Compared with the sentence "I'm starting" that has become a formality, before eating, the stupid school girl Taplis put her hands together in front of her chest, closed her eyes and read a prayer devoutly, and then Some embarrassingly picked up the rice bowl.

As for Gabriel, who was sitting next to her, she had already started eating "ahhhhhhhhhh".

"Is this the bamboo shark? It tastes pretty good." The useless angel said while eating, "The shark's fin is mine. I haven't eaten bird's nest or shark's fin yet..."

"Shark's fin is nothing more than that. Sharks belong to cartilaginous fish. The so-called shark's fin is cartilage shaped like a vermicelli. If you don't understand it, it can be regarded as chicken bone, but it doesn't taste like chicken, nor is it crunchy." Hua Ye said seriously, " However, bird's nest is the saliva secreted by a few swifts and swiftlets..."

"Get lost!" Gabriel slammed her chopsticks, her eyes disgusted, "Don't say such things while eating, or I'll beat you to death!"

"The relationship between Gabriel-senpai and senior... seems to be very good?"

Taplis was a little puzzled, but also a little inexplicably happy.

(When I was studying in Heaven, Senior Sister Gabriel was perfect. She was gentle and kind to everyone, but on the contrary, I felt that there was a faint sense of distance... Although the current Senior Sister has fallen, but that kind of The sense of distance has disappeared.)

(No, but this is not allowed!)

(As the head of the academy, Gabriel-senpai is the object of so many people's admiration and admiration. If other people see her current appearance... there must be many people who will be shocked, right?)

((╯▽╰ ) smells so good~~, let’s think about this after dinner...)

Taplis picked up the chopsticks, picked up a tempura fried shrimp and put it in the bowl.

Because it is the sweet shrimp washed by himself, Taplis feels that this plate of fried shrimp also has his own participation, so he looks forward to it more.

She picked up the bowl, opened her small mouth, and lightly took a bite of the fried shrimp.

There was a crisp sound of "click", obviously without much force, the tempura fried shrimp was bitten open by the teeth, but the crispy shell was only a thin layer, and the teeth quickly touched the bottom, which was soft and rich The elastic shrimp, and then there is a slight 'buzz' in the mind, the unique saltiness of seafood, the slight sweetness of sweet shrimp, and the fragrance and crispness of tempura dishes, bursting in the mouth, and the three flavors are perfectly combined Mixed together, washed every taste bud...

I have to describe it as... super delicious! !

"Yes, sorry!"

Taplis ate the fried shrimp with tears in his eyes, and then hurriedly got up to apologize to Hua Ye.

Hua Ye turned his head to look: "What?"

"Before I wondered if the taste of the dishes made by the senior was not very good, but it turned out to be so delicious!" Taplis's eyes lit up, full of admiration, "This is the best food I have ever eaten ...the senior said so amazingly!"

You don’t need to talk about this at all. If it weren’t for the limitations of the ingredients and cooking methods, these dishes would have already shined, and you should be blushing now!

"Tappu sauce, sit down." Gabriel waved her hand, "Eat a little more and you'll get used to it."


Taplis sat back on the chair, temporarily forgetting the aphorism that the senior said 'Don't be caught by the boy's stomach with delicious food, or you will have to pay for the debt sooner or later', and asked in admiration: "Senior, senior, I I am very interested in cooking, can you teach me how to cook?"

Hua Ye stopped his chopsticks and thought about it.

Cooking is actually not troublesome. Thor's maid dragon also asked him to cook. Hua Ye was about to agree, when his foot suddenly itched slightly, but someone stepped on it.

The crippled angel Gabriel looked at Taplis, and suddenly asked: "Tapu-chan is going back tomorrow, right?"

"Eh?" Taplis blinked, quickly calmed down, and his eyes dimmed, "That's right, I'm going back to heaven tomorrow..."

Seeing Hua Ye looking at him, Taplis came back to his senses at the last moment, remembering the rules of not revealing his identity in the world, so he quickly changed his words: "Go back to Angel Academy."

After finishing speaking, he clenched his small fist, tapped his head lightly, and then stuck out his pink tongue: "Hee hee."


I have to say that this idiot schoolgirl's deliberate cuteness is really cute... But don't think that you can pass the test by being cute, what you just wanted to say is actually the heaven, right?

It's okay to say it openly, but it's strange to cover it up with a smug cover, especially when you acted stiffly and acted cute just now, who did you learn it from, and why does it look so familiar!

Seeing that Hua Ye was still looking at him expressionlessly, a bright blush soon appeared on Taplis's face, and then he took the bowl with both hands and buried his face in it... probably similar to how an ostrich meets When in danger, hide your head in the sand?

"Hentai, don't stare at Tap-chan, she will be embarrassed!" Gabriel warned with fierce eyes.

Another itch on the foot, because this useless angel often stays up late to practice immortality, his physical fitness has declined severely, and his current combat power is only 0.1 goose, and he can't even break the defense. It is said to be kicking, but it is actually just tickling.

Then Hua Ye quit.

Even if you can't break the defense, it would be embarrassing to be kicked under the table by you one after another, okay?

I don't want to be ashamed!

Hua Ye snorted softly and reached down with his left hand.

After Gabriel saw it, she was about to take her foot back, but unfortunately she was a step too late, and Hua Ye grabbed her jade foot.

After many tests by Hua Ye, even in hot summer, the hands and feet of this useless angel are usually icy cold.

The jade foot held in the hand at the moment is indeed a little cold, but it is quite soft, with a tight elasticity in the softness. Hua Ye can just fully grasp it with one hand, and it feels quite good.

Moreover, when the useless angel returned home, he had already taken off the stockings, and felt more comfortable without the hindrance of the stockings.

"Quick, let go!" Gabriel blushed, looked over ferociously, and threatened with her eyes, "Otherwise I'll punch you to death!"

Do you think you are a kangaroo?

I want to punch someone to death at every turn. With your current combat power, if you stand still and let you fight, you won’t lose a drop of blood at all. Instead, you will exhaust your energy first and become a useless meow and a salted fish what!

"Don't let go." Hua Ye was completely unthreatening, "This is interest."

"Huh? Interest?"

"There is a price to be paid for rubbing food."

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