Hua Ye coughed lightly and said, "Could it be a moron?"

"It's not an idiot..." Machiko felt even more aggrieved. Last time, because of a fever, she mistook a girl for an idiot. How could such a shameful thing happen again.

"I was also afraid of making a mistake. I called out to it, but there was no response at all. The other party just floated there, so, so scary..."

The black, long straight girl came over with a pleading voice: "Can classmate Hua Ye come over for a while? I, I'm afraid..."



After a while.

"Student Hua Ye!" Machiko's eyes lit up, and she ran to Hua Ye's side in small steps, "Are you here?"

"Hmm." Hua Ye nodded and got straight to the point, "Where is the ghost?"

The girl with long and straight hair grabbed Hua Ye's hand, pointed to the park behind her, and said nervously and curiously, "It's in the park..."

"Didn't you come out? Then why don't you go?"


Generally speaking, after getting rid of the supernatural creatures suspected of being "ghosts", normal people should run as far as they can while breathing a sigh of relief, but as a literary girl, Machiko's most prominent attribute is "brain hole".

In fact, Machiko also thinks that the possibility of ghosts is not great, but if the facts are not clarified, the following scenarios are likely to happen

【Machiko Brain Hole Theater: The Invisible Guest】


The sound of the door closing quickly echoed in the room.

A straight black girl leaned against the door, panting in panic.

"I'm a female high school student, and my daily hobby is reading light novels."

"Today, my mother worked overtime and would not be able to come back until very late. However, when I went out to buy ingredients alone, I encountered an unknown creature suspected of being a ghost in the park. Fortunately, I managed to escape home. I should be safe now... right?"

"Tick, tick."

Suddenly there was the sound of water dripping from the faucet in the kitchen, which was especially clear in the empty room.

"Is it because the faucet is not turned off?" the black long straight girl thought, and walked towards the kitchen.

Unexpectedly, the faucet was twisted tightly, and there was no sign of water leakage at all.

The wind is getting stronger outside.

A window was left open, and the curtains fluttered chaotically in the wind.

The black long straight girl hurried over to close the window, but with the gust of wind just now, the room suddenly became lively

There was movement under the bed, behind the sofa, and in the closet...

"Too, too scary!"

It was for this reason that Machiko called Hua Ye over to find out, otherwise he might be too scared to even go home.


Hua Ye and Machiko walked back to the park, and there was a bamboo forest by the lake.

The whirling bamboo forest looks very beautiful, but after dark, even with street lights, it looks a bit creepy.

Hua Ye stared, and soon found the white ghost that Machiko was talking about.

"That's, that's the white ghost floating around on the ground!" Machiko grabbed Hua Ye's hand and whispered timidly, "I didn't lie to you, did I?"


After a brief silence, Hua Ye said, "That's not a ghost."

"Eh? It's not a ghost?" Machiko looked around curiously, "What is that?"

Hua Ye didn't answer, but just waved and said:

"come over."

As the voice fell, Machiko was surprised to see the white shadow floating around in the bamboo forest, as if he had heard the order, he ran towards the two of them with a jump.

As the opponent ran closer and closer, Machiko finally saw the opponent's true face clearly through the street light, and then opened her eyes with a wonderful expression...

"Hey, it's actually a rabbit?!"

Yes, the so-called "ghost" is a rabbit.

But it's not an ordinary little white rabbit, but an Angora rabbit.

Angora rabbits are the world’s famous breed of wool-using rabbits. They are named Angora rabbits because they look like Angora goats. They are also called grass mud rabbits on the Internet... Yes, besides grass mud horses, there are also grass mud rabbits in the world.

This kind of rabbit has a docile personality and is easy to keep. Now many people keep it as a pet. Its distinctive feature is that its hair is thick and slender, or it is too long!The fur on this rabbit's body is white, and its size is similar to that of Juzuo. It is obviously a pet rabbit that accidentally escaped from a certain family. It was quite windy at night tonight, and a white rabbit fur was fluttering in the wind, didn't it look like a white ghost!

You are too timid to be so scared by a rabbit eating grass!If it were the blue-eyed baby dragon, maybe it would have added this rabbit to the "recipe collection"!

By the way, in "Do you want some rabbits today", the rabbit on Chino's head is an Angora rabbit, and it is also a female rabbit.

At this moment, under Hua Ye's command, the "ghost" Angora rabbit hopped up in front of Machiko, and then obediently lay down on the ground.

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