"And you, don't laugh, you are not even as good as a paramecium!"

Igarashi half-closed his eyes, and looked at the two boys in front of him with disdainful eyes looking at the kitchen waste in the sewer: "Quickly get out, hand in a new copy tomorrow morning, if you can't draw well, I'll kill myself by cutting open my stomach!"

"Yes, Teacher Igarashi!"

The two boys ran away as if they were being pardoned, but Hua Ye could see clearly that their faces were blushing with excitement.

Well, the identification is correct, and there are two shaking Ms again.

This poor-breasted star entered the school through the back door to become a teacher. She is a typical relational household. Even the principal would not dare to trouble her. And insults are common.

It stands to reason that no one should be interested.

But the opposite is true.

This legal loli is very popular in the school. Although she has only been a teacher for a few months, she ranks very high on the list of boys' most popular teachers, even Jing Keai is behind her.

Hua Ye didn't understand why Igarashi's popularity was so high at first, until one afternoon, when he overheard boys from other classes chatting in the corridor, he suddenly realized

"Although Teacher Ai-chan is short and flat-chested, she is still so cute!"

"It feels so good to be scolded by Teacher Aijiang. If I don't get scolded once a day, I will lose my energy."

"That's right, Teacher Aijiang is clearly not majestic, but she still wants to put on a majestic look, especially when she scolds me paramecium with contemptuous eyes, it's almost going to heaven!"

"Walk around, form a group and get scolded."


So I can often see some students deliberately leaning forward, pretending to be stupid to make Igarashi angry, and then enjoying Igarashi's insulting play.

If normal people were scolded, they would definitely get angry and suffocate, but these guys are not only not angry, but the more they are scolded, the more excited they become... This is probably the so-called shaking M.

Having said that, if these people know that the teacher Ai Jiang in their hearts once sucked his finger out of anger, will it explode in place?

After driving away the two students who deliberately scolded, Igarashi licked the ice cream while sweeping across the campus like a queen patrolling the territory. When he saw Hua Ye standing nearby, he couldn't help being startled.

This legal loli hesitated for a moment, as if hesitating whether to come over to say hello, but Hua Ye had already looked away, and was about to turn around and leave.

"Hey, wait a minute, I'll ask you to do it tonight... Ah meow!"

Chapter 660 Igarashi's Public Execution

"Ah meow~!"

An exclamation of embarrassment and annoyance suddenly sounded, Hua Ye turned his head to look, and was speechless immediately.

This legitimate loli probably wanted to come over to talk about making biscuits at night, but when she was walking this way, a gust of wind happened to blow her skirt up, so Hua Ye saw the tempting girl again. Fat style

A black lace dress with lace, and a bow on the side, whether it is for decoration or for fun, formed a sharp black and white contrast with her slender and white legs.

So it shows that it is a primary school student's body, but wearing such a charming fat dress, it doesn't match at all!If you want to wear it, you should wear the pink bear Pangci!

"Close your eyes! Don't look!"

Igarashi blushed and shouted angrily.


Hua Ye raised his eyebrows, instead of closing his eyes, he stopped and looked uprightly.

If you say you are not allowed to see it, then you are not allowed to see it. Wouldn't that be very embarrassing?

It's fine to speak well, but the arrogant tone of this order makes people very uncomfortable.

"Yes, damn it!"

Igarashi blushed even more, this time mainly because of anger, she bit her lips tightly, half-closed her eyes, stared at Hua Ye with contempt, and pulled her skirt with the other hand... because misfortunes never come singly What's more, her position just now was next to the flowerbed, but her skirt was caught by the branches in the flowerbed!

It's a pity that the more anxious you are to pull it off, the more you can't pull it off, so from a second of shame to a public execution!

(Damn it! I will have this flower garden cut down for firewood tomorrow!)

Igarashi hurriedly pulled on her skirt, seeing that Hua Ye was still standing there looking at her, she became even more annoyed.

(Hundan! You are still standing there without moving? If I don’t speak, don’t you know how to come and help me!)

Calling for help was out of the question.

Impossible in this lifetime.

As the queen of the night, how could she humbly ask a man for help because of such a trivial matter?

If people know about it, I don't want to lose face.

This legal loli bit her lip angrily, one hand pulled the skirt that was caught by the flower branch, and the other hand subconsciously covered up the fat time, but she forgot that she was still holding an ice cream in the other hand

As a majestic teacher, it is naturally impossible to eat ice cream in front of the students, so when Igarashi cursed just now, the ice cream had already melted a lot in the air.

At this moment, using the hand holding the ice cream to cover the spring under the skirt is tantamount to fighting the fire with a salary, and asking for a fish after a tree!Not only did it fail to cover the spring, but accidentally touched the softened ice cream to Fatty, the cold and slippery touch made the legal loli tremble all over, and she even wanted to kill someone!

"Damn it! Even a piece of ice cream is against me, and I will destroy you humanely with a high temperature of [-] million degrees!"

Your sister, the temperature on the surface of the sun is only [-] degrees Celsius, how can there be a high temperature of [-] million degrees for you to destroy an ice cream!Wouldn't it be good to eat it in one bite?

At this time, a burst of chatter and laughter came from the teaching building, apparently other students were about to leave school.

Igarashi suddenly panicked.

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