next moment, Gabriel squinted and said, "Then why don't you go and help carry things?"


Taplis's expression suddenly changed into the shape of OVO, and after three seconds of petrification, he hurriedly shook his head like a rattle: "No, no!"

Although it's embarrassing to eat at the senior's house, but helping with things...and, I'm not familiar with it, and I haven't had any experience with boys before, so I don't know what to say on the road!

Also, what if the seniors do terrible things to themselves?

A senior who came to the world for further study said that he must not be alone with a male high school student, and when the other party invites himself to eat a lollipop, he should refuse ruthlessly... Although I don’t know why you can’t eat a lollipop, but the senior said at the time When I was there, I had a strange expression, probably because I have eaten lollipops that taste terrible?

But if you don't do anything, you always feel a little bad, so, do you want to help carry things?

go with?

not going?

Ahhh, it's so hard to decide.

It would be nice if I had a flower in my hand, so I could pluck the petals and make a decision...

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