"Hey, Kitano-san didn't come to class today, didn't you ask for leave?"

In the office, Machiko asked curiously.

There are many people who don't come to school, such as Gabriel, who is diligent in cultivating immortals, because she often says good night to the city at three or four o'clock in the morning, so she will not come to class if she oversleep, and everyone has become accustomed to it.

However, it was the first time that Kitano Haruka was absent.

Although the bob-haired girl is somewhat introverted and has few friends in the class, she has never been late or left early. It is hard to believe that she will be absent for no reason.

"That's why I called you over." Jing Keai flicked the lady's cigarette on her finger, hugged her chest with one hand, folded her right leg on top of her left leg, the curves of her legs were beautiful and delicate, and said lazily, "I I just called, but unfortunately no one answered... She is a single-parent family, and her mother seems to be in poor health, and she didn't even leave her mobile phone number. I have something to do today, so I can't get away, so please go to my home to see Look, if there's anything you can't handle, call me again."

"Understood, teacher." Machiko nodded and agreed.

As a squad leader, this is something that cannot be shirked.

After getting Kitano Haruka's home address from Jing Keai, Machiko planned to ask Hua Ye to accompany her on a home visit, but after seeing the silver-haired girl entangled with Hua Ye, Machiko hesitated for a moment, and finally turned and left silently.

"A home visit or something, it's fine to be alone... right?"

Speechless all the way.

He walked safely outside Kitano Haruka's house.

It's only five o'clock in the afternoon, and the sky is still early, but this area is a bit desolate, and there are hardly any pedestrians on the road.

"I don't know if Kitano-san is at home..."

Machiko stood outside the door, raised her hand and rang the doorbell.

Unfortunately, there was no movement in the house.

"Aren't you at home..."

Machiko was a little disappointed, but also a little worried.

(I can't get through the phone, and I'm not at home. Could it be that I'm in some danger?)

(It was said in the news that a girl disappeared for no reason recently, and was only found a few days later, but she couldn't remember what happened at all...)

(Kitano-san...shouldn't be so unlucky, right?)

At this time, out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a faint light flashing past.

Machiko looked down and soon found a bunch of dropped keys near the potted plants.

Bending down to pick up the bunch of keys, an uneasy premonition welled up in my heart.

"Is it Kitano-san's key?"

"Looking at the location where it fell, it should be that I didn't hold it firmly when I was about to open the door, but such a key will make a loud sound when it falls on the ground..."

"Difficult, could it be..."

After a very simple reasoning, a terrible idea came to mind.

"Could it be that the villain is at Kitano Haruka's house?!"

Thinking of this, Machiko immediately held her breath and stepped back timidly.

It is impossible to open the door with a key.

In TV dramas, those guys who can't suppress their curiosity and act alone have always died the fastest.

Machiko quickly took out her mobile phone and was about to call Hua Ye for help.

However, just after taking out the mobile phone, Machiko suddenly discovered that the closed door had quietly opened a gap at some point. At the same time, a translucent silk thread suddenly appeared on the arm, and then the eyes were black with horror. The straight girl walked into the house with stiff steps...

"Student Hua Ye, don't leave, we agreed to try on clothes today!"

Outside the club activity room, Rafael stopped Hua Ye.

Hua Ye said blankly: "Who told you? It's all wishful thinking!"

The black-bellied girl stretched out a slender finger: "Hey, classmate Hua Ye is afraid of changing clothes, right?"

You continue to hide, anyway, it has been recorded in a small notebook, there will always be times when you cry.

Hua Ye snorted coldly: "The aggressive method is useless to me."

"Then I like classmate Hua Ye the most." Seeing no one around, the black-bellied girl changed her face instantly, clasped her hands together, and begged pitifully, "Student Hua Ye, please go."

Hua Ye remained unmoved: "It's no use begging me."

"Woo~~ What exactly is student Hua Ye thinking?" Rafael puffed up her pink cheeks, rolled her eyes lightly, put her hands behind her back, then tiptoed to Hua Ye's ear, and said softly, "... How about we also wear maid outfits for classmate Hua Ye to see?"

After speaking, he blew on Hua Ye as if he was dying, and the warm breath fell on his neck, which was a little itchy.


It is undeniable that Hua Ye did hesitate for a moment.

As expected, there is still some expectation for the maid outfit.

"Hmm! Leave the maid outfit to me!" Rafael immediately patted his chest, tilted his head slightly, and stuck out the tip of his pink tongue with a happy smile, "Go this way, master sama~~"


Cafeteria, staff locker room.

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