It is already a great shame to be seen by Hua Ye. If he is seen by other paramecium-like students again, he will definitely not be able to resist killing them all!

In a panic, this legal loli grabbed the hem of the skirt and pulled it hard

Facts have proved that stroking cats has to be done along the fur, and the hem of skirts has to be pulled along the flower branches. Violent methods will only make things worse.

After the sound of "tearing", the skirt was finally torn off, but the skirt also broke a big hole, turning into a slit skirt like a high-cut cheongsam.

It's just that the fork is a little high, completely exposing the lace fat times that most need protection to the air.


There was no fluctuation in Hua Ye's heart, and he even wanted to laugh.

This legitimate loli almost bit her lips to the point of blood, and even tears rolled in her eyes. Finally, she couldn't help asking Hua Ye for help, and said in an extremely aggrieved voice, "You, come and help me!"

Hua Ye walked up to the legal loli and asked:

"How to help?"

I am not Dongfang Bubai, of course it is impossible to carry embroidery needles with me, so it is impossible to mend skirts.

Seeing the flashing smile in Hua Ye's eyes, Igarashi's silver teeth were about to be gritted in grievance.

(Soul light! Great soul light!)

(If you had come to help just now, this kind of thing would never have happened!)

(I... I am your teacher after all, have you ever watched your teacher get embarrassed!)

"Stand to my right and help me block other people's sight!" Igarashi gritted her silver teeth, and her thoughts became clearer. "I remember there are many hotels outside the school, let's go there quickly..."

"What are you doing at the hotel?" Hua Ye raised his eyebrows and asked.

"What do you think?!"

Igarashi threw out the ice cream in his hands angrily, and the ice cream that melted a lot drew an arc and flew into the trash can not far away, "My... clothes are stained with ice cream, of course I have to go Clean up the hotel!"

The melted cream was sticky and released waves of coolness, which made Igarashi extremely ashamed, but at the same time, there was a faint feeling of incomparable weirdness...

"Hurry up, hurry up!" This lawful loli grabbed Hua Ye's clothes and urged, "Before anyone else sees it, I will definitely die of anger if I am seen by others!"

If you are seen by others, you will be pissed off, but if you are seen by me, is it okay?

Hua Ye thought for a while, but still didn't ask this question, but let Igarashi lead her to cover her exposed skirt.

The two walked out of the school quickly.

Unless it is those aristocratic girls' schools built in the deep mountains, there will never be a shortage of hotels around the school. Needless to say, everyone understands the reason.

Igarashi was in a hurry to change clothes now, so naturally he didn't pay so much attention, so he directly dragged Hua Ye into the nearest love hotel.

At the front desk of the hotel was a bespectacled man in his twenties, who was sitting on a swivel chair and playing games with his head down. He raised his head when he heard the movement, and was surprised when he saw Igarashi behind Huaye. .

(If I remember correctly, there is no elementary school nearby, right?)

(Although I have seen junior high school students come to open a room...but it is the first time I have seen a primary school student come to open a room. If the parents of this elementary school student see it, this boy will definitely have his leg broken!)

(Besides, that primary school girl has reddish eye circles and disheveled clothes. Maybe she was coerced...)

"Student, you're going too far." The man with glasses put down his phone and looked at Hua Ye with a broken heart.

Hua Ye is still wearing a school uniform, there is nothing wrong with calling out to classmates, but the phrase "a little too much" makes Hua Ye puzzled.

After I came in, I didn't say a word whether it was good or not, how could it be too much!

"As a human being, you must have a bottom line." The glasses boy pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said earnestly, "If necessary, I can give you some contact information of girls who provide 'special services'..."

"Special service?"

Hua Ye soon realized that the so-called special service should mean "compensated | dating service".

your sister!

Aren't you the front desk of the hotel? You actually work part-time as a pimp. You really are making money!

"Come, come, take a look at the photos first, if you are not satisfied, let's change..."

Did you start soliciting business in public?

You, a pimp, are too dedicated! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!

Hua Ye said with a dark face: "No need, I'm not interested at all!"

"Okay then, come to me again if you need it... But I won't open this room today." The glasses boy pointed to Igarashi and said earnestly, "Listen to my advice, don't attack elementary school students, otherwise I will have my legs broken..."


Hua Ye finally understood why the other party wanted to be a pimp, he gently pulled the corner of his mouth, and was about to speak, when a scolding sound of gnashing his teeth sounded.

"You are a primary school student, and your whole family is a primary school student!"

Igarashi was already holding back his anger, but now he is recognized as a primary school student, which is unbearable, "You idiot who only judges people by their appearance, even worse than paramecium! Open your small mung bean eyes to see clearly , I am his teacher! Mention the three words elementary school again, believe it or not, I will break your legs now!"

Chapter 661 The Correct Way to Open the Bowknot

"Hurry up and open the room, don't look at me with such disgusting eyes! You are an inferior creature that is not as good as a paramecium!"


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