
The useless angel looked very disgusted: "You actually use this kind of thing as an excuse... You are obviously a hentai with foot control!"

Hey, are you looking down on foot control?

How can you say that a gentleman's matter is abnormal!

For example, among the respectful titles that the ancients called others, there is a "foot", which proves that the feet are very important body parts and have special respect.

Another example is the European Middle Ages. When the nobles met the pope, they usually knelt down and kissed the pope's instep to express their admiration and respect... Could it be that those European nobles who kissed the pope's toes were all foot control perverts!

Even in daily life, in order to strengthen the tone, people often add the word "enough" before the explanation, such as...

The above examples are 'enough' to prove that foot control is not shameful, but a very honorable and practical act!


Because Taplis was sitting next to her, Gabriel didn't dare to make too much noise, so she could only half-close her eyes and cast a contemptuous look at Hua Ye.

Too bad it's completely useless.

Hua Ye didn't feel ashamed at all, and if you let me go, wouldn't it be embarrassing?

"Wait..." Gabriel suddenly recovered, "You just said interest?"

"Yeah." Hua Ye nodded.

"That is to say... isn't this the price?"

Hua Ye squinted: "I'm helping you warm your feet, what's the price?"


The useless angel quickly understood what Hua Ye meant, and immediately gritted his teeth: "Don't even think about it!"

I just came here to grab a meal, but I actually want to kiss myself like this?

The price of rubbing food is too high!

"Senior Gabriel?" Taplis raised his head, seeing that Hua Ye had stopped looking at him, he breathed a sigh of relief, but when he turned around, he found that Gabriel's face was flushed and her movements were weird, so she couldn't help asking curiously, " What's wrong, senior?"

"Ah... um... I accidentally choked on a fishbone just now..." Gabriel flickered casually, and then glared at Hua Ye again, "Hurry up and let go, you will die if you are found out!"

Hua Ye let go and warmed the feet of the useless angel. It was time to continue eating.

"Hey, is it stuck with a fishbone? It's terrible, may I help you pull it out?"

As a super foolish junior, she believed Gabriel's testimony without any doubts. Even if Gabriel tricked her into selling her, the stupid junior would be happy to help count the money.

"No need, it's all right now..." Gabriel urged, "Hurry up and eat, or it will be cold later, and you might get a stomachache if you eat something cold."

"Understood, Gabriel-senpai!"

Taplis, who was concerned, nodded tearfully, then took the spoon, scooped up a spoonful of fish soup, and after taking a sip, the expression changed again to the OVO expression dedicated to Quincy's cult.

"This, this fish soup is even better!"


Hua Ye's heart suddenly moved.

If you keep this stupid school girl by your side, cook a delicious meal for her every day, and watch her exaggerate her face because of the delicious meal, it must be a very interesting thing, right?

Chapter 633


Heavy and rapid panting sounds permeated the room, as if the air was stained with crimson.

"S-senpai is so good, if Tapu-chan can't do it..."

Taplis' voice mixed with depression and excitement echoed softly in the living room.

Hua Ye's calm voice sounded: "If you can't do it, don't force it."

"But, but Tapu still wants to hold on...it feels so strange..."

"Sure enough, forget it."

"Don't! It feels, it feels like I can't stop..."

"So this mapo tofu just looks spicy, but it's not that spicy at all!" Gabriel couldn't help complaining, "Why is your expression so exaggerated!"

Taplis, an idiot junior, always liked to show all kinds of exaggerated looks, but now her face was flushed, she was panting, she spit out her pink tongue from time to time, and then quickly retracted it, which made her even cuter.

"Y-but it's really spicy..."

"If you think it's spicy, eat other dishes!"

Taplis shook his head, and stretched out his chopsticks again: "But, but I can't control myself!"


The recipe of mapo tofu is very simple, and it has a large number of fans all over the world. When Hua Ye was buying ingredients in the supermarket, he saw that the tofu was good, so he bought a portion by the way, but he doesn't like to eat too spicy food. So I made Japanese mapo tofu.

It is worth mentioning that there is no such thing as "mochi" in Japan, so Japanese "Ma Po Tofu" is not numb, nor is it very spicy, and has a unique warm taste of Japanese food.

Perhaps it was because Tapu-chan’s tongue was more sensitive. Mapo tofu, which was just right for Gabriel, was a bit too spicy when it came to her, but this taste caught Tapu-chan’s tongue again, so Once it's out of control, it can't stop at all...

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