"Xiaoye, how do you feel? Are you comfortable?"


"It's strange to say that when I was doing it with Xiao Lin, it was the same strength. Why did Xiao Lin say it was uncomfortable? Could it be that Xiao Lin is not as hard as you, so the strength should be lower?"

"Hey, Xiaoye, hold on! Let's try a few more positions, so we can know which one is the most comfortable..."


Of course, none of the above is a problem.

Although this maid dragon is using herself as an experimental product, as a giant dragon, she has a very subtle grasp of power. In addition, she has learned massage skills and knowledge from the Internet. The comfort level of the massage at this moment is no less than that of General professional technicians.

However, Hua Ye finally discovered the reason why Xiao Lin felt uncomfortable.

As I said before, Thor's cup size in the Dragon Clan is D, but calculated by human standards, at least two more levels are required. Now when bending over for massage, the extraordinary chest naturally cannot violate physics like in the anime. Instead, under the action of gravity, it hangs down and swings slightly with the massage action...

Ever seen an old-fashioned large clock?

That's right, it swings back and forth like a clock, and by the way, it makes a "puyo puyo" sound like trembling jelly...

The reason why Hua Ye knows so clearly is because the swinging 'clock' sometimes brushes past his shoulder!


No wonder Kobayashi showed serious discomfort after your massage!

Any girl will be more or less entangled with the volume of breasts. When Kobayashi was receiving a massage, your obscene breasts rubbed back and forth on her body... Suffering from big | breasts Kobayashi, who was injured by a series of critical strikes by the stars, would have been fine without exploding in situ!

Chapter 653 Riding Kangna is illegal!

The sound of "Puyo Puyo" was intrusive in my ears, I smelled the faint fragrance of milk in my nose, and my shoulders were rubbed back and forth by the soft and elastic chest...

Hua Ye said that he was really uncomfortable.

It's not that he was injured by a critical blow like Xiaolin, but had a worse reaction!The space-based rail gun has begun to recharge under the stimulation!

Maybe it's really like what the black-bellied girl said, she is now more and more evolved into a carnivore. If it was before, she would never be impulsive because of such a little temptation.

But now is not the time to think about it, because there is an even worse matter at hand

The blue-eyed young dragon, imitating Chibi Maruko's posture and staring in a daze, was still lying on his lap eating snacks.

Just a second before Hua Ye was about to wake her up, a soft voice suddenly sounded.

"You hit me."


At this moment, Hua Ye suddenly wanted to say something: The wind is so noisy today.

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth silently, and said:

"Get up..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Thor with a curious face: "Hey, what hit you?"

"I don't know." Connor blinked.

"You get up first..."

The blue-eyed young dragon didn't get up, but rubbed its small face against Hua Ye's protruding part, and then said softly, "It's very hard."


"It's a stick, not a phone."


A deathly silence suddenly struck.

The strength on Hua Ye's shoulders suddenly increased, and Thor's voice sounded angrily: "Kang Na, get up!"

The dragon maid's words were obviously much better than Hua Ye's words, and Kang Na quickly sat up: "Yes, Lord Thor."


Thor clenched his fist and smashed Hua Ye's shoulder: "Okay, no wonder you answered so bluntly just now, so it turns out that the one you want to ride is not me, but Kang Na?!"

Who wants to ride her? The situation just now was completely caused by you, okay?You are the one responsible!

"No, it's not riding, it's fucking..." Thor changed his words, "You actually want to fuck Kangna!"

At this time, don't worry about whether to 'ride' or 'ride'!These two words can be used interchangeably in some cases!

Hua Ye said with a dark face, "I never thought about going to Kang Na!"

The blue-eyed baby dragon had already sat on the other side of the sofa, continuing to eat snacks as if nothing had happened.

Thor looked over from behind Hua Ye, and saw the place where Kang Na was pushed just now, with a look of disgust on his face: "You still say it's not? You're obviously hardened!"

As a giant dragon that has lived for tens of thousands of years, what kind of storms and waves have you never seen?So I don't feel shy at all when talking about "hard or not".

"Okay, I just praised you for your tough shoulders, are you going to prove to Kang Na that you are tougher elsewhere?" Thor pinched Hua Ye's shoulders, "You lolicon!"

Hua Ye's face was full of black lines: "I'm not a lolicon!"

Only this can't be tolerated!When I was at the hot spring hotel, that filthy loli had only a towel on her head. Didn't she have done nothing?

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