"Hey, is Kanna-chan going to participate in the sports meeting this weekend?" Wei Nai's eyes sparkled, "I haven't seen Kanna-chan since school started, I really want to pinch Kanna's chubby face..."

You face-squeezing devil, if you meet each other, you just squeeze it, and you will definitely be disgusted by then!

"Do you have time this weekend?" Wei Nai looked at Hua Ye, "If you have, why don't you go and cheer for Kang Na?"

"Yeah." Hua Ye nodded.

"By the way, when you left, was Kang Na-chan still arguing?"

"No, she is much happier."

"Hey, how did you do it?"

Hua Ye's answer was simple and straightforward: "Feed."

As long as there are delicious things to fill its mouth, the happiness of that blue-eyed baby dragon will soar!


The two were talking, and they walked downstairs to the apartment without knowing it.

Wei Nai stopped in her tracks, and said, "You should go back early, and send me a message when you get home. The news says that there are girls missing in the city for no reason. Maybe boys are not safe..."

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth: "Why aren't boys safe?"

"Why not?" Wei Nai coughed lightly, with a bright smile in her eyes, but she said solemnly, "I saw a few news about cosplayers who were dressed as women in the morning."

your sister!

Is this the so-called man who bullies a woman? A real man should fuck a man!




The bell for the first class in the morning has already rang. It happened to be the mathematics class of the bald head teacher who is as strong as the governor. In the past, the classroom was so quiet that you could hear a needle drop, but today it is quite lively.

"The school festival has been decided, and it will be held next weekend..." Machiko stood on the podium, holding a chalk in one hand, "So now I want to ask for everyone's opinions..."

Needless to say, what is the school festival? Anyway, most of the light novels will involve it. In short, it is a grand celebration of eating, drinking and having fun. The students are all spectators (yes, that's me), but the school festival in the island country requires most of the students to participate.

As Machiko finished speaking, a girl immediately raised her hand and suggested, "Haunted house!"

"Tch." A girl quickly retorted, "The weather is still very hot now, and the haunted house will cover the entire classroom... What if people don't get scared, but instead faint from the heat?"

"How's the cafe?"

"Wouldn't it be boring to hold a cafe every year with the class?"

"I support ramen restaurants, and I like ramen the most!"

"Photo studio! I've never been afraid of anyone when it comes to taking selfies!"


A group of melon-eating girls were arguing and expressing their opinions, but the corner where Hua Ye and Jia Baili were located was quite quiet. Both of them had the idea of ​​"don't care about your flood, and don't do my business anyway", school festival or something... nothing at all A sense of anticipation.

Machiko wrote everyone's suggestions on the podium, there were as many as a dozen, but most of them were very common project contents.

"Everyone's opinions are very good, let's vote now." Machiko tapped the blackboard, "The tentative plan is a class activity and a party performance..."

Needless to say about the voting process, anyway, the content of the class activities will be determined soon - the maid cafe.

Although it is very common, there must be other classes who will also choose the cafe project, but it still has its merits.For example, you don’t have to be as tiring as a haunted house. A girl needs enough physical strength to pretend to be a ghost. Otherwise, is the soft and sticky "rua" scaring people or looking for sex?

Ramen restaurants or barbecue restaurants are also good proposals. Unfortunately, nowadays, there are more and more girls who can’t cook. At least one-third of the girls in the class are melon-eating girls. Customers are satisfied with the apprentice level culinary skills, not to mention there are dark cooking successors like Liuhua and Satania, it would be very bad if someone is hospitalized.

As a result, these people had a lot of discussion, and finally chose the cafe as the content of the class activity. Sure enough, the essence of human beings is a repeater. After spending so much time, they finally followed the trend.

Hua Ye was not interested in the school festival. He was playing with his phone with his head down, when he suddenly heard Machiko say, "Then the next thing is to vote for the show... Well, someone suggested Dragon Quest, what do you think?"


Hua Ye immediately spat out a mouthful of blood.

What the hell is Dragon Quest?

Is it really good to perform this kind of thing at the party!

be opposed to!strongly oppose!

Hua Ye looked at Liuhua sitting in the front row with a dark face. The hair on the girl's head was swaying from side to side. Seeing Hua Ye looking over, her face suddenly showed a happy expression of "I'm good, praise me, praise me" .

Praise your sister!

Swan Lake or Cancan is more interesting than Dragon Quest!

three minutes later.

The stage play "Dragon Quest" was elected with absolute votes.

These melon-eating girls who don't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement, even selected the candidate for the brave...

Hua Ye said that the world takes jujube pills.

How could he become a brave man when he was a good demon king?

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