
When I came to the ramen restaurant that Hua Ye often went to, there were not many customers in the restaurant.

Hua Ye sat down with Gabriel and Taplis, and said:

"Whatever you want to eat, order yourself."

"S-Order yourself?" Tapless whispered, "But I've never had ramen before..."

"Hey." Gabriel pointed to the wall behind her, "The ramen is all on the wall, and the name can usually represent the type of ramen, so you can order whichever kind of ramen you are interested in."

"Understood, thank you Gabriel-senpai!"

Taplis turned his head to look at the wall behind him expectantly, only to find that there were dozens of flavors of ramen on it. As a patient with difficult choices, Taplis was naturally caught in a tangle.

(What should I do? The pictures look delicious, but I don’t know which one to choose...)

(Go ask senior sister for her opinion?)

(Forget it, if you want to eat any ramen, you have to bother senior sister, will you be considered an idiot?)

(Look at what the senior sister eats, I will eat whatever...)

Having made up his mind, Taplis was about to visit Gabriel when he suddenly noticed two girls eating ramen nearby.One of them is wearing a school uniform, has blond hair, is tall and tall, and looks a little aloof, like a young lady, while the other girl is wearing a double ponytail and only wearing a vest, looking petite and cute.

There was a bowl of red ramen in front of the two of them, which looked very spicy, and the expression on the face of eating the noodles was also very exaggerated, as if they were dying, but they couldn't stop.

"What's that? It looks delicious..."

Taplis still remembered the mapo tofu last night, and now seeing the ramen in the other party's bowl, he quickly made a decision.

"It's you... North Pole Ramen!"

"Huh?" Gabriel twitched the corner of her mouth, her tone raised slightly, "You want to eat Arctic ramen?"

"That's right." Tapley nodded seriously, "It looks delicious."

Hua Ye said calmly:

"I think it's better for you to switch to another kind of ramen."

"Eh?" Taplis blinked, "Why did the senior say that?"

"Because the spiciness of the North Pole Ramen is a full nine, and the mapo tofu you ate yesterday only has a spiciness of four, and even many people think the taste is still sweet..." Gabriel rested her right hand on the table and propped her chin, Exuding the smell of salted fish visible to the naked eye, he said weakly, "You ate mapo tofu yesterday so exaggeratedly, it's better not to challenge the North Pole Ramen, or you will definitely regret it."

Taplis lowered his head and said aggrievedly: "Then, let's listen to my sister..."

Hey, what's wrong with this aggrieved and reluctant expression!

"Forget it, let's order an Arctic ramen." Gabriel twitched the corner of her mouth, "You will cry later, don't say I didn't remind you."

Taplis quickly shook his head, showing an expectant smile: "No, I won't cry! (*^▽^*)"


During the time waiting for the ramen to be served, Hua Ye had nothing to say, Gabriel also looked sleepy, and neither of them spoke.Taplis was quite excited, and Zuo Zhang was hopeful, like a child who went out with an adult and saw the new world for the first time.

"Is this a ramen shop? Sitting with so many people eating ramen, I feel so excited."

Where are you looking forward to, next time I will take you to a mixed bathing hot spring, so many people are sitting together naked, don't you look forward to it even more!

"I heard that ramen originated from here..."

"And it's not." Hua Ye put down his phone and said calmly, "I also learned ramen."

As an island country, Japan has been deeply influenced by Chinese culture. Not to mention the thousands of Chinese characters still in use today, even ramen was introduced from China during the Ming Dynasty.Among Japan's three major noodles, udon, ramen, and soba, only soba can barely be considered a traditional Japanese noodle dish.

The reason why I think of Japan when I mention ramen is only because ramen has been carried forward by the Japanese.


After a few minutes.

Three bowls of ramen were served.

"This is the Arctic Ramen?" Taplis looked at the big red bowl of ramen in front of him, and could clearly smell the spicy smell in the air. Apart from being very fragrant, it was actually a little pungent.

"It does look very spicy..." The idiot school girl was a little scared, but she was more looking forward to it.

After the baptism of mapo tofu last night, Taplis subconsciously believed that the spicier the better.

"I'm gonna start now!"

Putting his hands together in front of his chest, Taplis closed his eyes, prayed devoutly, and then took the chopsticks, gently picked up a chopstick ramen, and put it into his mouth full of expectations...

After two seconds.

The idiot schoolgirl's eyes suddenly widened, and her face once again showed an exaggerated look... OVO!

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh , mouth hurts ! ”

"I said it's very spicy." Gabriel asked for a seafood ramen. Ever since she ate the Reaper's spicy noodles that day, this useless angel has stayed away from all spicy things.

"Water, water..." Taplis opened his mouth, waiting for food.

Gabriel handed over a bottle of mineral water that she had prepared a long time ago:

"Have a drink."

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