Wei Nai: "..."

There is no doubt that Xiaoqian has grasped Wei Nai's lifeblood.

How to deal with thin-skinned people?

As long as you have a thicker skin than her...

As for the store manager, he wasn't angry at all because the employees touched the fish. Instead, he wiped the cup slowly and sighed with a smile: "Young man..."

Wei Nai bit her lower lip, gave Xiao Qian a shameful look, then led Hua Ye to an empty table, and asked solemnly, "What do you want to drink?"

"A cup of blended coffee."

"Hold on."

After a while, Wei Nai came over with a cup of mixed coffee and put it in front of Hua Ye. Seeing that Hua Ye seemed to have something to say, she said in a low voice: "It's working time now... If you have anything to say, talk about it on the way back."


After closing.

Hua Ye and Wei Nai were on their way back.

It was autumn, and although the weather was still hot during the day, at night, the night wind was a little bit cool.

A gust of evening wind blew by, and Wei Nai hugged her arms subconsciously.

Hua Ye stretched out his hand.

"You, what are you doing?" Wei Nai blushed slightly.

"Warm your hands." Hua Ye answered naturally.

"No." Wei Nai gave Hua Ye a sharp look, and complained, "The weather isn't so bad that you need to warm your hands!"

Hua Ye thought for a while: "Is there a kind of cold that makes me think you are cold?"


Biting her lip and walking two steps quickly, Wei Nai asked, "By the way, is Tapu sauce at Xiaojia's?"

"Yeah." Hua Ye nodded.

"When Tapu-chan met Satania, his expression at that time was exaggerated." Wei Nai pursed her lips and chuckled, "By the way, Xiaojia's room hasn't been cleaned, right?"

"No." Hua Ye said casually, "But Taplis helped clean it up."

"Well, Tapu-chan is surprisingly diligent."

Hua Ye looked at Wei Nai and raised his eyebrows: "It's not as good as you are diligent, you can't even wash shrimp."

Wei Nai's pretty face blushed, she was used to Hua Ye's thick skin, and asked curiously, "What kind of shrimp are you washing? Xiaojia brought tap sauce to your place for dinner at night?"

Hua Ye nodded, and complained, "I have to help in the kitchen, I agreed, but I couldn't wash the shrimps, and I was so clumsy that I almost knocked over the pot..."

Wei Nai gave Hua Ye a blank look, and subconsciously stepped on the white grid on the sidewalk: "After all, I'm still a junior, so don't be so strict...By the way, Tapu-chan seems to be going back tomorrow, right?"

"She called me senior sister before, and said that she would like to drink tea with me..." Wei Nai said softly, the corners of her lips slightly raised, "But I have to work at night, so I can't spare time...it's better now Buy some small gifts for you to take back, and give it to Tapu as a gift?"

No wonder that idiot school girl thinks you are a real angel, she has only met once, and she hasn't said a few words, didn't she forget to give you a parting gift?

If it were Gabriel's useless angel, let alone preparing gifts, he would never even think about it!

Hua Ye pointed to a row of claw machines at the intersection ahead, and said:

"Catch the doll?"

Wei Nai hesitated for a moment: "Then, let's grab one..."

Chapter 634 Parting Gift

Crossing the road and walking to the row of claw machines, Wei Nai looked at Hua Ye who was standing motionless beside her, and couldn't help saying, "What are you doing? Why don't you grab the dolls?"

Hua Ye looked up at the sky: "Since it is used as a gift, of course it makes sense to grab it yourself."

Wei Nai half-closed her eyes, "I always feel like you're thinking about something bad?"

"No." Hua Ye turned his face away.

Gazing at Hua Ye, Wei Nai puffed her cheeks, took out a coin, put it into the claw machine, and began to grab the doll by herself.

The result goes without saying.

Although Wei Nai's luck has always been good, and she often wins awards in the feedback activities held by the supermarket, but when faced with claw machines that require more skill, luck doesn't work.

Biting her lip, Wei Nai was about to grab the second one when Hua Ye's voice suddenly sounded beside her: "Slow down, don't worry."

As he said that, he took a step forward and took Wei Nai's hand that controlled the grapple, "I'll teach you."


Wei Nai's pretty face blushed, and she finally understood why Hua Ye didn't volunteer to grab the doll just now.

Was that the idea?

If I had known this was the case, I wouldn't have agreed to come and catch the doll!

Wei Nai looked around with some guilt, not because she was shy because Hua Ye grabbed her hand, but because she was guilty of being seen by others... Thin-skinned people are like this, holding hands is like an underground party joint.

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