Machiko heaved a sigh of relief, but fortunately it was Haruka Kitano, if it was someone else, maybe it would have been an uproar at noon, naturally there would be shyness, but the main thing is to be afraid of the great demon Laffi in the next class... squinting or something, The scariest!

"Student Hua Ye... I went to the student union?" After all, she was still a little embarrassed. After helping the cleaning, Machiko coughed lightly and said, "By the way, there is a physical fitness test this morning. Hua Ye will go with me later. Can you get props from the warehouse?"

Hua Ye nodded and said, "Yes."

"Then I'll go first..." Machiko looked at Haruka Kitano who was sitting silently reading a book with some guilt, and turned around to leave the classroom.

(Actually, there are no important props that require the help of Hua Ye. I said this, I just want to spend more time with Hua Ye...)

(I don’t know if this counts as... using power for personal gain?)

Chapter 642 Machiko's Unfortunate Day

After Machiko left, the classroom fell silent.

The bright sunshine in the morning passes through the window and slantly pours in, forming a peaceful picture with bounded light and dark in the classroom. The breeze blows and rolls a corner of the curtain, bringing a few scents of late summer and early autumn, which is quite quiet for a while good taste.

However, at the next moment, a little pigeon's 'coo' sounded softly in the classroom...

Hua Ye turned to look at Haruka Kitano.


The bob-haired girl's face flushed red, but she continued to read the book as if nothing had happened.

Hey, don't think you can get away with it by pretending to be deaf and dumb!There are only two people in the classroom now, who else could it be if you are hungry!

Feelings Did you come here to clean up without having breakfast in the morning?

You are obviously being bullied, but you are still so conscientious, Jing Keai should really give you the award of 'Moving Top Ten People on Campus'!

After a while, Kitano Haruka opened the schoolbag, took out a bottle of soda from it, and took a few sips.

Don't go out to eat breakfast, but plan to drink to satisfy your hunger?

It's not impossible, there are many sports drinks that can replenish physical strength.

"and many more……"

Hua Ye suddenly found a problem.

When this bob-haired girl unscrewed the bottle cap, she showed no signs of exerting force at all, and the soda in the bottle did not have any bubbles... In other words, the bottle of drink has been unscrewed before, and is it not filled with soda? ?

Hua Ye took another look and quickly recognized it.


There was boiled water in the drink bottle!In the past, when some profiteers sold wine, they often mixed some water in it, but when it came to you, it became a whole bottle of water!

Are you going to drink water to satisfy your hunger?

This approach is simply deceiving your own brain, okay?If drinking water can satisfy hunger, then so many people in Africa will not die of famine every year.

Or is it that you are actually a close relative of the Automobile Stars, who only need to drink gasoline to replenish energy, can you also replenish physical strength by drinking plain water?

However, when the car stars are deformed, the front of the car usually forms the head and mouth, and the position of the fuel filler is usually at the rear of the vehicle, that is to say, they do not use the mouth when refueling, but other bad parts. .

Kitano Haruka tried her best not to make a sound and drank two sips of water, but at this moment, a calm voice came into her ears: "Eat when you are hungry, drinking water is useless."


Haruka Kitano almost sprayed the water out of her mouth, she quickly covered her mouth with her hand, and said with a blushing face, "Hua, Hua Ye, what are you talking about?"

Hua Ye said solemnly:

"The energy of human physiological activities comes directly from the blood sugar in the blood, and the blood sugar comes from the nutrients obtained from food. Although drinking water will make you feel full, it is actually deceiving your brain, so it is easy to lose weight. Suffering from a stomach bug... that's what it says on the phone."

Kitano Haruka bit her lower lip and explained in a low voice: "Because I have to get up early in the morning to deliver newspapers and clean up the class, so I didn't have time to make breakfast. It's just today, it's okay..."


Outside the warehouse of the gymnasium.

Because there will be a physical fitness test this morning, as the squad leader, Machiko has to prepare the props that need to be used in advance. In fact, there are not many. It is nothing more than a command gun, a chronograph stopwatch, a recording form, and balls that need to be used, etc. Wait.

"I just sent a message to classmate Hua Ye, he should be here soon, right?"

"I don't count myself as using power for personal gain. If there are two people, it must be more convenient than one..."

Thinking this way, a volleyball whizzed towards him suddenly.

"Ah meow!"

Machiko was caught off guard and was hit in the head by the volleyball.

"Sorry, sorry!" A sports girl with a wheat complexion ran over, put her hands together, and begged for forgiveness pitifully, "I accidentally hit you just now, I'm sorry! Are you okay?"

"No, nothing..." Machiko shook her head.

The place hit by the volleyball only hurt slightly, mainly because he was taken aback. Now that the other party has sincerely apologized, Machiko will naturally not pursue it.

"That's good..." The girl breathed a sigh of relief, picked up the volleyball, bowed again and apologized, then turned and ran away.

Machiko raised her hand and rubbed her forehead, quickly put aside the little things just now, and continued to wait for Hua Ye to come.

Not long after, a familiar figure appeared in the field of vision.

Machiko's eyes lit up slightly, and she waved, "Student Hua Ye, this way."

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