"Hmph, Kobayashi taught me how to judge lolicons, saying that lolicons can't help but have physical contact with little girls..."

Thor looked at Kang Na and asked seriously, "Kang Na, has Xiaoye ever held your hand?"

Connor blinked, shook her head and said, "No."

Hua Ye justified himself: "Did you hear that? I'm not a lolicon!"

As a result, the blue-eyed young dragon hadn't finished speaking.

I heard Kang Na continue to say softly: "I have hugged me."


Thor asked with vigilant eyes: "Where is the hug?"


"Hey, belly? That's barely acceptable..."

"And ass."


The air was silent again.

Thor gritted his teeth and looked at Hua Ye: "You said you are not a lolicon!"

Hua Ye now even has the thought of transforming into a puncher.

your sister!

You're talking about what happened at the summer festival that day, right?

It was you who repeatedly asked me to hold you to play the shooting game, but you made it clear to me!

It's fine to hold you without complaint, but now you have to be misunderstood as a lolicon, which is even more wronged than a tree man who "eats grass and squeezes out blood"! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!

"Kangna is still a child." Thor looked at Hua Ye with a broken heart, "No wonder you took Kangna to eat so many delicious food before, and you didn't take me to eat..."

Eat your sister!That's why she has been staring at you with "Hungry Dragon Stare", okay!Staring at you without feeding, you wouldn't be able to bear it if it were you!

Thor stretched out a finger, shook it lightly in front of Hua Ye, and said seriously, "Riding Kangna is illegal, starting from three years, the maximum penalty is death."

The law protects the rights of all natural persons, not the rights of dragons, right?

Even if he took a step back and said that he really rode this blue-eyed young dragon, the probability of becoming the dragon knight that everyone cites far exceeds the probability of going to prison!

For example, Zhen Zhibing, who was also a dragon knight in the martial arts movie that was remade many times in the three places on both sides of the strait, not only was not arrested by the Yamen, but he became famous!That guy was originally a third-generation disciple of the Quanzhen Sect. It can be said that his martial arts and aptitude are mediocre. The limelight is no less than that of the protagonist!It doesn't matter whether it's a good reputation or a bad reputation, at least you'll know it once you become famous all over the world!

"Really, Xiaoye, if you really need it, you can tell me." Thor puffed up his mouth and said sadly, "If Xiaolin finds out that you want to have sex with Kangna, Xiaolin will be so sad!"

"What are you telling me?" Hua Ye's face turned darker.

Don't you still plan to feed the tiger with your body and be ridden by me instead of Kang Na!

Thor blinked, "I can give you money, let you go to a custom shop to recruit prostitutes to meet your needs..."

This lewd|full-hearted maid dragon openly talked about the topic of calling chickens in a custom shop, and actually lowered her head to touch her pocket, muttering to herself, "How much does it cost to go to a custom shop? I haven't been there before." , I really don’t know... Kobayashi will give me this week’s food expenses when he comes back tonight, and now he only has [-] yen left..."

Thor took out a handful of money from his pocket, and asked Hua Ye while counting: "Is [-] yen enough? If not, I'll steal a battery car to support you... No, it's a part-time job to make money for you to go to a custom shop..."

Ah, so touched!

Just because you don't want to make Xiaolin sad, are you going to steal the battery car for me to go to the custom shop to meet my physical needs?

If the title of National Good Maid is not awarded to you, it must be because the judges are shady! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!

Hua Ye felt that this topic couldn't be continued, otherwise he couldn't help but transform himself and ride these two dragons, achieving the title of "True Dragon Knight".

"Wait a minute, let's stop here!" Hua Ye decisively stretched out his right hand, "I still have something to do, so I'm leaving!!"

Chapter 654 Brain Hole Girl

When Hua Ye walked out of Xiao Lin's apartment, it was already dimly lit outside.

Although Thor wanted to stay and said, "Even if Xiao Ye is a lolicon, he can stay and eat, as long as he doesn't ride Kang Na", Hua Ye resolutely put forward his farewell.

It's not Lolicon, this blame will never be carried!

The evening wind is a little cold.

Hua Ye was walking alone on the neon-lit long street, planning to have dinner first, then go to a coffee shop for a cup of coffee, and finally return to the apartment, but halfway through, his cell phone rang suddenly.

Taking out the phone from his pocket, he saw it was Machiko calling.

Hua Ye clicked to connect.

"Hua, classmate Hua Ye!" The black, long straight girl deliberately lowered her nervous voice, "I, I met a ghost!"

"Huh?" Hua Ye slightly pulled the corner of his mouth, "You mean ghost?"

The aura of this world is thin, and it is transforming from a low-magic world to a low-magic world. It is difficult for ghosts to be born, and ordinary people cannot see ghosts with the naked eye...so the possibility of Machiko's misjudgment is very high big.

"Are you sure it's really a ghost?" Hua Ye asked.

"No, not sure..." An aggrieved voice came from the other end of the phone, and the black long straight girl almost cried, "When I got home, I found that there were no ingredients in the refrigerator, so I went downstairs to the supermarket to buy ingredients , as a result, when passing through the park, I suddenly saw a white shadow floating on the ground..."

Hey, ghosts can float in the air. What's the matter with floating around on the ground? Could it be mopping the floor?

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