
Igarashi gritted his teeth and stared at him disdainfully. After putting the biscuits in the oven, this guy just sat there playing with his mobile phone. What a pain.

However, in the face of Igarashi's ridicule, Hoshino Natsu just squinted her eyes, and then passed her by without a trace of fireworks.

Just such a movement made Igarashi very angry.

"How dare you ignore me?!"

"No." Hoshino Xia poked out half of her small face from behind Hua Ye's arm, and replied innocently, "I just follow Hua Ye's orders, and don't care about elementary school students."

"You, who do you say is a primary school student?" Ai Igarashi suddenly stood up from her chair.

"Whoever is excited is talking about who." Hoshino Xia blinked and asked curiously, "Why is Igarashi-sama so excited? Or do you think you are that elementary school student?"


Although it was a daily bickering, Hua Ye couldn't help but nodded in agreement.

Although Igarashi dresses very maturely, she can wear black lace fat times without wearing safety pants, but no matter her height or body shape, many people believe that she is a primary school student, especially her milk volume , even the dirty loli who is a real elementary school student can't compare... she can completely take off her skirt!

This time, Hoshino Xia accepted it as soon as she saw it. Before Igarashi got mad, she lowered her head and started to pick up her share of biscuits. It was still very naive. The way elementary school students distribute biscuits, with a soft and waxy loli voice Read: "One piece for you, one piece for me, another piece for you, another piece for me..."


Hua Ye slightly pulled the corner of his mouth, and said expressionlessly:

"It's shameful to show cuteness maliciously."


The quantity of a Lingqi biscuit is not much, that is, more than [-] yuan, you and I will share one piece to the end, and there is just the last solitary biscuit left.

Hoshino Xia didn't speak, just holding the biscuit, then raised her small face, and looked pitifully at Hua Ye with big black and white eyes, looking very much like a pet begging its owner to feed it.

If it were someone else, it would be useless to be cute, and you could divide it as you like, and even use a ruler to divide it in half precisely from the middle, but Hua Ye is different.According to the investigation data, Hua Ye has never been a stingy person, and most of these biscuits were given to others at will. It is precisely for this reason that Hoshino Xia volunteered to apply for the school as a teacher.

Sure enough, Hua Ye didn't hesitate at all, and said directly:

"You take it."

Hoshino Xia's face suddenly burst into a surprise smile: "Thank you, Hua Ye!"

"Hmph, pretending to be pitiful on purpose, shameless!"

Igarashi snorted contemptuously, and began to count her own biscuits. Hers was an even number, which could just be finished.

It was just that when she looked up and saw Hoshino Xia's proud eyes, she was immediately unhappy, and always felt that she was at a disadvantage again, but she really couldn't do it if she looked at Hua Ye with pitiful begging eyes, so in the end she just Dallying there, neither talking nor leaving...

Hua Ye sighed.

If you want biscuits, you can say it. What kind of trouble is the expression of "the baby is wronged, but he doesn't talk, it depends on when you can find out"!

Hua Ye casually took a biscuit to her and said:

"Give you."

Looking at the biscuit in Hua Ye's hand, Igarashi felt that she had the upper hand, so she was in a happy mood. She temporarily forgot about the previous resentment, and the corners of her thin lips curled up for a moment. Said: "You gave it to me on your own initiative, I'm not as disgusting as that monster with big breasts, please beg you..."

Hua Ye put on a straight face: "Do you want it?"

"D-Of course I want to!"

Chapter 641 Using power for personal gain...



Time always flies very fast inadvertently. Hua Ye went to Chiba Shrine on Sunday and made a commission with Miss Miko, and then it was time for school again in a blink of an eye.

Hua Ye went out a little earlier than usual today.

Today happened to be his turn to be on duty. Although even if he didn't go, others would still clean up the house. After all, under the "prestige far and wide", no girl who eats melons would dare to say that he was wrong, but Hua Ye didn't want to take advantage of it. People are cheap.

Speechless all the way.

When I came to the classroom, the classroom was empty, only a girl with a bob hair was cleaning.

Seeing Hua Ye walking in, the bob-haired girl was taken aback, and then whispered, "Good morning, Hua Ye."

"Good morning." Hua Ye raised his eyebrows, "Aren't you on duty today?"

"No." Kitano Haruka shook his head and explained, "But Uehara-san has something to do, she and I changed the duty list..."

"What about the others?"


Kitano Haruka didn't speak, just lowered his head and continued sweeping the floor.

The other few people obviously won't come, because they know that even if they don't come, Haruka Kitano will clean the classroom by himself.

There is no doubt that this is school violence.

School abuse like Gabriel’s asking you to borrow a few dollars is just one type of school violence, and there are more school violence that are difficult to discover. Even if the perpetrator tells the teacher or parents, it will have no effect.

Why do you get bullied?

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