Fortunately, there were no other players nearby. Occasionally someone passed by, but they hurried away without staying.

(Forget it, forget it, there are still a few opportunities to catch dolls that have not been used, it is a pity to waste it like this...)

(Let's put up with him for a while...)

Wei Nai endured and endured, and finally couldn't take it anymore, she hit Hua Ye with her elbow, and blushed angrily, "Take your hands away!"

Hua Ye coughed lightly and said, "What hand?"

How dare you ask what kind of hand it is?

Could it be that the hand on his waist is the hand of the spirit behind him!

Wait... Now this posture, said to be behind the spirit, seems to be no problem?

Wei Nai half-closed her eyes, pinched Hua Ye's left hand, and said two words from her lips: "Dirty!"


After dawdling in grabbing the doll, Hua Ye was immediately pushed away by Wei Nai.

"Okay, you take these dolls back and give them to Tapu, as a parting gift."

Wei Nai took a step back, raised her right hand and rolled up a strand of hair beside her ear to cover up the delicate blush on her face, but the light from a distance allowed Hua Ye to clearly see her pink-dyed glow earlobe.

"What are you looking at?" Wei Nai cast a sharp glance at Hua Ye, and couldn't help but say, "You're getting thicker and more exaggerated now!"

Hua Ye didn't care, what happened to his thick skin?

Others say that the thicker the skin, the better one can eat.

Seeing Wei Nai's eyes becoming more and more disgusted, Hua Ye thought about it, and decided to reveal his accomplice and share the firepower.

"Actually someone else taught me."

"Hey, who is it?" Wei Nai blinked, and quickly thought of someone, "It's Xiaoqian?"

"That's right." Hua Ye nodded.

"What else did Xiaoqian say?" Wei Nai felt that she couldn't keep silent anymore, Xiaoqian was also very unreliable, and Hua Ye was so thick-skinned, they didn't know what would happen when they got together.

Hua Ye shook his head: "Don't say it, you will get angry again."

Wei Nai bit her lower lip, "Tell me, I'm not angry."


"Really!" Wei Nai began to grit her teeth.

"Hmm..." Hua Ye pondered for a while, "It's too troublesome to talk about it, why don't you practice it?"


Wei Nai blinked, immediately raised her hands in front of her, blushing and said: "Dirty!"

Hua Ye was speechless: "I haven't done anything yet, where are you thinking?"


After Hua Ye returned to the apartment, he raised his hand and knocked on the door of the abandoned angel next door.

Not long after, the door opened slightly with a "click", and a small head poked out.

It was Tapless.

This idiot junior has already changed into a large white shirt, which should have been provided by Gabriel's useless angel. It looks like she just took a shower not long ago, her hair is still damp, and her small face is even more It looks flimsy and rosy, making people wonder if they can get water out if they are pinched.

Tapless said in surprise, "Hey, senior?"

"Yeah." Hua Ye handed over the doll in his hand, "Here you are."

Looking at the fluffy doll in Hua Ye's hand, Taplis was stunned. Subconsciously, he wanted to reach out to pick it up, but he quickly retracted it on the way.

(No, no, no! The senior said that when a boy gives a gift, he must not accept it, because he might end up giving himself as a gift to the other party...)

(Although the food cooked by the senior is super delicious and the person is very gentle, in order to make me full, I only eat a little bit on purpose... But it is too shameful to treat myself as a gift or something.)

"I don't want it." Taplis shook his head like a rattle, "Senior, take it back."

"Accept." Hua Ye remained unmoved, "This is Wei Nai's wish."

(Ji, actually expressed their intentions, but it was too fast, right? They have only met twice... That is something that only adults can get in touch with!)

"Wait...Vina?" Taplis was a little dazed, "Sister Venai?"

Hua Ye hummed and said:

"Vina heard that you are going back tomorrow, so I specially grabbed these dolls as gifts for you."

"So it was a gift from Senior Sister Wei Nai?" Taplis heaved a sigh of relief, then nodded and agreed, "Then I will accept it..."

Go back to the room.

Gabriel looked back at the doll in Taplis' hands. She was in a team battle just now, and she didn't notice what Hua Ye said. She asked curiously, "Doll? Where did it come from?"

"It was given to me by my senior just now." Taplis rubbed the doll on his face, the happiness on his face was almost overflowing, "I'm so happy (*^▽^*)."

"Huh?" Gabriel raised her two slender willow eyebrows, and raised her voice slightly, "That guy actually gave you a doll?!"

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