So Hua Ye ate a piece of jelly, and watched Chibi Maruko with Kang Na.

As a full-age animation that has been broadcast for more than [-] years and has more than a thousand episodes, it naturally has its attractions.

Like now.


It was a hot summer afternoon.

The sky is blue, with only a few white clouds floating leisurely like cotton candy.

Xiao Maruko and Grandpa sat under the eaves of the backyard, looking up at the sky together.

Maruko: "The weather is fine today."

Grandpa: "Ah, the weather is nice."

Maruko: "The sun is shining on my body and it's warm."

Grandpa: "Yes, it's warm."

Xiao Maruko: "All of these are thanks to Father Sun."

Grandpa: "Ah, thanks to the sun."

Maruko: "Grandpa, let's compete in a daze?"


So Maruko was lying on Grandpa's lap, and both grandpa and grandson were in a daze in the posture of "looking up at the starry sky".

The narrator sounded: It feels good to be in a daze, summer is to be in a daze.

(The deepest impression of childhood, so many years, I still remember...)

Hua Ye subconsciously looked down at Kang Na after watching this episode.

Aren't I and this blue-eyed young dragon also in a daze?

At this moment, the story and reality overlapped extremely similarly!


This blue-eyed young dragon also happened to raise its face, looked over, its big eyes bluer than the sky sparkled, and said softly, "I want it too."


What do you want?

You will be locked up in the gendarmerie!

"I want to lie down too."

The blue-eyed young dragon patted Hua Ye's thigh, then imitated the posture of Chibi Maruko on TV, lying on his grandfather's lap, tilting his head on Hua Ye's lap.

After lying down, he rubbed against Hua Ye's lap, and only after finding a comfortable position did he continue eating snacks.


The first time the knee pillow was taken by that black-bellied girl Rafael, but the second time the knee pillow was taken by you!Have you asked Wei Nai for their opinions?

"I am back!"

After collecting the clothes, Thor came back from the balcony and was surprised to see Kang Na who was eating snacks on Hua Ye's lap: "Kang Na likes you very much."

I just gave a piece of jelly, how do I like it!She just wants to experience the poses in the anime!

Thor walked behind Hua Ye, his fingers crackled, and he said enthusiastically, "Then I'm starting? Xiao Ye, hold on."

Hold on to your sister!

As for the massage you agreed upon, do you intend to experiment with the method of splitting the tendons and wronging the bones, or the method of acupoint acupuncture? (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth and said:

"Let's get started."

Thor quickly landed his hands on Hua Ye's shoulders and began to massage.

"Oh, Xiao Ye's shoulders are so hard, much harder than Xiao Lin..."

Nonsense, you should worry if you are softer than a girl!

"But it's better to be tougher." Thor was massaging while racing, "I heard people say 'men are not hard, women don't love', Xiao Ye is so hard, no wonder there are so many girls around him..."

Hard on you girl, how do I remember this sentence is "Men are not bad and women don't love", don't always copy the old drivers on the Internet and drag racing, your driving skills are too bad!

Hua Ye's face was full of black lines: "I'm really sorry for being so tough!"


During the massage practice, Thor inevitably leaned forward. Coupled with talking from time to time, it can be said that the contact was more intimate, so a pleasant aroma came to his nostrils.

First of all, there is the hair fragrance of green apple shampoo, and then there is a faint milky fragrance. Hua Ye has smelled this milky fragrance on Dirty Lolita and Kang Na before. Generally speaking, children will have it.The reason why Thor has it is probably because of her extraordinary mind, right?

In the end, there is the tempting fragrance exhaled from the breath, which is warm and warm, and occasionally falls on the neck, a little itchy.


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