When Taplis turned on the rice cooker again and was about to add more rice, he suddenly saw that the rice cooker had bottomed out at some point, and he couldn't help showing a disappointed expression on his small face.

"How about I give you another order of soba noodles?" Hua Ye's voice came from the side.

Taplis blinked, only to realize that Gabriel and Hua Ye had already put down the dishes.

The idiot school girl's face blushed immediately, and she shook her head hurriedly:

"No need, no need!"

(The rice in the rice cooker has already been eaten. If you eat so much, you will be regarded as a foodie, right?)

(It's, it's not a foodie, it's just that the food cooked by the senior is so delicious...Although I think I can eat a little more, but I still don't want to trouble the senior...)

(Wait... It seems that the senior just ate a bowl of rice before?)

(Could it be that you eat so little on purpose to take care of me?)

Thinking of this, Taplis was moved and guilty, and hurriedly got up and bowed to Hua Ye: "I'm sorry! Eat, eat so much, and cause trouble to the senior!"

"It's okay." Hua Ye shook his head, "It's best if there are no leftovers."

Hua Ye didn't have the habit of eating leftovers, so it was best if he could finish a meal in one sitting.

As for why he only ate a bowl of rice...Hua Ye is actually the same as Thor and Kang Na, eating is not to replenish physical strength, but to satisfy appetite and get closer to life.

But Hua Ye is not those two foodies, so a bowl of rice is enough.

Taplis didn't know the reason, and thought that Hua Ye said this on purpose so that she wouldn't care, so the idiot junior felt even more guilty.

(Senior is so kind to me, he would rather be hungry than let me be full, so touched...)

A second later, Taplis suddenly mustered up his courage and blurted out: "If the senior is not full, you can eat mine!"

Hua Ye: "..."

eat you?

How to eat you?

Should it be stripped naked and coated with cream to make it into a female body, or should it be cut into pieces and dipped in soy sauce!

Gabriel, who was playing with the handheld, also raised her head, and the corner of her mouth twitched slightly: "Tap-chan, what are you talking about?"

"Before I came to visit my senior, I went to my senior to ask some common sense in the world." Taplis said in a low voice, "Senior told me that if you treat me with a meal, I will repay you with a meal..."

Your sister is the kindness of a drop of water, let the fountain repay it!When did it become a favor of a meal, and the rice bucket reciprocated, do you want to support the benefactor to death!

"But the food cooked by the senior is so delicious, I feel that no matter how much you cook, it can't compare to it." Taplis tapped his finger on his chest lightly, "Then the senior also said that it is also possible to 'repay the debt with meat' of……"

"Which senior said that the debt is paid by the meat!" Even the useless angel couldn't help complaining, "It's too bad!"

"It can't be said, it can't be said!" Taplis shook his head quickly, "The senior told me that I must not mention it to others..."

A row of black lines fell on Gabriel's face, and in the end he didn't ask any more questions, just said: "Don't feel embarrassed, he should cook for me..."

Where should it be? Cooking is also very troublesome, okay? Even if you don't know how to be grateful, at least your mouth should be sweeter!

"For Tap-chan, just be responsible for washing the dishes... No problem, right?"

"No problem!" Taplis stood up straight, raised his right hand to his eyebrows and saluted: "I'll go right away!"


Looking at Taplis who was busy cleaning up the dishes, Hua Ye twitched the corners of his mouth, and looked at Gabriel: "Wouldn't your conscience hurt if you asked your junior to do the dishes?"

Gabriel patted her chest: "It doesn't hurt at all."

The doors of the kitchen and the living room were not closed, and the useless angel was also very vigilant, not giving Hua Ye a chance to approach at all, so Hua Ye did nothing after all.

After Taplis finished washing the dishes, it was already past seven o'clock in the evening.

Gabriel stood up from the sofa and put on her slippers: "Tap-chan, let's go back."

If Taplis was not around, this crippled angel would not mind staying a little longer, but the situation is different now, if Taplis sees him being bullied by Hua Ye in various ways... Gabriel felt that she had to take out the The horn destroying the world is an optional path.

"Understood, senior sister..." Taplis walked in front of Hua Ye and bowed lightly, "Thank you senior for your hospitality, and hope to eat the dishes made by senior in the future."


After Gabriel and the idiot junior left, Hua Ye also got up and walked out, preparing to drink a cup of coffee.


After the start of the new semester, Wei Nai continued to work in the coffee shop. After all, she is now considered a "carrying family" person. There are so many cats to feed, and because she does not spread evil, she has been deducted a lot of living expenses. , so I can only earn money by working part-time.

When Hua Ye walked to the cafe, it was almost closing time.

"Nah, I thought you weren't coming tonight." Xiaoqian had sharp eyes, and when she saw Hua Ye, she immediately waved and said hello.

Ever since Hua Ye and her "tailed" sister Suguha that day, Xiaoqian has become even more rude to Hua Ye.

At this moment, she poked Hua Ye with her elbow, Xiaoqian blinked and reported the situation: "Just now, Wei Naijiang looked at the door from time to time, she must be waiting for you..."

"Xiao Qian!"

Wei Nai was nearby, so she naturally blushed when she heard this "whisper" which was not a whisper at all.

"Ah, I heard it." Xiaoqian made a defensive move, and then continued to say, "It's just 'ordinary friends', why is Wei Nai so excited?"

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