"Thank you, classmate Hua Ye." Kitano Haruka was still in shock, raised her hand and patted her chest, and then wriggled her arm with a blushing face.

Hua Ye let her go, and asked casually, "It's so late, what are you doing here if you don't go home?"

Hearing Hua Ye's words, the bob-haired girl couldn't help showing a look of grievance on her face, she looked down at her toes, and whispered, "I, I'm lost..."


Such a big living person can still get lost, you must have stayed too far!

Kitano Haruka blushed slightly, and said aggrievedly: "I don't want to... After finishing work tonight, I heard that there was a discount in a supermarket, so I went to buy some milk and bread, and then I planned to walk home. As a result, when I crossed the intersection, I was accidentally rubbed by someone, and my glasses fell off..."

Hua Ye glanced at her, no wonder he felt that there was a difference, it turned out that she was not wearing glasses.

"The glasses are broken?"

"Hmm..." Haruka Kitano whispered, "I was trampled..."

It turns out that without glasses, I can't see clearly at night, and it's not the familiar street, so I just wander around here hesitantly.

Hua Ye thought for a while and said, "Where is your home?"

Kitano reported an address, then raised his face and looked at Hua Ye expectantly.

"It's a little far..."

Hua Ye just said something casually, but Kitano Haruka immediately burst into tears, "Yes, I'm sorry! It's really wrong to cause trouble to Hua Ye at such a late hour... But I have been looking for a long time, but I can't find it back The way...so kind-hearted Hua Ye please help me, may I buy you milk?"

Don't spam good person cards casually!Who cares about your milk!

"No need." Hua Ye shook his head and said, "My home is right here..."

Before she finished speaking, the bob-headed girl hurriedly shook her head and said nervously:

"I, I won't stay at your house!"


Who told you to spend the night at my house!

I just want to say that our two families are in the same direction, what are you doing so nervous!

Haruka Kitano looked at Hua Ye cautiously, stepped back quietly, and said vigilantly: "If classmate Hua Ye is busy, then forget it, I can look for it for a while..."

Looking for your sister, your glasses are broken now, the street lights are very dim, and there are many alleys, you may turn to tomorrow morning, and you will not be able to find your way!

With a dark face, Hua Ye turned around and left, saying:

"You want to spend the night, but I still don't agree! Walk with me for a while, wait until you reach a familiar street, and then walk alone."

The bob-haired girl breathed a sigh of relief, and followed Hua Ye in small steps with a shopping bag in her hand: "Thank you, classmate Hua Ye..."

The moonlight is cool.

There are not many pedestrians on the road anymore.

Hua Ye walked in front, and Kitano was a body behind, and followed Hua Ye step by step. The sound of two almost overlapping footsteps echoed softly on the long street.

Although he still couldn't recognize the strange looking road in front of him, Haruka Kitano felt more at ease.

(Fortunately, I met classmate Hua Ye, otherwise I really don't know what to do...)

(Although Hua Ye is green as the class monitor, he is still a good person after all... right?)

Hua Ye was not interested in talking, and the bob-haired girl was also not good at chatting, so she just quietly followed Hua Ye along the way, but gradually became playful, and subconsciously walked on Hua Ye's shadow.

Hua Ye caught a glimpse of it out of the corner of his eye, but ignored it.

After walking in silence for ten minutes, the scene in front of me finally became familiar.

"Okay, it's enough to get here, I know how to go..." Bei Yeyao stood still, with his legs together, lowered his head and took out a bottle of milk from the shopping bag, "Thank you, Hua Ye, this bottle Please accept the milk."

"I'm not thirsty." Hua Ye waved his hand and turned to leave.

Kitano Haruka bit her lower lip, silently put back the bottle of milk, turned and walked home.

"It's inconvenient if the glasses are broken, let's go to a nearby store to get a pair of glasses first..."

Thinking of this, Kitano Haruka turned and walked towards the nearby optical shop.

Kitano Haruka heaved a sigh of relief when he regained his clear vision after wearing the glasses.However, on the way home, the bob-haired girl suddenly discovered that a hazy mist appeared in front of her eyes at some point. This mist was very strange, as if it rushed from all directions at once, and even the surrounding scenery became faintly visible.

"Hey, what's going on? Are the glasses broken?"

It is the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. Although the evening wind is a bit cold, it will definitely not cause such a heavy fog.

Kitano Haruka took off his glasses, raised his hand and rubbed his eyes, but the fog in front of him not only did not dissipate, but thickened even more.

A very uneasy feeling came to my heart, as if something in the fog was silently watching me.

"It's not about the glasses..."

The bob-haired girl held one hand in front of her chest, took a deep breath, and hurriedly rushed home.

Her home is not a rented apartment, but a very common two-story compound house. Following the familiar memory, even in this white mist, Kitano Haruka quickly walked outside the house.

She took out the key and was about to open the door when she heard a faint sigh, her body stiffened immediately, the key in her hand fell to the ground with a clang, and she walked into the quietly opened door involuntarily ...

Chapter 665 Machiko's Home Visit

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