Behind her, the door closed again with a "click".

"Could it be a monster?"

All kinds of terrible guessing thoughts came to mind, if it wasn't for the uncontrollable body, Machiko would have fallen to the ground with weak legs.

Passing through the hallway, you will see a clean and tidy living room.

The target of the home visit, Haruka Kitano, was sitting on the sofa, and there was a strange girl standing by the window.

The reason why she was said to be strange was because the girl had long silver hair with a metallic texture, she was wearing a dark gothic-style long skirt, and there was a pair of black wings on the back that she didn't know if they were decorations.

(It's, it's okay, at least it's not a scary monster, and it's not a man, and Kitano-san doesn't seem to be hurt...)

Machiko breathed a sigh of relief, but soon became nervous again.

(No, many boys like to wear women's clothes nowadays, and women's clothes look better than girls' clothes. Maybe this person in front of him is a man disguised as a woman...)

But Machiko soon discovered that these worries were not important at all.

Because when the weird girl turned around from the window, Machiko could clearly see that the opponent's chest was actually a transparent hole the size of a fist, and inside was a rotating brass gear, just like an old-fashioned wind-up clock. Full of indescribable disharmony.

(what happened?)

(Difficult, is it a prank show?)

(but not at all like...)

"Squad leader, why are you here?" Kitano Haruka hurriedly stood up from the sofa and asked with a slightly pale face.

"I'm here for a home visit. You haven't come to class for a day, and you can't get through the phone..."

Kitano Haruka blinked, a little dazed: "I, I didn't go to class all day? How is it possible, I obviously..."

Just as Machiko was about to speak, she suddenly realized that her body had regained control, so she hurriedly used her mobile phone to ask Hua Ye for help.

However, the next moment, the mobile phone in her hand flew out.

"I don't want to be disturbed." A flat voice without the slightest ups and downs sounded in the room.

Seeing that the other party seemed to be able to communicate, Machiko breathed a sigh of relief for a while, and wisely did not go to get the mobile phone that flew on the table, but asked, "Um...what's your name?"

After a short silence, the weird girl with her back to the sun said without a trace of ups and downs: "I don't have a name."

"Eh? What do you mean?" Machiko blinked and asked subconsciously, "Everyone should have a name, right?"

Machiko doesn't know whether names have anything to do with people's fortunes, but even domestic cats and dogs will definitely have a name. How can anyone not have a name?

Before she finished speaking, Haruka Kitano reached out and pulled the corner of her clothes. The bob-haired girl looked fearful and whispered, "Squad leader, don't ask any more questions..."

"I'm Artificial Puppet No. 8. I only have a number, but no name." The strange girl with the gear on her chest came over.

"Eh? Golem?" Machiko was a little confused.

(Is it fake? Man-made puppets or something, they are obviously things that only exist in those light novels!)

(But, those gears on the opponent's chest are not fake at all, even if it's tricky, it's impossible to transform the body into that kind of appearance, and just now the body lost control, it's like being pulled by someone like a marionette...)

(Marionettes? Artificial golems?)

(Could it be true what she said?!)

As the other party approached step by step, a feeling of uneasiness welled up in my heart.

Machiko wanted to back subconsciously, but found that her body could not move again.

"I'm hungry." Artificial Puppet No. 8 said calmly.

The body could not move, but the mouth could still speak. Machiko hurriedly said, "I, I ordered takeaway for you?"

The voice of artificial puppet No. 8 did not fluctuate: "I don't eat human food."

Machiko subconsciously wanted to complain: "Because your chest is empty, everything you eat will leak out, and it will also dirty the gears!"

But she naturally wouldn't complain, but asked nervously: "Then what do you eat? I'll buy it for you..."

Artificial puppet No. 8 said calmly: "What I eat is memory."

"Oh... eh?!" Machiko opened her eyes wide, "Memory?"

Can memory be eaten as food?

Are you kidding me?

What kind of dark cuisine is this!

"Eating other people's memories can help me understand what a real 'person' is." The man-made puppet No. 8's voice was still calm, and she turned her head to look at Haruka Kitano, as if saying something trivial, "Her Memories don’t taste good, I hope your memories taste better.”

Machiko subconsciously turned her head to look at Haruka Kitano.

The bob-haired girl's eyes were blank, "I, my memory was eaten? How come, I have no memory at all..."


At this moment, Machiko suddenly woke up.

Why did Haruka Kitano have a bewildered expression when I said that I came here for a home visit just now? Why did those missing girls not know what happened to them after they were found... because their memories were all eaten up. !

"no, do not want!"

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