there are many reasons.

Such as poor academic performance or too good, such as being beautiful or too ugly, such as wearing old-fashioned clothes, bad hairstyles, etc... The reason is actually not important. If you want to bully someone, you can always find a reason.

Human beings always follow blindly. When one person bullies another, in order not to separate himself from the 'group', then other people must also prove their "commonality" by bullying.

The reason why this bob-haired girl is being bullied is probably because she has a relatively introverted personality. Even if she works hard, it is difficult for her to blend in with other girls' topics, right?

Of course, she is busy working every day, and she neither joins clubs nor goes shopping with others, which should be one of the reasons.

Fortunately, the campus violence in Hua Ye's class is not serious, and it has not yet reached the point where people are tired of studying, and going to school every day is like going to the execution ground - alienating each other, isolating each other, bullying each other while cleaning, It is the most common method.

"and many more……"

Hua Ye suddenly felt something was wrong.

From this perspective, Satania and Liuhua, including herself, are all targets of campus bullying.

However, that idiot Satania didn't realize the fact that she was being bullied at all. She would laugh loudly when she should laugh, play pranks in front of the teacher when she should play pranks, and she would even I thought it was the worship and admiration of others, but it was even more exciting!

"Student Hua Ye, if you haven't had breakfast, you can go to have breakfast, and just leave the cleaning to me..." Kitano Haruka whispered, her voice was soft and weak, like the grass growing in the cracks at the base of the wall.

"No need." Hua Ye shook his head and turned to get the cleaning tools.

Kitano Haruka hesitated for a moment and said, "Then Hua Ye, clean the other side. I'll help you after I finish cleaning this side..."


Hua Ye responded, but didn't say anything else.

Everyone has their own way of life, and it cannot be solved by saying "Why don't you resist", "Why don't you get along well with your classmates", "Why don't you bully others and only bully you, are you also at fault" , and I am also the object of "being bullied", so I don't have the ability to enlighten others, okay!


Not long after, another girl with long black and straight came out of the classroom.

"Hey, classmate Hua Ye?" Machiko's surprised voice sounded, "Is it your turn to clean up today?"

Hua Ye nodded: "Why are you here so early?"

"Because I'm going to be on duty at the student union today..." Machiko put down her schoolbag, walked to Hua Ye's side with surprise in her eyes, and said, "But it's still early, so don't rush...I'll help too?"

It's been more than a week since school started, and Machiko has a thin skin, so he is ashamed to talk to Hua Ye like Satania, and can only prick up his ears and eavesdrop quietly in his seat most of the time.Although she wants to spend more time in the club activities, she is actually a member of the cooking club. Club activities can be pushed once, not every time, and as the monitor, there are so many things during the first few days of school that these days He couldn't even have a good conversation with Hua Ye.

But it's not too late to say now.

"After my father went back that night, he deeply reviewed the mistakes he made to his mother, and said that he would never make them again in the future. It was a pity that the remote control..."

Hey, didn't you say that your father is an artist?

How can you say that the artist is abnormal!

There is nothing wrong with wanting a world-class breast milk dragon lady to contribute warmth and love to this increasingly indifferent world, okay?

And what the hell is the remote?

Could it be the legendary hell punishment of 'kneeling down and not being allowed to change channels, just start all over again'!

"Mom heard that classmate Hua Ye's cooking skills are very good, so she told me that she would like to ask classmate Hua Ye someday..."

"Then Dad flew to work again yesterday..."

"By the way, is the girl on Friday Xiaojia's junior? It feels so cute..."

Kitano Haruka was sweeping the floor on the other side, subconsciously staying away from Hua Ye and Machiko because of his personality, but he was a little curious in his heart.

(Is it an illusion? The relationship between Hua Ye and the monitor seems to be very good, and the smile on the monitor's face is much happier than usual...)

(No, it’s not an illusion... Although the class leader likes to help others on weekdays, even if he helps, he should be helping himself, not helping Hua Ye who is a boy. Is it difficult to say...)

At this time, Machiko, who had just finished cleaning the glass, was standing on the stool, a little afraid to get off. She was originally a literary girl, and sports and other things were Satania's specialty.

"Give me your hand." Hua Ye stretched out his right hand.


Machiko blushed slightly, gently grabbed Hua Ye's hand, and then jumped off the stool.

Seeing this scene, Haruka Kitano was instantly certain.

(It turns out that classmate Hua Ye and the class monitor are having a sneaky relationship?)

If it's just talking and communicating, it's just suspicious at best, but holding hands is very unusual.

Maybe some carefree girls don't mind being held hands by boys, but Machiko is obviously not included.

(Strange... when did they start dating?)

(The squad leader is pretty and has good academic performance, she doesn't look like a girl who just hangs out with others casually...)

(Could it be that classmate Hua Ye is the kind of guy who doesn't talk much at ordinary times, but plays a lot of flirtatious things at critical moments?)


Sensing Kitano Haruka's sneaky gaze, Machiko's pretty face blushed, she subconsciously broke free from Hua Ye's hands, and explained, "Kitano-student, no, it's not what you think..."

"The stammering tone, the shy eyes, the explanations that are trying to cover up... It's not what I thought, what else could it be."

It was rare for Kitano Haruka to complain in his heart, quickly lowered his head, and replied in a low voice: "I didn't see anything... The class monitor and Hua Ye don't care about me..."

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