Hua Ye raised his head and looked at Machiko: "You..."

"What, what's wrong?" Machiko subconsciously held her breath.

(What should I do? Difficult, has student Hua Ye already made a decision?)

(What would he say? Could it be that it was just a normal classmate relationship?)

Hua Ye reminded, "Your chopsticks touched your clothes."

Machiko: "..."


"Hey, you guys go on, don't worry about me." Amano Miha waved her hand and said with a smile, "Cousin is leaving now..."

How could it be possible to ignore you, you waved your sleeves, although you didn't take away a cloud, you ruined the atmosphere!

After Amano Miu finished speaking, she winked quietly at Machiko, and mouthed: "My stupid cousin, be careful~~"

"Eh? Pay attention to what safety?"

Machiko blinked her eyes, and after noticing the smirk on the corner of her cousin's mouth, she immediately understood, and shouted shyly and angrily, "Cousin, what are you talking about!"

You must be talking about that kind of thing, right?

Obviously it's just for a meal, so I wouldn't do that kind of thing!

Miha Amano waved her hand, and left with a deep concealment of merit and fame.

"That... my cousin is usually a nice person, but sometimes she says some strange things..." Machiko hesitated, "Don't mind Hua Ye..."

"I don't mind."

In fact, Hua Ye really didn't mind.

On the contrary, Machiko was getting more and more reluctant to let go, and now she just bowed her head there, like a shy little daughter-in-law, silently bowing her head to eat.


After eating, Machiko paid the bill, and the two walked out of the restaurant.

The evening wind is a little cold.

Machiko hugged her arms with both hands, and subconsciously moved closer to Hua Ye. Her hair fluttered gently in the evening wind, like a dynamic plum, with an unspeakable beauty.

Without the previous assistance from her cousin, Miu Amano, Machiko would still be able to walk around with Hua Ye, but now she really can't speak, so she can only whisper, "Student Hua Ye, I'm going home first?"

"Well, let's go back." Hua Ye nodded.

Hua Ye's tone was quite calm, unchanged from before, and while Machiko was relieved, he bit his lip slightly.

She raised her hand to hold her hair disheveled by the wind, turned around halfway, her eyes flickered slightly: "Then I went back?"

If you want to go back, hurry back, why do you have to say the same thing again... Wait!

Hua Ye suddenly remembered the top ten subtexts of girls that he saw on the Internet, such as "I'll go to bed first" does not really want to sleep, "You are busy" does not really want you to be busy.

So Hua Ye thought for a moment and said, "Shall I take you back?"

Machiko responded softly, "Hmm..."


Chapter 658: Dragon Quest

Eight fifteen in the evening.

Corner coffee shop.

"Hey, you came late today." Xiao Qian bumped Hua Ye with an elbow, half-closed her eyes and asked, "Be honest, did you go on a date with another girl?"

Is your sixth sense so accurate?Then what kind of job do you have, hurry up and buy a lottery ticket!

Xiaoqian put her arms around her chest, and said in a fierce but unintimidating voice: "Be lenient when you confess, and strict when you resist. If you refuse to confess, you will be imprisoned... As Wei Naijiang's best friend, I will supervise you." yours."

Supervise your sister, when you were walking towards your sister Suguha that day, you were planning to kiss me, if you hadn't raised your hand to block it, you would have given Wei Nai a green by now!

"No date." Hua Ye shook his head.

I just had dinner with Machiko, I didn't do anything else, so it's not a date, right?

"Okay, Xiaoqian, you should go back early." Wei Nai had already changed her clothes, "The security is not very good recently. When I was watching the news during the day, I saw a girl who lost contact."

"Hey, how could we meet by such a coincidence." Xiaoqian waved her hand and didn't care, "Didn't there be a lot of news about girls running away at night before?"

"This time is different." Wei Nai said seriously, "News reports say that the missing girl is in our city, and the murderer has not been caught yet."

"Really?" Xiaoqian became slightly nervous.

"Of course it's true." Wei Nai urged, "Don't be afraid of [-], just in case. In short, when you go back at night, don't walk in the alleys where there are no people. You'd better send me a message when you get home."

"Got it, I'm not a child, so I know it, needless to say." The short-haired girl was obviously a little guilty, "Then I'll go back first...well, see you tomorrow."


On the way back to the apartment, Hua Ye briefly explained what happened that night.

Of course, under Thor's shoulder pinching service, I would never say anything about "pointing" to Kang Na, otherwise I would definitely be overwhelmed by contemptuous eyes.

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