But drinking water is useless!It doesn't matter whether you drink cold water or hot water. After all, spicy is a kind of pain, not taste.

As we all know, chili contains capsaicin, which is insoluble in water, so it will not be washed away by water. If you want to relieve the spiciness, milk is the right choice.

"It's still so spicy!" Taplis gulped down two sips of water, still teary, and couldn't speak fluently.

Hua Ye said beside him:

"Drinking milk can relieve spicy food."

Taplis hurriedly looked around, but unfortunately there was no milk for sale in the ramen shop.

Think about it, too. After all, the diners of ramen restaurants are usually men. It would be embarrassing for a man to eat super spicy ramen and then drink milk, no matter how you think about it, it would be embarrassing, right?

A real man should be ruthless to himself. What kind of skill is bullying a weak girl?

If you want to go up, you should go up to Gundam!

Gabriel said weakly, "You can still talk now, which proves that it's not that hot... Drink two more sips of water, and the pain will gradually disappear."

Taplis looked to the left, and the expression on his small face was still exaggerated: "But didn't Senior Sister Gabriel say that drinking water is useless?"

"It's really useless." Gabriel said as a matter of course, "But you get used to it when it's hot."

"No." Hua Ye said suddenly, "In fact, drinking water is also useful."

"Huh?" Taplis seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw, and looked at Hua Ye expectantly, "Wh, what water?"

Hua Ye looked at Gabriel and said solemnly, "Drool."


The air was suddenly silent.

Gabriel, who was exuding the smell of salted fish, slapped the chopsticks in her hands, and murderous aura surged in her eyes, she clenched her fists and hit Hua Ye: "Soul light! Die!"

That night, she teased Hua Ye with the death sticks, but it turned out that Hua Ye had nothing to do with it, but she was the one who got tricked.

At that time, I was so hot that I doubted my life, I wanted to explode in place, and the experience of "saliva dissolving spicy" later is still vivid in my mind...

Do you still want to use your saliva to help Taplis sooth it? !

"I, Gabriel, will definitely kill you shameless hentai today!"


With this crippled angel present, it was impossible for Hua Ye to help relieve the spiciness. Fortunately, the spiciness would gradually fade away. After a while, Taplis finally calmed down, but he never dared to eat the food in front of him again. North Pole ramen too.

"Sister Gabriel..." Taplis asked pitifully, holding chopsticks, with tears in his eyes, "There are still so many ramen, what should I do?"

Gabriel also didn't dare to eat spicy food now, so she glanced at Hua Ye and said softly, "Give him this bowl of noodles."


Taplis blinked, obviously a little shy, and said coyly, "No, it's not good..."

(I took a bite of the noodles and gave it to my seniors... Although it is shameful to waste it, it is too intimate to do that?)

(We have only known each other for less than a day, and we haven't said many words, yet we are going to eat each other's bottom?)

Gabriel pushed her share of seafood ramen towards Taplis, and said, "You eat my noodles."

After the crippled angel pushed his seafood ramen to Taplis, he confidently took Hua Ye's tonkotsu ramen, and finally handed Hua Ye the bowl of North Pole ramen.

"That's fine."


What's so good, I didn't ask my opinion at all!

After your idiot schoolgirl is gone, I'll let you pay for everything! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!

Then Hua Ye was stepped on.

"Look at what?"

The useless sky threatened with fierce eyes: "Do you still dare to have an opinion?"

"I dare not have it, I dare not have it."

"That...isn't that bad?" Although he only took one bite of the bowl of North Pole Ramen, Taplis still felt ashamed when he saw Hua Ye pick up the chopsticks. Nodding, "What if the senior gets burned?"

Gabriel glanced at Hua Ye, and hummed softly:

"He can eat spicy food very well, even if he eats the Reaper Spicy Strips, his face will not change, so you don't have to worry about it at all."

"Eh? Reaper hot strips?"

"It's just a snack..." The useless angel knocked on the bowl and changed the subject, "Hurry up and eat the noodles, or it will be cold."


Taplis was still a little worried at first, and couldn't help but secretly looked at Hua Ye with his eyes. It wasn't until Hua Ye ate two mouthfuls of Arctic Ramen without changing his expression, that he finally felt relieved.

(Huh~~ It seems that the senior is really good at eating spicy food. I almost said it to death just now.)

(So ​​stupid, I really shouldn't be brave, I should listen to my seniors...)

(And Gabriel-senpai, knowing that I would be embarrassed, actually took the initiative to eat the tonkotsu ramen of the senior, so touched to say...)

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