Machiko clenched the bamboo chopsticks in her hands, took a deep breath, her face was red like fire, and she stammered, "Hua, Hua Ye, I..."

"Huh?" Hua Ye looked up, "What?"

However, as soon as Hua Ye's calm eyes touched, the courage that had been gathered with great difficulty disappeared immediately, and the girl with long black hair quickly shook her head: "No, it's nothing..."

Proactive confession is impossible.

Impossible in this lifetime.

My mother said that girls must be elegant and reserved, how can they take the initiative to confess?

If classmate Hua Ye refuses, he will die, right?

Surely it will?

Even if the confession is successful, and there are still Wei Nai and the others, what should we do then?Not to mention there is the terrifying big devil classmate Bai Yu, who will definitely be bullied to death...

Thinking of this, Machiko bit her lip and changed the subject: "I can't eat so much... Can classmate Hua Ye eat half of these dumplings?"

"You can eat it." Hua Ye shook his head, "I ordered according to your appetite."



Classmate Hua Ye started to tear down the stage again!

Machiko puffed up her cheeks slightly, and said with a guilty conscience, "I can't eat so much..."

Before Hua Ye could speak, he hurriedly picked up a dumpling for Hua Ye and said, "Eat first, if you're not full, I'll come back later..."

Hua Ye nodded: "Yes."

(Confession is impossible, but my mother also said that girls can't just wait for boys to take the initiative. The real way should be to silently invade the other person's life until the other person can't leave her anymore... I always feel that my mother is good Looks great.)

Just at this time, when Hua Ye ate the shrimp, the corner of his mouth got a little sauce.

"Hua Ye, you got something on your face..." Machiko blushed slightly, "May I wipe it off for you?"


In fact, there is no problem with Hua Ye wiping it by himself, but since Machiko wants to help, Hua Ye will not refuse.

Machiko pursed her lips, took out a napkin, leaned forward, and helped Hua Ye wipe the sauce from the corner of his mouth with a blushing face.

(Heart, heartbeat is so fast...)

(I actually did such a thing...)

Hastily wiping off the oil stains on Hua Ye's face, Machiko quickly sat back and was about to eat in silence with her head down, so as to cool down her hot cheeks, when she suddenly noticed Hua Ye turned her head and looked out.

The two sat at a table for two by the window, and the floor-to-ceiling glass was on the left. Machiko followed Hua Ye's gaze and immediately petrified in place.

At some point outside the window, a woman with wine-red hair appeared. Wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses, the woman should look more intellectual and gentle. However, at this moment, the woman's face clearly showed a fanatical smile The lenses of the glasses reflect white light, holding a sketchbook in his left hand, and waving his right hand wildly, as if he is drawing something.

"Cousin, cousin?!"

Hua Ye also recognized the other party. It was Machiko's cousin Miu Amano that he met at the manga exhibition that day, especially the basketball boy's notebook drawn by the other party, which made Hua Ye still fresh in his memory.

Two sweaty teenagers in basketball uniforms are touching each other's cheeks affectionately. Although there is a line of "Coach, I want to play basketball" written next to them, the basketball is just in an inconspicuous corner. !Another thing that puzzles Hua Ye is that after reading the cover, he doesn’t want to open the book to read the contents. There are actually a lot of people who bought it, and there are many male customers... So what kind of psychology is it to like to watch two men wrestling? what! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!

"Shh~~" Miu Amano raised her hand to her lips, "Be quieter."

Only then did Machiko remember that she was still in the dining room, and hurriedly lowered her voice and asked, "Cousin, why are you here?!"

"I don't want to work in a cafe today, so I went to the street to collect materials." Amano Meiyu held a pen in her right hand and pressed it against her lower lip, and said in a very delicate tone, "I accidentally saw the Chinese cabbage I raised at home. It’s so annoying, I said it with complicated emotions.”

One sentence immediately made Machiko feel ashamed, and said falteringly: "Wh, what kind of humiliation... the matter of wiping your face, how can you say humiliation... It's just a meal among classmates..."

The more Machiko talked, the more guilty she became, and she couldn't even lie to herself.

Do ordinary classmates sit at the couple's table and eat together?

This may have.

But if you make an intimate act of wiping the other person's face, you are not an ordinary classmate anyway!

Miha Amano smiled without answering, but turned the sketchbook in her hand to the two of them.

Hua Ye raised his eyebrows and looked, and found that the painting on it was two Q-version men and women. The girl with long hair was helping the boy to wipe his face. Then, there were hearts on the top of the girl's head. A narration: "I believe in love again."

"Do you love?"

Hua Ye stopped his chopsticks and began to think.

Asking the other person to help wipe his face, is it considered love?

He now slowly understands what liking is, but he still doesn't know the meaning of love.

"Cousin, you, what are you talking about!" Machiko was shy and anxious, and the water vapor on her head began to "whoop".

Is this considered coercion?

Wan, what if classmate Hua Ye says that he and he are just ordinary friends, how will they get along with each other in the future!

Machiko secretly looked at Hua Ye, saw Hua Ye frowned slightly, seemed to be thinking about something very serious, and suddenly raised his heart, so nervous that his palms were sweating slightly.

(Oops, oops! Student Hua Ye’s EQ is a bit low... What if suddenly, like the male protagonist of a light novel, he says, ‘You misunderstood, we are just ordinary classmates’, ‘It’s impossible to date, I only like paper people Wife', what should I do?!)

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