So Hua Ye turned to look at Hoshino Xia, and said:

"You go to the sofa and watch TV quietly, come and get the biscuits when they are ready."

"Yeah, I listen to classmate Hua Ye." Hoshino Xia nodded obediently. After all, it was her first visit, and she was afraid if it was too much.

Don't be afraid of [-], just be afraid of what happens.

What if Hua Ye got angry and grabbed the two of them and piled them together and cried?

Such a scene is too scary just to think about it.

She just had her fingers in her mouth just for fun, but Igarashi actually did this for the sake of face... No, it's not all because of face.

Face is only one aspect, on the other hand, Igarashi should not hate Huaye himself.

Based on her understanding of Igarashi, if Igarashi really hates a certain man, then it is absolutely impossible to bite other people's fingers just out of anger...

Thinking of this, Hoshino Xia glanced at Igarashi subtly, turned around and sat down on the sofa, like a junior high school student waiting for his parents to cook, and watched TV seriously.

Hua Ye looked down at the awkward Igarashi again, thought for a while, and said:

"For you... go and wash your saliva first."


Igarashi, who was still turning his head in anger, blushed immediately when he heard the words, and hurriedly raised his hand to wipe his mouth, and at the same time fired a "kill you must die" ray with his eyes at Hua Ye.

(I don’t know if this guy washed his hands just now... I heard that when a male high school student is alone at home, he likes to turn on the computer and do some dirty things. I knocked on the door several times before he came to answer the door. Is it difficult? doing that kind of thing?)

(Disgusting! Disgusting!)

(Be sure to brush your teeth ten times when you go back!)

While inflicting [-] tortures on Hua Ye in his heart, Igarashi subconsciously looked at Hua Ye's fingers.

I have to say that Hua Ye's hands are beautiful.

The fingers are long and clean, like beautiful jade, without any scars or calluses, but the undried saliva on the index finger of the left hand looks a bit bad...

Inexplicably, Igarashi remembered the scene where Hua Ye touched her tongue with his fingers just now.

For anyone, having a finger stuffed into the mouth is not a comfortable thing, and it's not a lollipop. Even if you suck, bite and lick, you won't feel any physical pleasure at all, right?

However, there is no physical pleasure, but the psychological throbbing is lingering, and it is even firmly imprinted in my heart.

"I'm going to the bathroom..."

Igarashi took a deep breath and tried hard not to show a strange expression, but the blush had already stained her little face. She took a deep breath and looked at Hua Ye with disgust: "You also hurry up and wash your hands... Also, Don't put your fingers in your mouth, it's disgusting!"

Hua Ye's face was full of black lines, and he couldn't help complaining: "Who would put his finger in his mouth, it's full of saliva, it's dirty!"

"Huh?" Igarashi opened his eyes wide and ground his silver teeth, "You actually dislike my dirty saliva?!"

Do you think your saliva is tap water that meets the standard of direct drinking?

No one will like your saliva at all!

Hua Ye didn't speak, but the disgust in his eyes was self-evident.

"You, you wait!" Igarashi clenched her pink fists.

Do you actually dislike your dirty saliva?

I haven't said your fingers are dirty yet!

I once threw away half a bottle of drink that I didn't finish, but a middle-aged uncle picked it up on the spot like a treasure, and it caused a fight when showing off... But I felt too disgusted, so They sent someone to beat them until they couldn't get out of bed for three days.

Even if they can't beat you, there are ways to deal with you!

Big deal, big deal to squeeze you out of bed for seven days! !


Ai Igarashi snorted softly, thinking she had obtained a way to fight back, she finally calmed down a bit, turned around and went to the bathroom to wash up.


Looking at the burning face in the glasses, Igarashi looked away with some guilt, turned on the faucet, and washed his face with water.

Her skin is very good, it can be said that she is a natural beauty. After washing her face, with the blush that has not faded on her small face, it looks like an apple covered with dew, which makes people want to take a bite.

"You two just wait for me, so today's affairs won't just be forgotten like this!"

After washing her face twice and rinsing her mouth several times, Ai Igarashi subconsciously stretched out her hand to grab the towel next to her, then quickly regained consciousness, and quickly withdrew her hand.

(You actually want to wipe your face with his towel?)

(I must have just fainted from anger. I usually change my towels one at a time. How could I use someone else's towel to wash my face?)

(Yes, it must be so...)


Time passed quietly.

"The biscuit is ready." Hua Ye put away his phone, turned to look at the two legal loli, "Come here and get it yourself."

"Thank you, Hua Ye!" Hoshino Xia stood up first, her voice full of admiration.

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