Hua Ye turned his head to look at Machiko, and said speechlessly, "You're not afraid now, are you?"


Machiko looked left and right, her pretty face was stained with red, and she really wanted to find a crack in the ground to drill down.

(Last time, I regarded a girl as an idiot, and now I regard a rabbit as a ghost, and I was so frightened that I called classmate Hua Ye for help... So shameful, shameful, shameful, shameful!)

The black, long and straight girl faltered for a while, and then said aggrievedly: "Student Hua Ye, don't laugh at me, I don't know it's a rabbit..."

"No joke." Hua Ye shook his head.

Because I already knew that you were timid!Even if the caterpillars fall into the clothes, they dare not stretch out their hands to catch them, and they have to ask others for help. When they meet this "unrestrained" Angora rabbit in the wind, it is already very good that they are not frightened and their legs are limp.

"Really?" Machiko raised her head, peeked at Hua Ye's profile, and asked in a shy voice, "Then, if I am in danger from now on, Hua Ye will come to save me, right?"

Machiko has read a fairy tale before, called "The Wolf is Coming", a shepherd boy who herds sheep always likes to scare others by saying that the wolf is coming, but in the end when the wolf really came, no one believed what he said. up.

(I asked classmate Hua Ye for help twice, but I ended up scaring myself...Will classmate Hua Ye come if I am in danger next time?)

Hua Ye nodded: "Yes."

Although it was just a simple word, it made Machiko very happy. In her opinion, what Hua Ye said would definitely be done. This was a promise.

Machiko raised her hand and pulled a strand of hair that was blown by the wind behind her ear, and suggested, "This rabbit should be a lost pet. Let's look around and see if we can meet its owner?"

Chapter 655 I'm Really Not a Lolicon

Machiko originally planned to pick up this wild grass mud rabbit in the evening wind, but this rabbit has long hair, and it has been running in the bamboo forest for a long time, and it has already been covered with a lot of dust. Dirty clothes.

Machiko was in a dilemma, but Hua Ye said, "Don't hug him, just let him lead the way."

As he spoke, he looked down at the grass mud rabbit, and ordered:

"You go ahead."


This grass mud rabbit was very obedient, and it jumped forward when it heard the words.

"Eh?" Machiko opened his eyes wide and asked curiously, "So classmate Hua Ye is not only an old Chinese doctor, but also an animal trainer?"

Hua Ye slightly twitched the corner of his mouth: "It's not a beast trainer."

Even if you saw a shikigami like Yukino with your own eyes, you still naively think that the other party is a prank show... Even if you tell your real identity, you will think it is a joke!

The two were talking, and after a while, they met a lady who was holding a little Lolita. The little Lolita was about seven or eight years old, her eyes were red, and she had obviously just cried. The two walked Looking around, as expected, it is the owner of this rabbit.


"I'm sorry for causing trouble to you two!" The wife couldn't help but thank you, "When my daughter was playing with Xiaotu, she accidentally lost the rabbit. If you didn't find it, I don't know how long I would have cried!"

Little Lolita also bowed to thank her seriously: "Thank you brother and sister!"

"You're welcome, we just met by chance..." Machiko shook her head and said.

Hua Ye looked down at the rabbit: "Let's go."


The Angora rabbit obediently lying at Hua Ye's feet got Hua Ye's order, and immediately ran towards the little loli with a jump.

The little loli hugged the rabbit, then looked at Hua Ye in amazement, raised her face and asked, "Can Oni sauce talk to Xiao Yueyue?"

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth: "Xiao Yueyue?"

"Yeah." Little Lolita nodded seriously, raised the rabbit in her hand and said, "Its name is 'Moon Hare', so the nickname is Xiao Yueyue's."

Moon Hare, your sister!That is one of the protagonists in "Sailor Moon". Although it sounds like an animal, it is actually a person!It's as if hippos are not horses, whales are not fish, snails are not cows, and this angora rabbit is a male rabbit, you even got the sex wrong!

"I usually talk to Xiaoyueyue, but she ignores me..." Little Loli raised her face, there were still wet tears on her face, and her baby-fat little face was full of anticipation, " Oni-chan, can you tell me how to talk to Xiao Yueyue?"

Hua Ye resolutely refused: "No."

If you want to talk to animals, you must either have a heart of nature to listen to the voices of all things, or your strength has reached a certain level, which is obviously impossible for the little girl in front of you.


Little Loli puffed her mouth, her big black and white eyes suddenly turned, looked at Machiko, and asked in a childish voice, "Is my sister O'Neill's girlfriend?"

"Eh, eh?!" Machiko was stunned, his face was immediately flushed with blush, and steam rose from the top of his head, and he hurriedly argued, "Daughter, girlfriend or something, no, it's just a classmate That's all..."

(There is neither a confession nor an agreement... surely they are not boyfriend and girlfriend?)

(And there is Bai Yu classmate, if he sneaks away, maybe he will kill him...)

The wife with a very dangerous hairstyle is well-informed, and when she saw Machiko's blushing face, she didn't speak, just pursed her lips and smiled.

As a result, the next moment, little Lolita looked expectantly and said: "So sister is not Oni-chan's girlfriend? Then I will be Oni-chan's girlfriend!"


The air was suddenly silent.

The little loli had no taboos, she puffed out her small breasts, and said seriously: "I'm in the third grade now, and I can be Oni-chan's girlfriend when I go to junior high school, but Oni-chan will teach me how to get along with you." Xiao Yueyue speak."

In your opinion, can junior high school students fall in love?

Aren't those guys who haven't had a girlfriend in high school all out of date?

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