No wonder when Xiaolin called today, he actually said that he hadn't been in a relationship yet, and there was a hint of resentment in his voice. Did his parents urge him to marry him?

"Sure enough!" Thor clenched his fists, and the little tiger teeth at the corners of his mouth gleamed coldly, "Even if it is my mother-in-law, I would never want to betroth Xiao Lin to someone else!"

Did you call your mother-in-law so soon?

Are you going to visit as a maid or as a giant dragon?

Fortunately, Thor finally knew that this kind of thing can't be solved with fists. She sighed rarely, put her head on the back of the chair, and shook her head from side to side: "Xiao Lin didn't agree, saying that he was busy with work and didn't have time to go back...but hang up." After the phone call, Xiao Lin became very depressed."

The maid dragon said to herself: "Fortunately Xiao Lin didn't agree, otherwise that man would disappear..."

Hey, don't say such dangerous things in a nonchalant tone!

"Wait..." Thor suddenly looked at Hua Ye, pointing his chin with one hand, "I remember that cousins ​​can get married in Japan?"

Hua Ye's face darkened, and he couldn't help complaining:

"I'm not interested in Xiaolin at all! I'd rather have your idea than Xiaolin's idea!"

She is flat-chested, short, and usually has no personality. Although she will become prettier after taking off her glasses and hair, she still has no interest at all!

"That's good, even if I don't hate Xiao Ye, I won't give Xiao Lin to anyone..." Thor breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly looked at Hua Ye with vigilant eyes, "You don't want to make up my mind either. , I belong to Xiaolin from the beginning to the end!"

"Who's going to get your idea!" Hua Ye was so angry that he almost burst the drink in his hand, "You can't afford a foodie like you who can eat up the cafeteria, okay?"

"Xiao Ye bullies people." Thor puffed up his mouth, "I don't eat that much every time!"

"It seems that the older the girl is, the more she will be bullied." The maid dragon looked up at the sky and muttered to himself, "For example, when I was studying online two days ago on 'how to please the master', by chance Joined a chat group..."

"What you should study is "Self-Cultivation of a Maid", not how to please the master!"

Thor continued: "At first when people asked me what my gender was, I said I was a girl..."

Where are you a girl?

Is there a girl who can overwhelm a buffet restaurant?It's clearly a female Tyrannosaurus, okay?

"After those people heard that I was a girl, they welcomed me very warmly, and taught me various skills of a maid to serve her master..."

Hua Ye complained expressionlessly: "I always feel that you joined some indecent chat group."

Nowadays, many people can't even find sensitive resources online. How can you often encounter some messy things?

Should it be said that she is indeed a lustful dragon maid?

"Then I was so angry!" Thor smashed his fist, puffed up his cheeks in dissatisfaction and said, "Those people asked me another question later, and they kicked me in the end."

Hua Ye raised his eyebrows, a little curious: "What question did I ask you?"

"Those people asked me how old I am..."

Age problem?

Could it be that you were kicked because you answered the other party that you are a giant dragon that has lived for tens of thousands of years?

"Xiao Lin told me that if someone asks my age, they should say that I am twenty, otherwise I will scare others..." Thor puffed up his mouth, unhappy, "So I told those people that I am two years old. I was ten years old, and then those people changed their faces one after another, saying 'it turned out to be an old woman', 'tofu dregs that have passed the expiration date', and then kicked me out!"


Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "What's the name of that chat group?"

To regard a twenty-year-old girl as an "old woman" should be some very naive little ghosts, maybe it is the post-so-and-so chat group.

"The name of that chat group is very strange." Thor blinked and said curiously, "I remember the name is 'May I have some rabbits today'... What do you mean?"


Chapter 652 Rubbing back and forth...

"That's right, it's the name 'Do you want some rabbits today'..." Thor blinked and asked curiously, "Does Xiaoye know what it means?"

Hua Ye was expressionless: "I don't know, don't ask me, just take off your skirt."


"By the way, Xiao Ye will be my training partner?" Thor said quickly and enthusiastically.

Hua Ye squinted at the past: "What sparring partner?"

"Xiao Lin is very tired at work recently. I learned how to massage shoulders on the Internet, and I want to give Xiao Lin a massage." Thor puffed up his mouth and said aggrievedly, "But after only one massage, Xiao Lin felt very uncomfortable. You don't want me to serve you anymore..."

The maid dragon looked at Hua Ye, blinked and begged, "I think it might be due to lack of strength, so Xiao Ye will practice with me?"

"Pinch your shoulders?" Hua Ye thought for a while, then nodded and agreed, "Yes."

"Thank you Xiaoye!"

With a bright smile on his face, Thor pointed to the sofa: "Then Xiao Ye, sit next to Kang Na first, I'll go and collect the clothes on the balcony, and I'll be here soon."


Hua Ye walked over to Kang Na and sat down.

The blue-eyed young dragon raised his face, blinked, and handed a piece of jelly that he had just peeled to Hua Ye.

"give you to eat."


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