Chapter 659

"Okay, it hurts!"

Gabriel begged pitifully for mercy, "I won't do it, you clearly said it wouldn't hurt at all!"

"Be patient, it won't hurt soon."

"Liar, big liar! I haven't fixed it after so long, it must hurt more later, right? I don't want you anymore, I'll find someone else..."

"It's better if you don't talk!"

"You hurt so much, you must use words to divert your attention..."

"You better bite a towel."


Hey, enough is enough for you two, isn't it just picking a wooden thorn, if you have the skills to talk, you have picked it out a long time ago!

Sitting on a chair in the club room, Gabriel rested her chin on the back of the chair and stretched out her right hand tearfully.

Wei Nai was sitting opposite Gabriel, holding a thin needle in her hand, and was picking a wooden thorn in Gabriel's hand.

"Damn! Why are there wooden spikes on the chair!" The useless angel gritted his silver teeth, "I'll smash that chair later!"

"This is an 'accident'." Wei Nai complained, "It's like choking on drinking water, and being blinded by wind and sand while walking. It's neither your fault nor the fault of the chair... Don't move, don't pick a wooden thorn Come out, it will always hurt."

"Then hurry up, it's all bleeding!"

"Isn't it strange that it doesn't bleed?"

Hua Ye couldn't stand listening anymore, and couldn't help but say:

"How about I come?"

Wei Nai glanced at him, thought for a while and said, "Then try it..."

It was also the first time for her to help someone pick out a wooden thorn, and Gabriel was there tearfully crying for pain, so she couldn't pick it out for a while under the distraction.

Hua Ye responded, stretched out his hand to take the silver needle, and then naturally took the little hand of the crippled angel.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but the atmosphere in the club activity room was suddenly quiet for a moment, and even the crippled angel who kept screaming in pain suddenly shut his mouth.


Hua Ye immediately sensed that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

Fortunately, after five seconds, as he picked out the wooden splinter and let go of Gabriel's little hand, the atmosphere quickly returned to normal.

"Okay, give me the needle." Wei Nai reached out to take the thin needle and put it back in the sewing box.There will always be times when the clothes are accidentally torn off the buttons, and Wei Nai will naturally not throw them away, not because she is reluctant, but because she thinks it is a wasteful act to throw away clothes because of a small hole, so she specially prepared Sewing box, otherwise the wood thorns on Gabriel's fingers will hurt for a long time.

"Hey, classmate Hua Ye said so amazingly." La Feier stretched out a slender finger beside him, "Drawing, catching dolls, fishing for goldfish, cooking, and the cosplay at the manga exhibition...Obviously as long as If you dress up, you will be more handsome than the stars on TV, but it is a pity that you have facial paralysis and don't smile at all."

Hua Ye's face darkened slightly, and he stared over.

Who can't laugh?

Then when you bought a yukata in the mall, you obviously laughed, okay?

If your butt itches, just say it.

The black-bellied girl blinked at Hua Ye, and suggested with a happy smile, "Have you noticed that Hua Ye either wears a school uniform or those shirts every day? Although he is very handsome, I still want to see him wear something else." What about the clothes... So when holding a cafe event, should Hua Ye wear a deacon outfit? A maid and a deacon are more suitable."


As soon as this sentence came out, several subtle eyes immediately looked at Hua Ye.

Hua Ye twitched the corners of his mouth, and said with a dark face, "What are you looking at me for?"

Satania raised her hand first: "As an attendant, it is remiss of me to say that I have never worn a servant's clothes once!"

Liuhua nodded in agreement: "That's right, women's can only become stronger by changing clothes."

Gabriel sucked her finger in her mouth and muttered, "Let's dress as a woman."

Machiko blushed slightly, and whispered: "Class activities... everyone is responsible..."

Alice is afraid that the world will not be chaotic: "There are fast deacon outfits in my cafe, you can change them at will!"

Anyway, you all see that it's not a big deal to be annoyed, right?

Hua Ye half-closed his eyes, and glanced over the faces of these girls, all of them looked away guiltily.

Hua Ye finally looked at Wei Nai.

If others make a fuss, you won't follow behind and make a fuss, right?

"That..." Wei Nai coughed lightly and looked away, "Lafite is right..."



on the way home.

The weather was still a bit stuffy, Hua Ye walked towards a nearby vending machine, ready to buy a bottle of drink, when he suddenly saw Igarashi holding an ice cream next to the flower garden.

The legal loli stood on the top of the steps, condescendingly insulting the two teenagers: "What are you drawing? Is it a graffiti of a three-year-old child? Paramecium is better than you!"

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