Machiko opened her eyes wide in horror. Even if daily life is not so exciting, there are still many beautiful things that are worth cherishing and protecting. If the memory is eaten, those beautiful touches, heart-stirring moments, unforgettable unforgettable, They will all disappear completely, right?

Don't, don't even die!

Unable to move her body, unable to speak, Machiko could only pray desperately in her heart: "Student Hua Ye, save me!?"



Hua Ye, who was preparing to change in the locker room, suddenly felt the emotion and frowned.


Hua Ye squinted his eyes, and slapped his right hand on his abdomen without hesitation, releasing the seal.

Then... teleportation!

Chapter 667 Don't Do This...

Looking at the puppet girl who was about to walk in front of her, Machiko suddenly remembered the conversation that night.

"Twice I asked classmate Hua Ye for help, but I ended up scaring myself...Will classmate Hua Ye come to rescue me if I am really in danger next time?"

I remember that Hua Ye said very seriously at that time that he would come to save himself. What classmate Hua Ye said, he must be able to do it, right?

But now that the phone has been taken away, there is no chance to make a phone call at all... Does Hua Ye know that I am in danger?

Sure enough, it's just my own extravagant wish...

In desperation, Machiko suddenly saw behind the puppet girl, a door of light condensed by light appeared out of thin air, and then a familiar figure in a black butler's outfit stepped out.

"...Student Hua Ye?!"

The bob-haired girl also opened her eyes wide in surprise.

"That's... the classmate Hua Ye who cuckolded the class monitor?"

"It seemed to appear out of thin air just now? Why did you dress like that?"

"But it looks... so handsome..."

With the appearance of Hua Ye, the sound of silk thread breaking suddenly sounded in the air, and Machiko and Kitano Haruka immediately recovered their ability to move.

The puppet girl took a step back, turned her head to look at Hua Ye, her voice remained as calm as ever: "... Onmyoji?"

"Hua Ye, be careful, she can control people's bodies..." Machiko pulled Kitano Haruka and quickly ran behind Hua Ye.

Hua Ye looked down and saw the tears on Machiko's face, a gleam of coldness flashed in his eyes, and he turned to stare at the puppet girl.

When the eyes of the puppet girl and Hua Ye met, the indifferent eyes finally changed drastically.

Even though she was just an alchemy life, she was born with no understanding of human emotions, but at this moment, she still really felt what fear is.

The moment she met Hua Ye's eyes, she suddenly remembered a sentence

When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes into you.

Hua Ye didn't make a move.

It's just a low-level alchemy puppet, there is no need to do it yourself, just a look is enough.


As Hua Ye uttered a word coldly, the puppet girl fell to the ground trembling as if she had received a self-destruct order, and the sound of gears collapsing could not be heard from her body. Porcelain's skin also began to show pieces of cracks, and in just a short moment, it changed from a delicate and perfect doll girl to a shocking shattered toy.

"don't want……"

A trembling voice sounded from behind Hua Ye.

Hua Ye turned his head, just in time to see two lines of tears falling down Machiko's jade-like cheeks.

The girl with long black hair and straight hair held Hua Ye's arm tightly, as if Hua Ye would disappear if she let go.

"Don't do this... I'm so scared."

At this moment, Hua Ye was aloof and ruthless, but Machiko felt very strange, even if it was just a puppet girl, even if it was for her own sake, she would never kill Hua Ye.

Only this, absolutely not.


Hua Ye paused and closed the seal.

While unlocking its own seal, the overflowing power will inevitably affect the surrounding environment.

Even if Hua Ye completely unlocks the seal, he will turn into a black hole of causal law. As long as his mind moves, he will distort and rewrite the laws of this world, such as endowing all human beings with "a physique that won't get fat no matter how much they eat", and Or "all girls will be fixed at the age of seventeen forever" and so on.

As Hua Ye closed the seal, the unreachable sense of distance quickly disappeared.

"Poke poke-"

The girl with long black hair carefully poked Hua Ye's arm a few times.

Hua Ye said speechlessly, "What are you doing?"

Poking music is the exclusive skill of that useless angel, when did you learn it!

Machiko replied in a low voice: "I want to see if classmate Hua Ye made it up in my head..."

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